Devil Boruta
Devil Boruta is a fictional character from Polish mythology, folklore and literature, associated with the Polish town of Łęczyca.

The character is the transformation of the Slavic demon
Slavic mythology
Slavic mythology is the mythological aspect of the polytheistic religion that was practised by the Slavs before Christianisation.The religion possesses many common traits with other religions descended from the Proto-Indo-European religion....

Boruta was a demon in the Slavic mythology. In ancient Slavic, boruta meant pine tree: according to the folklore, the god dwelled indeed in this kind of trees....

 in post-Christianization
Baptism of Poland
The Baptism of Poland was the event in 966 that signified the beginning of the Christianization of Poland, commencing with the baptism of Mieszko I, who was the first ruler of the Polish state. The next significant step in Poland's adoption of Christianity was the establishment of various...


He was usually considered to be a nobleman
The szlachta was a legally privileged noble class with origins in the Kingdom of Poland. It gained considerable institutional privileges during the 1333-1370 reign of Casimir the Great. In 1413, following a series of tentative personal unions between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of...

, and accordingly, he was usually busy with corrupting nobles, leaving other social classes to other devils. Tales that do mention his coat of arms overwhelmingly say it's Nowina -- albeit, with Polish coat of arms being often shared among a number of unrelated families, this did not lay any shame upon its other users.
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