Convoy de la victoria
The Convoy de la victoria (English: "Victory's convoy") was the name given by the Spanish Nationalists to a naval battle which took place on 5 August 1936 in the Strait of Gibraltar
Strait of Gibraltar
The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates Spain in Europe from Morocco in Africa. The name comes from Gibraltar, which in turn originates from the Arabic Jebel Tariq , albeit the Arab name for the Strait is Bab el-Zakat or...

 during the Spanish Civil War
Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil WarAlso known as The Crusade among Nationalists, the Fourth Carlist War among Carlists, and The Rebellion or Uprising among Republicans. was a major conflict fought in Spain from 17 July 1936 to 1 April 1939...

 between the escort of a Nationalist convoy and the Republican
Second Spanish Republic
The Second Spanish Republic was the government of Spain between April 14 1931, and its destruction by a military rebellion, led by General Francisco Franco....

 destroyer Alcalá Galiano. The convoy departed from Ceuta
Ceuta is an autonomous city of Spain and an exclave located on the north coast of North Africa surrounded by Morocco. Separated from the Iberian peninsula by the Strait of Gibraltar, Ceuta lies on the border of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Ceuta along with the other Spanish...

 and was made up of four transports escorted by the gunboat Dato, the coastguard ship Uad Kert (WWI armed trawler, ex-HMT Rother) and the old T-1 class torpedo boat T-19. Three Republican destroyers were keeping a close watch on Spanish Morocco
Spanish Morocco
The Spanish protectorate of Morocco was the area of Morocco under colonial rule by the Spanish Empire, established by the Treaty of Fez in 1912 and ending in 1956, when both France and Spain recognized Moroccan independence.-Territorial borders:...

 ports, but only the Alcalá Galiano engaged the Nationalist ships. The convoy, bound for Algeciras
Algeciras is a port city in the south of Spain, and is the largest city on the Bay of Gibraltar . Port of Algeciras is one of the largest ports in Europe and in the world in three categories: container,...

, successfuly reached its destination on the evening after a brief exchange of fire. While mooring in Algeciras, the gunboat Dato straddled British
Great Britain
Great Britain or Britain is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island, as well as the largest of the British Isles...

 destroyer HMS Basilisk
HMS Basilisk (H11)
HMS Basilisk was a of the British Royal Navy that saw early World War II service in Norway, before being sunk at Dunkirk in 1940.-Construction:...

 after misidentyfing her as Republican. While steaming back to Málaga
Málaga is a city and a municipality in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, Spain. With a population of 568,507 in 2010, it is the second most populous city of Andalusia and the sixth largest in Spain. This is the southernmost large city in Europe...

, the Alcalá Galiano was attacked and hit by Nationalist aircraft. Francoist sources claim that she suffered 18 seamen killed and 28 wounded.
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