Come the Apocalypse
Come the Apocalypse is an episode in the animated TV series X-Men Animated Series. This episode is loosely based on X-Factor #24.


X-Men: Professor X
Professor X
Professor Charles Francis Xavier, also known as Professor X, is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero known as the leader and founder of the X-Men....

, Cyclops
Cyclops (comics)
Cyclops is a fictional character, the leader of the X-Men superhero team in the . A mutant, Cyclops emits a powerful energy beam from his eyes...

, Wolverine
Wolverine (comics)
Wolverine is a fictional character, a superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Born as James Howlett and commonly known as Logan, Wolverine is a mutant, possessing animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, three retracting bone claws on each hand and a healing...

, Storm, Rogue
Rogue (comics)
Rogue was first slated to appear in Ms. Marvel #25 , but the book's abrupt cancellation left her original introduction story unpublished for over a decade, before seeing print in Marvel Super Heroes #11 in 1992. Rogue's first published appearance was in Avengers Annual #10...

, Gambit
Gambit (comics)
Gambit is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero that has been a member of the X-Men. Created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Jim Lee, the character first appeared briefly in Uncanny X-Men Annual #14 , weeks before a more comprehensive appearance in Uncanny X-Men #266...

, Jean Grey
Jean Grey
Jean Grey-Summers is a fictional comic book superheroine appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. She has been known under the aliases Marvel Girl, Phoenix, and Dark Phoenix and is best known as one of five original members of the X-Men, for her relationship with Cyclops, and for her...

, Jubilee
Jubilee (comics)
Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superheroine associated with the X-Men.A mutant, Jubilee had the superhuman power to generate "fireworks" of explosive plasma. A teenage "mall rat," she was the X-Men's youngest member in the early 1990s, often playing sidekick to...

Supporting characters: Moira MacTaggert
Moira MacTaggert
Dr. Moira Kinross MacTaggert is a fictional character appearing in X-Men stories in the Marvel Comics universe. She works as a geneticist and is an expert in mutant affairs. Olivia Williams played a minor role of Dr. Moira MacTaggert in X-Men: The Last Stand...

, "Dr. Adler"

Villains: Apocalypse
Apocalypse (comics)
Apocalypse is a fictional character who is an ancient mutant that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in X-Factor #5 , created by writer Louise Simonson and designed by artist Walter Simonson...

, Archangel
Archangel (comics)
Warren Kenneth Worthington III is a fictional character, a comic book antihero in the Marvel Comics universe. Originally known as Angel and later Archangel, Worthington is one of the founding members of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-creator Jack Kirby, he first appeared in...

, War
War (comics)
War is the name of three fictional characters, who are Marvel Comics supervillains. Two are discussed here: both members of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. the first War and Abraham Kieros...

, Famine
Famine (comics)
Famine is a fictional character, a Mutant supervillain appearing in the Marvel Comics universe. She is most notable for being one of the original four horsemen of the villain Apocalypse.-Fictional character biography:...

, Pestilence
Plague (comics)
Plague was a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe. She was originally a member of the Morlocks before joining the Horsemen of Apocalypse.-Publication history:...

, Mystique
Mystique (comics)
Mystique is a fictional character associated with the Marvel Comics' franchise X-Men. Originally created by artist David Cockrum and writer Chris Claremont, she first appeared in Ms...

Cameos: none


In Dr. Adler's laboratory, the doctor straps Warren Worthington III into his machine and prepares him for the cure treatment. As the machine lights up, Dr. Adler reverts back to Mystique
Mystique (comics)
Mystique is a fictional character associated with the Marvel Comics' franchise X-Men. Originally created by artist David Cockrum and writer Chris Claremont, she first appeared in Ms...

 and cackles as Warren screams in agony. Apocalypse
Apocalypse (comics)
Apocalypse is a fictional character who is an ancient mutant that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in X-Factor #5 , created by writer Louise Simonson and designed by artist Walter Simonson...

 appears and congratulates Mystique on finding such a great mutant
Mutant (Marvel Comics)
In comic books published by Marvel Comics, a mutant is an organism who possesses a genetic trait called an X-gene that allows the mutant to naturally develop superhuman powers and abilities...

 to be his slave. Meanwhile, mutants on Muir Island
Muir Island
Muir Island is a small, fictional island off the northern coast of Scotland in the Marvel Comics universe. It plays a prominent role in the X-Men comics and its related series.-History:...

 are in an uproar about waiting for Dr. Adler's cure, desperately wanting to be normal. Professor X
Professor X
Professor Charles Francis Xavier, also known as Professor X, is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero known as the leader and founder of the X-Men....

, Cyclops
Cyclops (comics)
Cyclops is a fictional character, the leader of the X-Men superhero team in the . A mutant, Cyclops emits a powerful energy beam from his eyes...

, Jean Grey
Jean Grey
Jean Grey-Summers is a fictional comic book superheroine appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. She has been known under the aliases Marvel Girl, Phoenix, and Dark Phoenix and is best known as one of five original members of the X-Men, for her relationship with Cyclops, and for her...

, and Rogue
Rogue (comics)
Rogue was first slated to appear in Ms. Marvel #25 , but the book's abrupt cancellation left her original introduction story unpublished for over a decade, before seeing print in Marvel Super Heroes #11 in 1992. Rogue's first published appearance was in Avengers Annual #10...

 watch as two mutants playing darts, a young man named Abraham Kieros
War (comics)
War is the name of three fictional characters, who are Marvel Comics supervillains. Two are discussed here: both members of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. the first War and Abraham Kieros...

 and an old woman (Plague
Plague (comics)
Plague was a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe. She was originally a member of the Morlocks before joining the Horsemen of Apocalypse.-Publication history:...

, one of the Morlocks seen in "Captive Hearts
Captive Hearts (X-Men)
Captive Hearts is the fifth episode from the first season of X-Men: The Animated Series. Fox Kids broadcast the episode on January 30, 1993. It introduced the villains known as "Morlocks" to the series...

"), bicker about the cure. Other mutants, such as a young, anorexic girl named Autumn Rolfson
Famine (comics)
Famine is a fictional character, a Mutant supervillain appearing in the Marvel Comics universe. She is most notable for being one of the original four horsemen of the villain Apocalypse.-Fictional character biography:...

, are beating themselves up inside. Suddenly, Warren walks in and explains that the cure really does work.

Apocalypse, meanwhile, has already turned Warren into the Horseman of Death
Death (Marvel Comics)
Death is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Captain Marvel #27 Death is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Captain Marvel #27 Death is a fictional...

. Abraham, Plague, and Autumn all take the treatment, and become War
War (comics)
War is the name of three fictional characters, who are Marvel Comics supervillains. Two are discussed here: both members of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. the first War and Abraham Kieros...

, Pestilence
Plague (comics)
Plague was a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe. She was originally a member of the Morlocks before joining the Horsemen of Apocalypse.-Publication history:...

, and Famine
Famine (comics)
Famine is a fictional character, a Mutant supervillain appearing in the Marvel Comics universe. She is most notable for being one of the original four horsemen of the villain Apocalypse.-Fictional character biography:...

 respectively. The X-Men
The X-Men are a superhero team in the . They were created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, and first appeared in The X-Men #1...

, playing billiards
Cue sports , also known as billiard sports, are a wide variety of games of skill generally played with a cue stick which is used to strike billiard balls, moving them around a cloth-covered billiards table bounded by rubber .Historically, the umbrella term was billiards...

, notice a peace conference when Apocalypse and his Horsemen attack. They destroy everything, tearing Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

 apart and killing numerous people. Xavier tells the X-Men that this is something he has feared for some time; an incredibly powerful mutant whose very abilities have driven him compleatly mad. Professor X expresses his concern to the X-Men and send them to stop Apocalypse. He sends Rogue, however, back to Muir Island to talk to Dr. Adler.

All across the globe, the Horsemen lay waste to the area around them. Famine attacks the crop fields of England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

, War attacks a military base
Military base
A military base is a facility directly owned and operated by or for the military or one of its branches that shelters military equipment and personnel, and facilitates training and operations. In general, a military base provides accommodations for one or more units, but it may also be used as a...

, and Death destroys a dam
A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water, while other structures such as floodgates or levees are used to manage or prevent water flow into specific land regions. Hydropower and pumped-storage hydroelectricity are...

. Rogue finds Dr. Adler and discovers that Dr. Adler is really Mystique, who spills her guts about Apocalypse's plans. She then shoots Rogue in the back and destroys the machine, so that the Horsemen could never be returned to their normal selves. Pestilence is causing a commotion elsewhere, attacking several soldiers and killing them with her plagues. The X-Men appear and battle her, able to knock her off her horse. The other Horsemen appear, battling the X-Men. Wolverine is able to damage War's horse, but not without being dropped from the sky. The Horsemen flee after being overwhelmed, and report back to Apocalypse in Stonehenge
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire, about west of Amesbury and north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of a circular setting of large standing stones set within earthworks...


Rogue finds Apocalypse and is nearly killed by his blasts. The X-Men arrive just in time to save Rogue and battle the Horsemen once more. Famine battles Storm, while Pestilence is easily defeated by Jean Grey. Rogue eventually grabs Archangel and absorbs his memory, sucking Apocalypse's power out of him. Archangel, appalled at what he has become, blasts the other Horsemen away. Apocalypse flees in a spaceship, and the diversion allows the other Horsemen to escape also. Rogue cowers in the corner, but Archangel helps her. Filled with guilt, Archangel flies off.
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