Christians in Science
Christians in Science is a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 organization of scientists, philosophers, theologians, ministers, teachers, and science students, predominantly evangelical Christians, concerned with the dialogue between Christianity
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings...

 and science. The organization was started in the 1940s as one of the professional groups of IVF (now UCCF
Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship , formerly known as the Inter-Varsity Fellowship , is a UK-based evangelical Christian charity that operates on university campuses....

), and was known as the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship from 1950 until it adopted the current name in 1988. It has since become larger, and more influential. It is a British counterpart to the American Scientific Affiliation
American Scientific Affiliation
The American Scientific Affiliation is a Christian religious organization of scientists and people in science-related disciplines. The stated purpose is "to investigate any area relating Christian faith and science." The organization publishes a journal, Perspectives of Science and Christian Faith...

, but its theological diversity is broader.

It took on financial independence from UCCF in 1996. The organization has over 850 members, is a member of the Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Alliance
The Evangelical Alliance is a London-based charitable organization founded in 1846. It has a claimed representation of over 1,000,000 evangelical Christians in the United Kingdom and is the oldest alliance of evangelical Christians in the world....

, and includes R. J. Berry and John T. Houghton
John T. Houghton
As co-chair of the IPCC, he defends the IPCC process, in particular against charges of failure to consider non-CO2 explanations of climate change. In evidence to, the Select Committee on Science and Technology in 2000 he said:...

 as two of its more noteworthy members.

Along with the Victoria Institute
Victoria Institute
The Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain, was founded in 1865, as a response to the publication of On the Origin of Species and Essays and Reviews. Its stated objective was to defend "the great truths revealed in Holy Scripture .....

, it publishes Science and Christian Belief
Science and Christian Belief
Science and Christian Belief is an academic journal published twice yearly by Christians in Science and the Victoria Institute. The journal focuses on the traffic of ideas between science and religion, with particular reference to Christianity...

twice yearly.

Statement of Faith

Christians in Science is an "explicitly Christian society", and full membership is open only to those who can affirm the following "Statement of Faith", though it is possible for corporate bodies such as libraries and individuals who do not wish to make the declaration to become associate members.

I declare my belief in the triune God as creator and sustainer of the universe, and my faith in Jesus as Saviour, Lord of all and God.

I acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God and its final authority in matters of faith and conduct.

As a steward of God's world, I accept my responsibility to encourage the use of science and technology for the good of humanity and the environment.

I agree with the aims of Christians in Science.

Science and faith

To develop and promote biblical Christian views on the nature, scope and limitations of science, and on the changing interactions between science and faith.

To bring biblical Christian thought on scientific issues into the public arena.

Faith and the environment

To stimulate responsible Christian attitudes and action towards care for the environment.


To help Christians who are science students to integrate their religious beliefs and their scientific studies.


CiS has an extensive website, including many articles and free downloadable lectures, as well as links to nine regional groups around the United Kingdom and Ireland.

See also

  • Christian Evidence Society
    Christian Evidence Society
    The Christian Evidence Society is a UK Christian apologetics organisation founded in 1870. At its financial peak it had slightly over 400 paying members, but this declined to below 300 by 1897...

  • Victoria Institute
    Victoria Institute
    The Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain, was founded in 1865, as a response to the publication of On the Origin of Species and Essays and Reviews. Its stated objective was to defend "the great truths revealed in Holy Scripture .....

  • List of Christian thinkers in science
  • Relationship between religion and science
    Relationship between religion and science
    The relationship between religion and science has been a focus of the demarcation problem. Somewhat related is the claim that science and religion may pursue knowledge using different methodologies. Whereas the scientific method basically relies on reason and empiricism, religion also seeks to...

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