Central Council of Indian Medicine
Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) is a statutory body under Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
, Government of India
, set up in 1971 under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, (Act 48) which was passed in 1970. It is one of the Professional councils under University Grants Commission
(UGC) to monitor higher education in Indian systems of medicine, including Ayurveda
, Siddha
and Unani
, Siddha
and Unani
Tibb education courses at the graduate and post-graduate streams. The Siddha course recognition system of CCIM was questioned through a public interest litigation
To advise Central Government in matters relating to recognition (inclusion/with drawal) of medical qualification in/from second schedule to Indian Medicine Council Act, 1970.
To maintain a Central Register on Indian Medicine and revise the register from time to time.
To prescribe Standards of Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Code of Ethics to be observed by the practitioners.
1. Translation of the syllabus of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha: For the past 37 years (since establishment of the Council) the syllabus of Under-Graduate and Post Graduate courses of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha were in Sanskrit, Urdu and Tamil languages respectively. The language barrier was hindering the path of success and popularity of these systems inside and outside the country. The present Council came forward & took steps to popularise the Indian System of Medicine and successfully completed the task of translating the whole syllabus of three systems into English language which is an globally accepted language, previous secretary AYUSH Mrs. Anita Das also advised the same. This Challenging work completed with in very short period of six months.
2. Updation of syllabus: The syllabus of Under-Graduate and Post Graduate courses of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha were not updated since long and the present Council updated the UG and PG syllabus of all three systems, and this is applicable from this session in all over the country.
3. Starting of new Post-graduate Diploma Course: To provide specialised services of ISM systems and to enhance the benefits of these ancient systems, the Council has designed new Ayurveda PG Diploma courses in 16 subjects. The aim of introducing new PG Diploma courses in Ayurveda is to produce specialists of Ayurveda who can practice Ayurveda more affidiantly and successfully, all these PG Diploma courses started from Decission It is very heartening that the new Ayurveda PG Diploma courses have been implemented from this year. The provision of PG diploma Course is already exist in Unani and in Siddha system is under process.
4. Action against substandard existing colleges of ISM: Standard of the ISM colleges is reflected from the graduates and post- graduates scholoras Before the year 2008-09, number of sub-standards colleges were running and ruining the future of the students. The present Council took the matter seriously and without making any compromise with the standard of education, it withdraw its recommendations which eventually led the stoppage of admission in such sub-standards colleges. After observing the Minimum Standards and Requirements of these college & hospital a strict scrutiny of the visitation report were carried out and 84 Ayurveda, 26 Unani and 03 Siddha colleges (2008-09) and 64 Ayurveda, 01 Siddha and 08 Unani colleges (2009-10) and 55 Ayurveda and 01 Unani colleges (2010-11) have not been permitted to take admission. It is also noteworthy to mentioned here that not a single college was denied for to take admission bu the council /GOI prior to the commencement of this present Council.
To improve the actual assessment of teaching and practical training facilities alongwith the teaching staff in conformity with the Minimum Standards laid down by CCIM following action have been initiated.
a. Prepration of the data base of the teaching staff: The visitation report of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani were being examined thoroughly time to time, it was observed that name of many teachers are exist in more than one college and teachers have submitted false experience certificate.
A more challenging task which was accomplished by this Council was to prepare a database of all ISM teachers. The aim of preparing the database was to keep a record of all ISM teachers and to assess their eligibility. However, all efforts were made and prima facie data base has been prepared by the office. The data base of teaching staff alongwith their other details are being maintained in the office of CCIM and being updated time to time to rule out the duplicacy etc. However, the database of teachers prepared by the Council became an important tool to stop the malpractice of teachers of ISM and colleges. The present council identified about 400 teachers who submitted the false teaching experience certificates and around 1000 teachers were found to be in duplicacy. The Council made them ineligible for teaching. The letters in this regard were issued to the Concern College and teacher to clarify the matter. Action in this matter is under progress and process of the issuance of I-card is under progress.
b. Appointment of teaching staff in Ayurveda, Unani & Siddha Colleges: By observing the Minimum Standards & Requirement of the colleges strictly and not permitting the colleges of Government, Grant-in-aid and private colleges and continuous pressure of the CCIM more than 4000 teachers have been appointed in these colleges. It is also noteworthy to mention here that State Governments have also taken keen interest to appoint the teaching staff to bring the staff strength at par with the Minimum Standards laid down by CCIM.
c. Construction of the building of college & hospital: By observing the Minimum Standards and Requirements strictly, the Management of the private college and State Governments have constructed the building to bring the area at par with the Minimum Standards & Requirements of the CCIM.
d. Improvement of the functioning of the Hospital: By fixing the criteria of daily average attendance of patient in OPD (100 per day) and bed occupancy (minimum 40%) in IPD, the competent authority have taken keen interest to improve the functioning of the hospital.
5. Revision of Regualtions: Present Council hold many meetings with all subject experts/eminent teachers of three systems in order to make ISM system more practically. So the qualified ISM doctors may become more skilled practitioners, researchers and scientists and can provide the best services to the community.
6. Revision of Minimum Standards & Requirements of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha colleges & hospital: Keeping in view of the requirements of all three Indian Systems of Medicine, minimum standards for Ayuveda, Unani and Siddha systems have been reviewed as per requirement of present scenario with the consultation of department of AYUSH and this mater is awaited for approval from GOI department of AYUSH (Regulation of minimum standards and requirements is not notified till today since inception of the council)
7. To maintain and update the Central Register of Indian Medicine as well as supply of updated as well as early submission of State Register and observance of the Professional Conduct and Etiquette, duties and oblegations by the practitioner of ISM: On account of non-submission/delay submission of the State Register, it was very difficult to update and maintain the Central Register of Indian Medicine. Therefore, to ensure the same, two meetings of the President and Registrar of the State Board/Council have been convenied to sort out the problem of the State Board/Council for updatation and supply of State Register of Indian Medicine and to strengthen the bond between the Practitioners of Indian system of Medicine and their patients so that the Practitioners may perform their duties effectively, serve the community with responsibility and the patients may not get neglected. By following the professional conduct and etiquette, ISM Practitioners may uphold the dignity of profession.
During the tenure of present Council, the Central Register of Indian Medicine has been updated and revised. About 1.3 lakh names of ISM practitioners from all over country have been uploaded on website of CCIM, therefore, practitioners can ensure the availability of the his/her name on the Central Register of Indian Medicine and can do practice anywhere in India. Moreover, the names of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha practitioners of all states of India got centrally registered and their names have been published in Gazette notification.
1. Revision of Second Schedule of IMCC Act, 1970: It was observed by the council that there are 200-250 degrees/diploma courses by various Boards/Universities which have stopped conducting the courses before inception of the Central Council of Indian Medicine but the names of such degrees and diploma still appeared in the second schedule the closing year was not mentioned against them. Because of this, many such degree/diploma holders filed the case for their registration and one diploma holder from UP even got registration by the order of hon’ble high court. The Council took the matter seriously and held talk at Govt. level to stop the registration of these degree/diploma holders, collected all the relevant documents to put a closing year against the name of Boards/Universities awarding such degree/diploma courses and successfully gazette notified the same.
2. Maintaining the transperacy: to maintain the transperacy, the minutes of Executive Committee and Central Council have been uploaded on the website of CCIM since establishment of CCIM i.e. 1971 to till date.
3. Remuneration to subject Experts/specialists: It has been observed that the subject experts/ specialists have never been interested in attending the meetings/workshops whenever they have been called for important work of Council such as framing the syllabus, to draft regulations and other related academic work because they were not paid any remuneration. Taking into the consideration their important role and their academic excellence, the present Council with the approval of Govt. of India decided to pay them Rs.1500/- per day for such meetings of Council so that they may provide their specialised services to the Council without hesitation. The expenditure on the same is met by the CCIM from own sources.
4. Proposal for declaration of world Ayurveda Day, world Unani Day, world Siddha Day: It has been proposed to celebrate Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha Day each year in form of world Ayurveda Day (28th December), world Unani Day (4th October) and world Siddha Day (14th April). Proposal have been sent to Govt. of India for declaration.
12. Revenue Collection: The ISM colleges have not been remitting their visitation fee to the Council regularly and a huge amount was pending on the part of ISM colleges. It was only after the strict action taken by the present Council in this regard that the Colleges started remitting their pending recognition fees and amount of Rs. 2-3 crores could be collected.
13. Improvement of office working: -
a. Contractual appointment of technical staff: Considering that there is only one permanent technical officer (Secretary, CCIM) in the office to look after all the technical work as well as other related work of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha, the present council appointed 05 Ayurveda, 01 Unani and 01 Siddha experts, with post graduate qualification for smooth functioning of the office. The technical experts took responsibility of assessing the visitation report of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha and to help in other technical work of respective systems. By appointing technical staff the present Council could mange to complete the time bound programme of assessment of visitation work of ISM colleges.
a. Contractual appointment of RTI Officer: Due to lack of staff in the office, the information asked under RTI was not being sent timely and to overcome this problem one RTI consultant has been appointed.
b. Contractual appointment of Legal Consultant: It has been observed that a number of court cases were pending and many cases have not been defended by Council due to lack of technical man power in the office. The Council has been appointed the legal consultant and retainer to look after the court matters.
14.Improvement in whole infrastructure of the office: The office work has been computerised with internet facilities has been provided. And, the office has been re-furnished also
The Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy is a part of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of the Government of India....
The Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy is a part of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of the Government of India....
), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is the Indian government ministry charged with health policy in India. It is also responsible for all government programs relating to family planning in India....
, Government of India
Government of India
The Government of India, officially known as the Union Government, and also known as the Central Government, was established by the Constitution of India, and is the governing authority of the union of 28 states and seven union territories, collectively called the Republic of India...
, set up in 1971 under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, (Act 48) which was passed in 1970. It is one of the Professional councils under University Grants Commission
University Grants Commission (India)
The University Grants Commission of India is a statutory organisation set up by Union government in 1956, for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of university education. It provides recognition for universities in India, and provides funds for government-recognised...
(UGC) to monitor higher education in Indian systems of medicine, including Ayurveda
Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India and a form of alternative medicine. In Sanskrit, words , meaning "longevity", and , meaning "knowledge" or "science". The earliest literature on Indian medical practice appeared during the Vedic period in India,...
, Siddha
A Siddha सिद्ध in Sanskrit means "one who is accomplished" and refers to perfected masters who, according to Hindu belief, have transcended the ahamkara , have subdued their minds to be subservient to their Awareness, and have transformed their bodies into a different kind of body dominated by...
and Unani
Unani-tibb or Unani Medicine also spelled Yunani Medicine means "Greek Medicine", and is a form of traditional medicine widely practiced in South Asia...
It is located in New Delhi, India. CCIM was set up to suggest the benchmarks and practices to be followed in Indian medicinal systems. CCIM has also been involved in regulating the AyurvedaAyurveda
Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India and a form of alternative medicine. In Sanskrit, words , meaning "longevity", and , meaning "knowledge" or "science". The earliest literature on Indian medical practice appeared during the Vedic period in India,...
, Siddha
A Siddha सिद्ध in Sanskrit means "one who is accomplished" and refers to perfected masters who, according to Hindu belief, have transcended the ahamkara , have subdued their minds to be subservient to their Awareness, and have transformed their bodies into a different kind of body dominated by...
and Unani
Unani-tibb or Unani Medicine also spelled Yunani Medicine means "Greek Medicine", and is a form of traditional medicine widely practiced in South Asia...
Tibb education courses at the graduate and post-graduate streams. The Siddha course recognition system of CCIM was questioned through a public interest litigation
The main object of the Central Council are as under
To prescribe minimum standards of education in Indian Systems of Medicine viz. Ayurved, Siddha, Unani Tibb.To advise Central Government in matters relating to recognition (inclusion/with drawal) of medical qualification in/from second schedule to Indian Medicine Council Act, 1970.
To maintain a Central Register on Indian Medicine and revise the register from time to time.
To prescribe Standards of Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Code of Ethics to be observed by the practitioners.
Present president, CCIM elected on 6.6.2007 there after following important works have been done:1. Translation of the syllabus of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha: For the past 37 years (since establishment of the Council) the syllabus of Under-Graduate and Post Graduate courses of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha were in Sanskrit, Urdu and Tamil languages respectively. The language barrier was hindering the path of success and popularity of these systems inside and outside the country. The present Council came forward & took steps to popularise the Indian System of Medicine and successfully completed the task of translating the whole syllabus of three systems into English language which is an globally accepted language, previous secretary AYUSH Mrs. Anita Das also advised the same. This Challenging work completed with in very short period of six months.
2. Updation of syllabus: The syllabus of Under-Graduate and Post Graduate courses of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha were not updated since long and the present Council updated the UG and PG syllabus of all three systems, and this is applicable from this session in all over the country.
3. Starting of new Post-graduate Diploma Course: To provide specialised services of ISM systems and to enhance the benefits of these ancient systems, the Council has designed new Ayurveda PG Diploma courses in 16 subjects. The aim of introducing new PG Diploma courses in Ayurveda is to produce specialists of Ayurveda who can practice Ayurveda more affidiantly and successfully, all these PG Diploma courses started from Decission It is very heartening that the new Ayurveda PG Diploma courses have been implemented from this year. The provision of PG diploma Course is already exist in Unani and in Siddha system is under process.
4. Action against substandard existing colleges of ISM: Standard of the ISM colleges is reflected from the graduates and post- graduates scholoras Before the year 2008-09, number of sub-standards colleges were running and ruining the future of the students. The present Council took the matter seriously and without making any compromise with the standard of education, it withdraw its recommendations which eventually led the stoppage of admission in such sub-standards colleges. After observing the Minimum Standards and Requirements of these college & hospital a strict scrutiny of the visitation report were carried out and 84 Ayurveda, 26 Unani and 03 Siddha colleges (2008-09) and 64 Ayurveda, 01 Siddha and 08 Unani colleges (2009-10) and 55 Ayurveda and 01 Unani colleges (2010-11) have not been permitted to take admission. It is also noteworthy to mentioned here that not a single college was denied for to take admission bu the council /GOI prior to the commencement of this present Council.
To improve the actual assessment of teaching and practical training facilities alongwith the teaching staff in conformity with the Minimum Standards laid down by CCIM following action have been initiated.
a. Prepration of the data base of the teaching staff: The visitation report of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani were being examined thoroughly time to time, it was observed that name of many teachers are exist in more than one college and teachers have submitted false experience certificate.
A more challenging task which was accomplished by this Council was to prepare a database of all ISM teachers. The aim of preparing the database was to keep a record of all ISM teachers and to assess their eligibility. However, all efforts were made and prima facie data base has been prepared by the office. The data base of teaching staff alongwith their other details are being maintained in the office of CCIM and being updated time to time to rule out the duplicacy etc. However, the database of teachers prepared by the Council became an important tool to stop the malpractice of teachers of ISM and colleges. The present council identified about 400 teachers who submitted the false teaching experience certificates and around 1000 teachers were found to be in duplicacy. The Council made them ineligible for teaching. The letters in this regard were issued to the Concern College and teacher to clarify the matter. Action in this matter is under progress and process of the issuance of I-card is under progress.
b. Appointment of teaching staff in Ayurveda, Unani & Siddha Colleges: By observing the Minimum Standards & Requirement of the colleges strictly and not permitting the colleges of Government, Grant-in-aid and private colleges and continuous pressure of the CCIM more than 4000 teachers have been appointed in these colleges. It is also noteworthy to mention here that State Governments have also taken keen interest to appoint the teaching staff to bring the staff strength at par with the Minimum Standards laid down by CCIM.
c. Construction of the building of college & hospital: By observing the Minimum Standards and Requirements strictly, the Management of the private college and State Governments have constructed the building to bring the area at par with the Minimum Standards & Requirements of the CCIM.
d. Improvement of the functioning of the Hospital: By fixing the criteria of daily average attendance of patient in OPD (100 per day) and bed occupancy (minimum 40%) in IPD, the competent authority have taken keen interest to improve the functioning of the hospital.
5. Revision of Regualtions: Present Council hold many meetings with all subject experts/eminent teachers of three systems in order to make ISM system more practically. So the qualified ISM doctors may become more skilled practitioners, researchers and scientists and can provide the best services to the community.
6. Revision of Minimum Standards & Requirements of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha colleges & hospital: Keeping in view of the requirements of all three Indian Systems of Medicine, minimum standards for Ayuveda, Unani and Siddha systems have been reviewed as per requirement of present scenario with the consultation of department of AYUSH and this mater is awaited for approval from GOI department of AYUSH (Regulation of minimum standards and requirements is not notified till today since inception of the council)
7. To maintain and update the Central Register of Indian Medicine as well as supply of updated as well as early submission of State Register and observance of the Professional Conduct and Etiquette, duties and oblegations by the practitioner of ISM: On account of non-submission/delay submission of the State Register, it was very difficult to update and maintain the Central Register of Indian Medicine. Therefore, to ensure the same, two meetings of the President and Registrar of the State Board/Council have been convenied to sort out the problem of the State Board/Council for updatation and supply of State Register of Indian Medicine and to strengthen the bond between the Practitioners of Indian system of Medicine and their patients so that the Practitioners may perform their duties effectively, serve the community with responsibility and the patients may not get neglected. By following the professional conduct and etiquette, ISM Practitioners may uphold the dignity of profession.
During the tenure of present Council, the Central Register of Indian Medicine has been updated and revised. About 1.3 lakh names of ISM practitioners from all over country have been uploaded on website of CCIM, therefore, practitioners can ensure the availability of the his/her name on the Central Register of Indian Medicine and can do practice anywhere in India. Moreover, the names of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha practitioners of all states of India got centrally registered and their names have been published in Gazette notification.
1. Revision of Second Schedule of IMCC Act, 1970: It was observed by the council that there are 200-250 degrees/diploma courses by various Boards/Universities which have stopped conducting the courses before inception of the Central Council of Indian Medicine but the names of such degrees and diploma still appeared in the second schedule the closing year was not mentioned against them. Because of this, many such degree/diploma holders filed the case for their registration and one diploma holder from UP even got registration by the order of hon’ble high court. The Council took the matter seriously and held talk at Govt. level to stop the registration of these degree/diploma holders, collected all the relevant documents to put a closing year against the name of Boards/Universities awarding such degree/diploma courses and successfully gazette notified the same.
2. Maintaining the transperacy: to maintain the transperacy, the minutes of Executive Committee and Central Council have been uploaded on the website of CCIM since establishment of CCIM i.e. 1971 to till date.
3. Remuneration to subject Experts/specialists: It has been observed that the subject experts/ specialists have never been interested in attending the meetings/workshops whenever they have been called for important work of Council such as framing the syllabus, to draft regulations and other related academic work because they were not paid any remuneration. Taking into the consideration their important role and their academic excellence, the present Council with the approval of Govt. of India decided to pay them Rs.1500/- per day for such meetings of Council so that they may provide their specialised services to the Council without hesitation. The expenditure on the same is met by the CCIM from own sources.
4. Proposal for declaration of world Ayurveda Day, world Unani Day, world Siddha Day: It has been proposed to celebrate Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha Day each year in form of world Ayurveda Day (28th December), world Unani Day (4th October) and world Siddha Day (14th April). Proposal have been sent to Govt. of India for declaration.
12. Revenue Collection: The ISM colleges have not been remitting their visitation fee to the Council regularly and a huge amount was pending on the part of ISM colleges. It was only after the strict action taken by the present Council in this regard that the Colleges started remitting their pending recognition fees and amount of Rs. 2-3 crores could be collected.
13. Improvement of office working: -
a. Contractual appointment of technical staff: Considering that there is only one permanent technical officer (Secretary, CCIM) in the office to look after all the technical work as well as other related work of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha, the present council appointed 05 Ayurveda, 01 Unani and 01 Siddha experts, with post graduate qualification for smooth functioning of the office. The technical experts took responsibility of assessing the visitation report of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha and to help in other technical work of respective systems. By appointing technical staff the present Council could mange to complete the time bound programme of assessment of visitation work of ISM colleges.
a. Contractual appointment of RTI Officer: Due to lack of staff in the office, the information asked under RTI was not being sent timely and to overcome this problem one RTI consultant has been appointed.
b. Contractual appointment of Legal Consultant: It has been observed that a number of court cases were pending and many cases have not been defended by Council due to lack of technical man power in the office. The Council has been appointed the legal consultant and retainer to look after the court matters.
14.Improvement in whole infrastructure of the office: The office work has been computerised with internet facilities has been provided. And, the office has been re-furnished also