Alexis Brasseur
Alexis 'Lexi' Brasseur was a Luxembourg
Luxembourg , officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , is a landlocked country in western Europe, bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany. It has two principal regions: the Oesling in the North as part of the Ardennes massif, and the Gutland in the south...

eois playwright, composer, and metallurgist.

Born in Luxembourg City as the oldest son of Dominique Brasseur
Dominique Brasseur
Dominique Alexis Brasseur-Brasseur was a Luxembourgian politician and jurist. He served as Mayor of Luxembourg City between 1891 and 1894....

, Brasseur attended the Athénée de Luxembourg
Athénée de Luxembourg
The Athénée de Luxembourg , is a high school in Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg. It's commonly called Stater Kolléisch or De Kolléisch, and is the nation's oldest high school.-Brief history:...

. He followed this by studying law at the University of Bonn
University of Bonn
The University of Bonn is a public research university located in Bonn, Germany. Founded in its present form in 1818, as the linear successor of earlier academic institutions, the University of Bonn is today one of the leading universities in Germany. The University of Bonn offers a large number...

, where he met Batty Weber
Batty Weber
Batty Weber is considered to have been one of Luxembourg's most influential journalists and authors, contributing much to the development of the country's national identity...

. Brasseur received his doctorate in Luxembourg in 1886, and was called to the bar
Call to the bar
The Call to the Bar is a legal term of art in most common law jurisdictions where persons must be qualified to be allowed to argue in court on behalf of another party, and are then said to have been "called to the bar" or to have received a "call to the bar"...

, but showed little interest in working in the law. He turned to metallurgy
Metallurgy is a domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their mixtures, which are called alloys. It is also the technology of metals: the way in which science is applied to their practical use...

, like his father and uncle Pierre
Pierre Brasseur (Luxembourg)
Pierre Brasseur was a Luxembourgian entrepreneur, businessman, and mining magnate, being involved in founding a number of industrial concerns in southern Luxembourg...


In 1894, he had written a comedy with Batty Weber called De Monoonk Phëlpp. In 1907, he moved to Paris, staying there for four years. Brasseur died in Luxembourg City on 3 November 1924.

Alexis Brasseur was a member of the prominent Brasseur family
Brasseur family
The Brasseur family is a family in Luxembourg that was prominent in politics and industry in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The head of the household was Alexis Brasseur, who had thirteen children by two wives...

. His father, Dominique
Dominique Brasseur
Dominique Alexis Brasseur-Brasseur was a Luxembourgian politician and jurist. He served as Mayor of Luxembourg City between 1891 and 1894....

, was a deputy
Deputy (legislator)
A deputy is a legislator in many countries, particularly those with legislatures styled as a 'Chamber of Deputies' or 'National Assembly'.-List of countries:This is an list of countries using the term 'deputy' or one of its cognates....

 (1866 – 99) and mayor of Luxembourg City (1891 – 94). His brother, Robert
Robert Brasseur
Robert Brasseur was a Luxembourgian politician, jurist, and journalist.Brasseur was educated at the Athénée de Luxembourg, before studying law at University of Strasbourg and in Paris. While in Paris, he became a bibliophile, starting a library to which he would continue to contribute over the...

, was a deputy and founded the Liberal League
Liberal League (Luxembourg)
The Liberal League was a political party in Luxembourg between 1904 and 1925. It was the indirect predecessor of the Democratic Party , which has been one of the three major parties in Luxembourg since the Second World War....

. Alexis Brasseur married Jeanne Bian (1869–1960), sister of the liberal deputy Félix Bian and industrialist Émile Bian. They had three children.
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