Agbozume or Kilkor-Agbozume is a small town in Ketu South District in the Volta Region
Volta Region
Volta Region is one of Ghana's ten administrative regions. It is to the east of Lake Volta. Its capital is Ho.-List of districts:The region has 18 districts consisting of 3 municipal and 15 ordinary districts:-Background:...

 of southeastern Ghana
Ghana , officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country located in West Africa. It is bordered by Côte d'Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south...

. Pop. 5073 (2006). It lies on the main road between Accra
Accra is the capital and largest city of Ghana, with an urban population of 1,658,937 according to the 2000 census. Accra is also the capital of the Greater Accra Region and of the Accra Metropolitan District, with which it is coterminous...

 and the border with Togo
Togo, officially the Togolese Republic , is a country in West Africa bordered by Ghana to the west, Benin to the east and Burkina Faso to the north. It extends south to the Gulf of Guinea, on which the capital Lomé is located. Togo covers an area of approximately with a population of approximately...

. Aflao
Aflao is a city on Ghana's Togolese border. It is primarily populated by the Anlo people, a branch of the Ewe people.In the 18th century, Aflao served as one of the major markets for the slave trade.- References :* Dickson, K. B...

, a border town is about 20 km away from Agbozume, as well as the coast of the Gulf of Guinea
Gulf of Guinea
The Gulf of Guinea is the northeasternmost part of the tropical Atlantic Ocean between Cape Lopez in Gabon, north and west to Cape Palmas in Liberia. The intersection of the Equator and Prime Meridian is in the gulf....

. The town is adjacent to another place, Klikor, which is separated by only one path. The two towns are often referred to together with Klikor-Agbozume.

Agbozume is inhabited by the Ewe people
Ewe people
The Ewe are a people located in the southeast corner of Ghana, east of the Volta River, in an area now described as the Volta Region, in southern Togo and western Benin...

, a people living in southeastern Ghana and southern Togo. The main language spoken is the Ewe language
Ewe language
Ewe is a Niger–Congo language spoken in Ghana, Togo and Benin by approximately six million people. Ewe is part of a cluster of related languages commonly called Gbe, spoken in southeastern Ghana, Togo, and parts of Benin. Other Gbe languages include Fon, Gen, Phla Phera, and Aja...

. The town has a large market, which takes place every four days. On market days people from surrounding villages come to Agbozume to do their shopping.
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