1818 in art


  • Sir Thomas Lawrence
    Thomas Lawrence (painter)
    Sir Thomas Lawrence RA FRS was a leading English portrait painter and president of the Royal Academy.Lawrence was a child prodigy. He was born in Bristol and began drawing in Devizes, where his father was an innkeeper. At the age of ten, having moved to Bath, he was supporting his family with his...

     goes to Aachen to paint those present at the third congress
    Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818)
    The Congress or Conference of Aix-la-Chapelle , held in the autumn of 1818, was primarily a meeting of the four allied powers Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia to decide the question of the withdrawal of the army of occupation from France and the nature of the modifications to be introduced in...



  • Caspar David Friedrich
    Caspar David Friedrich
    Caspar David Friedrich was a 19th-century German Romantic landscape painter, generally considered the most important German artist of his generation. He is best known for his mid-period allegorical landscapes which typically feature contemplative figures silhouetted against night skies, morning...

    , Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
    Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
    Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is an oil painting composed in 1818 by the German Romantic artist Caspar David Friedrich. It currently resides in the Kunsthalle Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.-Description:...


  • January 26 – Amédée de Noé
    Amédée de Noé
    Charles Amédée de Noé, known as Cham was a French caricaturist and lithographer. Raised by a family who wished him to attend a polytechnic school, he instead attended painting workshops by Nicolas Charlet and Paul Delaroche and began work as a cartoonist, taking on the pseudonym "Cham"...

    , caricaturist and lithographer (d. 1879
    1879 in art
    -Works:*Michael Peter Ancher - Vil han klare pynten *Albert Fitch Bellows - The Parsonage*William-Adolphe Bouguereau - The Birth of Venus*Edgar Degas - Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando...

  • January 28 – Alfred Stevens
    Alfred Stevens (sculptor)
    Alfred Stevens , British sculptor, was born at Blandford Forum in Dorset.He was the son of a house painter and in the early part of his career he painted pictures in his spare time. In 1833, the rector of his parish enabled him to go to Italy, where he spent nine years studying at Naples, Pompeii,...

    , sculptor (d. 1875
    1875 in art
    -Paintings:*Gustave Caillebotte - Floor-scrapers *Jean-Paul Laurens - L'Excommunication de Robert le Pieux ...

  • April 3 – Jean-François Portaels
    Jean-François Portaels
    Jean-François Portaels was a Belgian orientalist painter and director of the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels.- Life :...

    , painter (d. 1895
    1895 in art
    -Events:* P. H. Emerson publishes his last photographic book, Marsh Leaves.-Works:*Edvard Munch - Jealousy*Tom Roberts - Bailed Up*Théophile Steinlen - Les Chanteurs des Rues*Dorothy Tennant - L'Amour Blessé...

  • probableAlexander Hunter Murray
    Alexander Hunter Murray
    Alexander Hunter Murray was a Hudson's Bay Company fur trader and artist.In 1847, he established the trading post at Fort Yukon at the juncture of the Yukon and Porcupine rivers in the land of the Gwichʼin people...

    , fur trader and artist (b. 1874
    1874 in art
    -Events:*April 15 - First Impressionist exhibition opens in a private studio outside the official Paris Salon; Louis Leroy in the French satirical newspaper Le Charivari coins the term "impressionism"....



  • January 5 – Marcello Bacciarelli
    Marcello Bacciarelli
    Marcello Bacciarelli was an Italian painter of the late-baroque and Neoclassic periods.He studied in Rome under Marco Benefial. In 1750 he was called to Dresden, Saxony, where he was employed by Elected King Augustus III of Poland; after whose death he went to Vienna, and thence to Warsaw...

    , Italian
    Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

     painter (b. 1731
    1731 in art
    -Events:*János Krucsay donates the Krucsay Altar to the Franciscan Church in Nyírbátor-Works:*Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin – The White Tablecloth*William Hogarth – A Harlot's Progress...

  • February 28 – Anne Vallayer-Coster
    Anne Vallayer-Coster
    Anne Vallayer-Coster was an 18th-century French painter. Known as a prodigy artist at a young age, she achieved fame and recognition very early in her career, being admitted to the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture in 1770, at the age of twenty-six.Despite the negative reputation that...

    , French
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

     painter (b. 1744
    1744 in art
    -Births:*February 13 – David Allan, Scottish painter *October 27 – Mary Moser, painter *October 28 – William Hodges, English landscape painter *December 10 – William Berczy, Canadian pioneer and painter *date unknown...

  • March 24 – Humphry Repton
    Humphry Repton
    Humphry Repton was the last great English landscape designer of the eighteenth century, often regarded as the successor to Capability Brown; he also sowed the seeds of the more intricate and eclectic styles of the 19th century...

    , garden designer, artist (b. 1752
    1752 in art
    -Events:*1 March - Painter Allan Ramsay elopes with and marries, as his second wife, the Jacobite heiress Margaret Lindsay.-Paintings:* François Boucher :**Marie-Louise O'Murphy**Allegory of Music...

  • August 16 – Carl Frederik von Breda
    Carl Frederik von Breda
    Carl Frederik von Breda was a Swedish painter who studied in and spent much of his career in Britain before becoming painter to the Swedish court. He was born in Stockholm in 1759, and moved to Britain where he was a student of Joshua Reynolds. Breda specialized in painting portraits and was...

    , Swedish painter to the Swedish court (b. 1759
    1759 in art
    -Works:*Giambettino Cignaroli – Death of Cato*Thomas Gainsborough – Self-portrait-Births:*January 21 – François Baillairgé, Canadian artist of woodworking, wood-carving, and architecture...

  • October 4 – Josef Abel
    Josef Abel
    Josef Abel was an Austrian historical painter and etcher.Abel was born in Aschach an der Donau, Upper Austria. He visited the Academy in Vienna, which was at the time directed by Friedrich Heinrich Füger, and was one of his best scholars...

    , historical painter and etcher (b. 1768
    1768 in art
    -Paintings:* Joseph Wright of Derby, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump-Births:*March 10 - Domingos Sequeira, Portuguese painter *April 18 - Jean-Baptiste Debret, French painter of lithographs depicting the people of Brazil...

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