1692 in art


  • June 3 - Joseph Highmore
    Joseph Highmore
    Joseph Highmore was an English portrait and historical painter, illustrator and author.-Life:Highmore was born in London, the third son of Edward Highmore, a coal merchant, and nephew of Thomas Highmore, Serjeant Painter to William III. He displayed early ability but was discouraged by his family...

    , British portrait and historical painter (d. 1780
    1780 in art
    -Births:*February 18 – Alexey Venetsianov, Russian painter especially of peasant life and ordinary people *April 14 – Edward Hicks, folk artist *August 29 – Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, French Neoclassical painter...

  • September 1 (baptized) - Egid Quirin Asam
    Egid Quirin Asam
    Egid Quirin Asam was a German plasterer and sculptor active during the period of the Late Baroque....

    , German
    The Germans are a Germanic ethnic group native to Central Europe. The English term Germans has referred to the German-speaking population of the Holy Roman Empire since the Late Middle Ages....

    A plasterer is a tradesman who works with plaster, such as forming a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls...

     and sculptor active during the period of the Late Baroque
    Baroque sculpture
    Baroque sculpture is the sculpture associated with the Baroque cultural movement, a movement often identified with the existence of important Baroque art and architecture in non-absolutist and Protestant states.-Course:...

     (d. 1750
    1750 in art
    -Paintings:* Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin paints Still Life with Glass Flask and Fruit, notable for reflected light on glass/silver* Thomas Gainsborough paints Mr and Mrs Andrews* Maruyama Okyo paints The Ghost of Oyuki in ink on silk-Births:...


  • date unknown
    • Vittorio Bigari
      Vittorio Bigari
      Vittorio Bigari was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque. He was active in his native Bologna, where he was a pupil of Antonio Dardani. He painted frescoes in the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna, as well as the cupola of the church of the Madonna della Guardia, and the gallery of the...

      , Italian painter (d. 1776
      1776 in art
      -Births:*February 16 – Abraham Raimbach, engraver *March 30 – Vasily Andreevich Tropinin, painter * June 11 – John Constable, English romantic painter...

    • Giovanni Domenico Campiglia
      Giovanni Domenico Campiglia
      Giovanni Domenico Campiglia was an Italian painter and engraver from Florence, active under the patronage of the House of Medici.He initially trained under Tommaso Redi and Lorenzo del Moro. During his career, Campiglia was employed at Rome and Florence, painting and engraving historical subjects...

      , Italian painter and engraver from Florence
      Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area....

       (d. 1768
      1768 in art
      -Paintings:* Joseph Wright of Derby, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump-Births:*March 10 - Domingos Sequeira, Portuguese painter *April 18 - Jean-Baptiste Debret, French painter of lithographs depicting the people of Brazil...

    • Giovanni Domenico Ferretti
      Giovanni Domenico Ferretti
      Giovanni Domenico Ferretti , also called Giandomenico d'Imola was an Italian Rococo style painter from Florence. According to the contemporary Giovanni Camillo Sagrestani, Ferretti was a pupil of the Bolognese painter Giuseppe Maria Crespi...

      , Italian Rococo
      Rococo , also referred to as "Late Baroque", is an 18th-century style which developed as Baroque artists gave up their symmetry and became increasingly ornate, florid, and playful...

      -style painter from Florence (d. 1768
      1768 in art
      -Paintings:* Joseph Wright of Derby, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump-Births:*March 10 - Domingos Sequeira, Portuguese painter *April 18 - Jean-Baptiste Debret, French painter of lithographs depicting the people of Brazil...

    • Giovanni Giacomo Monti
      Giovanni Giacomo Monti
      Giovanni Giacomo Monti was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.He trained with Agostino Mitelli, the pre-eminent quadratura painter from Bologna. Monti became a colleague of Baldassare Bianchi, Mitelli's son-in-law. This partnership also met with success particularly at Mantua, where they...

      , Italian painter of quadratura (d. unknown)


  • January 3 - Roelant Roghman
    Roelant Roghman
    Roelant Roghman was a Dutch Golden Age painter and engraver.-Biography:Roghman was born in Amsterdam, the son of the engraver Henrick Lambertsz Roghman and Maria Jacobs Savery. His mother was a daughter of the Savery family, and Roghman became a student of his namesake and great-uncle, Roelant...

    , Dutch Golden Age painter and engraver (b. 1627)
  • March - Willem de Heusch
    Willem de Heusch
    Willem de Heusch was a Dutch landscape painter.De Heusch was born and died in Utrecht. Nothing certain is recorded of him except that he presided over the gild of Utrecht, whilst Cornelis Poelenburg, Jan Both and Jan Weenix formed the council of that body, in 1649...

    , Dutch landscape painter (b. 1625
    1625 in art
    -Works:*Pieter Lastman – The Angel and Tobias with the Fish*Rembrandt – The Stoning of Saint Stephen-Births:*May 13 – Carlo Maratta, Italian painter *November 20 – Paulus Potter, Dutch painter specializing in animals in landscapes...

  • April 23 - Pieter Withoos
    Pieter Withoos
    Pieter Withoos , was a Dutch Golden Age painter.-Biography:Withoos was born in Amersfoort. According to Houbraken he was the second son of Mathias Withoos, brother to the painters Johannes, Frans and Alida Withoos...

    , Dutch Golden Age painter (b. 1655)
  • September 28 - Cornelis Bloemaert
    Cornelis Bloemaert
    Cornelis Bloemaert II , was a Dutch Golden Age painter and engraver.-Biography:Bloemaert was born at Utrecht. He studied with his father, Abraham Bloemaert, his brothers Hendrick and Adriaan, and his father's pupil, Gerard van Honthorst...

    , Dutch painter and engraver (b. 1603
    1603 in art
    -Paintings:*Caravaggio**The Entombment of Christ**Sacrifice of Isaac -Births:*March 2 - Pietro Novelli, Italian painter, architect and stage set designer...

  • date unknown
    • Pietro Aquila
      Pietro Aquila
      Pietro Aquila was an Italian painter and printmaker of the Baroque period. He was born in Palermo. He mentored his nephew, the printmaker Francesco Faraone Aquila.-References:*....

      , Italian painter and printmaker (b. 1630
      1630 in art
      -Paintings:* Claude Lorrain - Landscape with Merchants * Rembrandt - The Rising of Lazarus, using chiaroscuro* Diego Velázquez – La Fragua de Vulcano-Births:...

    • David Loggan
      David Loggan
      David Loggan was an English baroque engraver, draughtsman and painter.-Life:He was baptized 27 August 1634 in Danzig, then a semi-autonomous city within Prussian Poland and a member of the Hanseatic League...

      , British
      United Kingdom
      The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

       painter (b. 1635
      1635 in art
      -Events:*Nicolas Poussin produces The Triumph of Pan and The Triumph of Bacchus to decorate Cardinal Richelieu's château.-Paintings:*Gerard ter Borch – Consultation* Abraham Bosse – Der Ball ...

    • Theodore Poulakis
      Theodore Poulakis
      Theodore Poulakis was a Greek Renaissance painter. He was born in Crete and migrated to Venice where he did most of his work. Poulakis was a member of the Cretan School and contemporary of another Cretan painter of Venice, Emmanuel Tzanes....

      , Greek Renaissance painter (b. 1622
      1622 in art
      -Paintings:* Artemisia Gentileschi – Portrait of a Condottiero* Frans Hals – Marriage Portrait of Isaac Massa en Beatrix van der Laen* Pieter Lastman – The Angel and the Prophet Balaam-Births:...

    • Emanuel de Witte
      Emanuel de Witte
      Emanuel de Witte was a Dutch perspective painter. In contrast to Pieter Jansz Saenredam, who emphasized architectural accuracy, De Witte was more concerned with the atmosphere of his interiors. Though few in number, de Witte also produced genre paintings.-Life:De Witte was born in Alkmaar and...

      , Dutch perspective painter (b. 1617
      1617 in art
      -Events:*Kanō Tan'yū becomes an official artist of the Tokugawa shogunate.*Lucas Vorsterman joins the workshop of Peter Paul Rubens, soon becoming Rubens's primary engraver.-Works:*Peter Paul Rubens - Adoration of the Magi*Diego Velázquez - The Lunch...

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