1677 in art


  • Thomas Flatman
    Thomas Flatman
    Thomas Flatman was an English poet and miniature painter. There were several editions of his Poems and Songs . One of his self-portraits is in the Victoria and Albert Museum. A portrait of Charles II is in the Wallace Collection, London...

     painted miniature portraits.
  • Pietro Giarguzzi painted the fresco
    Fresco is any of several related mural painting types, executed on plaster on walls or ceilings. The word fresco comes from the Greek word affresca which derives from the Latin word for "fresh". Frescoes first developed in the ancient world and continued to be popular through the Renaissance...

     "The Holy Trinity crowning the Blessed Virgin Mary" at San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane [view: http://web.comhem.se/~u13117202/scarlino.htm ComHem-se-Scarlino].
  • Abraham Hondius
    Abraham Hondius
    Abraham Danielsz. Hondius was a Dutch Golden Age painter known his depictions of animals. He was the son of a city stonemason, Daniel Abramsz de Hondt....

     painted "The Frozen Thames" during the Little Ice Age
    Little Ice Age
    The Little Ice Age was a period of cooling that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period . While not a true ice age, the term was introduced into the scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939...

    , with a view over the Thames
    River Thames
    The River Thames flows through southern England. It is the longest river entirely in England and the second longest in the United Kingdom. While it is best known because its lower reaches flow through central London, the river flows alongside several other towns and cities, including Oxford,...

     to the old London Bridge
    London Bridge
    London Bridge is a bridge over the River Thames, connecting the City of London and Southwark, in central London. Situated between Cannon Street Railway Bridge and Tower Bridge, it forms the western end of the Pool of London...

  • Pieter de Hooch
    Pieter de Hooch
    Pieter de Hooch was a genre painter during the Dutch Golden Age. He was a contemporary of Dutch Master Jan Vermeer, with whom his work shared themes and style.-Biography:...

     painted A Musical Party in a Courtyard.
  • Claude Lorrain
    Claude Lorrain
    Claude Lorrain, , traditionally just Claude in English Claude Lorrain, , traditionally just Claude in English (also Claude Gellée, his real name, or in French Claude Gellée, , dit le Lorrain) Claude Lorrain, , traditionally just Claude in English (also Claude Gellée, his real name, or in French...

     painted The Voyage of Jacob in his late Roman period.


  • October 23 – Giuseppe Antonio Petrini
    Giuseppe Antonio Petrini
    Giuseppe Antonio Petrini was a painter of the late-Baroque, active mainly in Lugano, present-day Switzerland.While born in Carona in Canton Ticino and died in Lugano, both in Switzerland, Petrini belongs to the Northern Italian or Lombard heritage of baroque painting. He possibly apprenticed with...

    , painter (d. 1755/1759
    1755 in art
    -Events:* Canaletto returns from England to Venice, where he continues painting until his death in 1768.-Paintings:* Jean-Honoré Fragonard – Musical Contest-Births:*April 16 – Élisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun, French painter...

  • November 29 – Guillaume Coustou the Elder
    Guillaume Coustou the Elder
    Guillaume Coustou the Elder was a French sculptor and academician. Coustou was the younger brother of French sculptor Nicolas Coustou and the pupil of his mother's brother, Antoine Coysevox...

    , French
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

    Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials—typically stone such as marble—or metal, glass, or wood. Softer materials can also be used, such as clay, textiles, plastics, polymers and softer metals...

     and academician (d. 1746
    1746 in art
    -Paintings:*Canaletto paints Westminster Bridge.*John Smybert paints portrait of William Pepperrell-Births:*March 22 – Gerard van Spaendonck, Dutch painter *March 30 – Francisco Goya, Aragonese Spanish painter and printmaker...

  • date unknown
    • Pompeo Aldrovandini
      Pompeo Aldrovandini
      Not to be confused with the Cardinal Pompeo AldrovandiPompeo Aldrovandini was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. Born in Bologna to a family of painters, he mainly learned from his cousin Tommaso Aldrovandini and was employed much in the decoration of churches, palaces, and theatres of...

      , Italian painter (d. 1735
      1735 in art
      -Paintings:* Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin paints Boy with a Top-Births:*May - Dmitry Levitzky, Russian-Ukrainian portrait painter *May 8 - Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland, English portrait painter and later a politician...

    • Lovia Casalina, Italian woman portrait-painter (d. 1702
      1702 in art
      -Births:*July 31 – Jean Denis Attiret, French Jesuit missionary and painter *August 15 – Francesco Zuccarelli, painter, elected to the Venetian Academy in 1763 *December 22 - Jean-Etienne Liotard, Swiss-French painter *date unknown...

    • Jean Raoux
      Jean Raoux
      Jean Raoux , French painter, was born at Montpellier.After the usual course of training he became a member of the Academy in 1717 as an historical painter...

      , French painter (d. 1734
      1734 in art
      -Events:* Engraving Copyright Act in Britain protects original engravings.-Paintings:* Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin paints The House of Cards-Births:* March 9 – Marie-Suzanne Giroust, French painter...

  • probable
    • Antonio Dardani
      Antonio Dardani
      Antonio Dardani was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.He was born and active in Bologna, where he had been a pupil of Giovanni Maria Viani and Marcantonio Toni.-References:...

      , Italian] painter (d. 1735
      1735 in art
      -Paintings:* Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin paints Boy with a Top-Births:*May - Dmitry Levitzky, Russian-Ukrainian portrait painter *May 8 - Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland, English portrait painter and later a politician...

    • Gasparo Lopez
      Gasparo Lopez
      Gasparo Lopez was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.He was born at Naples and was an excellent painter of flowers, and therefore called Gasparo dei Fiori. He studied under Jean Baptiste Du Buisson, Andrea Belvedere, and worked at Rome, Venice, and Dresden. He settled subsequently at...

      , Italian painter of flowers (d. 1732
      1732 in art
      -Works:* Canaletto – View of the Entrance to the Venetian Arsenal.* Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin – Lady Sealing a Letter.* William Hogarth – A Midnight Modern Conversation; A Harlot's Progress -Births:...



  • March 25 – Václav Hollar, Bohemian etcher, known in England as Wenceslaus Hollar or sometimes Wenzel (b. 1607
    1607 in art
    -Paintings:* Caravaggio**Saint Jerome Writing**Portrait of Alof de Wignacourt and his Page**Flagellation of Christ**The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew**The Seven Works of Mercy**David with the Head of Goliath ...

  • April 20 – Mathieu Le Nain
    Le Nain
    The three Le Nain brothers were painters in 17th-century France: Antoine Le Nain , Louis Le Nain , and Mathieu Le Nain...

    , French painter (b. 1607
    1607 in art
    -Paintings:* Caravaggio**Saint Jerome Writing**Portrait of Alof de Wignacourt and his Page**Flagellation of Christ**The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew**The Seven Works of Mercy**David with the Head of Goliath ...

  • August 28 – Wallerant Vaillant
    Wallerant Vaillant
    Wallerant Vaillant, , was a painter of the Dutch Golden Age and one of the first artists to use the mezzotint technique, which he probably helped to develop.- Biography :...

    , Flemish
    Flemish people
    The Flemings or Flemish are the Dutch-speaking inhabitants of Belgium, where they are mostly found in the northern region of Flanders. They are one of two principal cultural-linguistic groups in Belgium, the other being the French-speaking Walloons...

     painter (b. 1623
    1623 in art
    -Paintings:*Martin Droeshout – First Folio of William Shakespeare's plays* Dirck Hals**Musicians**Prometheus Being Chained by Vulcan* Gerard van Honthorst – The Prodigal Son...

    ), assistant to Prince Rupert of the Rhine
    Prince Rupert of the Rhine
    Rupert, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, 1st Duke of Cumberland, 1st Earl of Holderness , commonly called Prince Rupert of the Rhine, KG, FRS was a noted soldier, admiral, scientist, sportsman, colonial governor and amateur artist during the 17th century...

    ; Vaillant painted A Young Boy Copying a Painting and Woman Peeling Fruit and A Boy Drawing a Bust of the Emperor Vitellius (see: German Wikipedia).
  • November 9 – Aernout van der Neer
    Aernout van der Neer
    Aert van der Neer, or Aernout or Artus , was a landscape painter of the Dutch Golden Age, specializing in small night scenes lit only by moonlight and fires, and snowy winter landscapes, both often looking down a canal or river...

    , Dutch
    The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...

     painter (b. 1603
    1603 in art
    -Paintings:*Caravaggio**The Entombment of Christ**Sacrifice of Isaac -Births:*March 2 - Pietro Novelli, Italian painter, architect and stage set designer...

  • date unknown
    • Giacomo Alboresi
      Giacomo Alboresi
      Giacomo Alboresi was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. Born in Bologna, he was a pupil of Domenico Santi and the quadratura painter Agostino Mitelli and later worked under Angelo Michele Colonna in Spain, Florence, and Parma...

      , Italian painter (b. 1632
      1632 in art
      -Events:* July - Portraitist Anthony van Dyck, newly returned to London, is knighted and granted a pension as principalle Paynter in ordinary to their majesties.-Works:*Rembrandt – The Anatomy Lesson of Dr...

    • Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi
      Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi
      Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi was an Italian painter and etcher of the Baroque period. Born in Florence, he was a pupil of the painter Francesco Furini, then moved to Rome, where he joined the Accademia di San Luca in 1652. He was an accomplished etcher and produced works for Leonardo Agostini’s...

      , Italian painter and etcher (b. 1618
      1618 in art
      -Births:*January 1 – Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Spanish painter *June 28 - Jean Le Pautre, French designer and engraver *September 14 – Peter Lely, Dutch portrait painter *date unknown...

    • Cristoforo Savolini
      Cristoforo Savolini
      Cristoforo Savolini was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active in the region near Pesaro and his native town of Cesena....

      , Italian painter of altarpiece
      An altarpiece is a picture or relief representing a religious subject and suspended in a frame behind the altar of a church. The altarpiece is often made up of two or more separate panels created using a technique known as panel painting. It is then called a diptych, triptych or polyptych for two,...

      s (b. 1639
      1639 in art
      -Paintings:* Zhang Yan - Plum Blossoms in Snow* Peter Paul Rubens - The Three Graces.* Claude Lorrain - Seaport at Sunset, sometimes referred to as View of a Seaport....

    • Wang Jian
      Wang Jian (Ming)
      Wang Jian ; ca. 1598-1677 was a Chinese landscape painter during the Qing Dynasty .Wang was born in Taicang in the Jiangsu province. His style name was 'Xuanzhao' and his pseudonyms were 'Xiangbi' and 'Ranxiang anzhu' . Wang's precise color style of painting was influenced by Dong Yuan...

      , Chinese
      Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...

       landscape painter during the Qing Dynasty
      Qing Dynasty
      The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to 1912 with a brief, abortive restoration in 1917. It was preceded by the Ming Dynasty and followed by the Republic of China....

       (b. 1598
      1598 in art
      -Events:*Marin le Bourgeoys is appointed Valet de Chambre to King Henry IV of France. At court he produces artwork, firearms, air guns, crossbows, and movable globes....

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