X-Men: Evolution
X-Men: Evolution

X-Men: Evolution is an American animated television series about the Marvel Comics superhero team X-Men. For quotes from other X-men series, see "See Also" at the bottom of the page.
Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | |
1 | Strategy X | Growing Pains | Day of Recovery | Impact |
2 | The X-Impulse | Power Surge | The Stuff of Heroes | No Good Deed |
3 | Rogue Recruit | Bada-Bing Bada-Boom! | Mainstream | Target X |
4 | Mutant Crush | Fun and Games | The Stuff of Villains | Sins of the Son |
5 | Speed and Spyke | Beast of Bayville | Blind Alley | Uprising |
6 | Middleverse | Adrift | X-Treme Measures | Cajun Spice |
7 | Turn of the Rogue | African Storm | The Toad, the Witch and the Wardrobe | Ghost of a Chance |
8 | Spykecam | Joyride | Self Possessed | Ascension (Part 1) |
9 | Survival of the Fittest | On Angel's Wings | Under Lock and Key | Ascension (Part 2) |
10 | Shadowed Past | Mindbender | Cruise Control | |
11 | Grim Reminder | Shadow Dance | X23 | |
12 | The Cauldron (Part 1) | Retreat | Dark Horizon (Part 1) | |
13 | The Cauldron (Part 2) | Walk on the Wild Side | Dark Horizon (Part 2) | |
14 | Operation: Rebirth | |||
15 | The HeX Factor | |||
16 | Day of Reckoning (Part 1) | |||
17 | Day of Reckoning (Part 2) | |||
See Also | External Links |
Strategy X (1.01)
- [After Toad, blown into the mansion by Storm's powers, meets Nightcrawler for the first time.]
- Toad: Whoa! What are you, some kind of ratty plush toy?
- Nightcrawler: The name's Nightcrawler, and at least I don't reek like unwashed lederhosen.
- Toad: You blue-furred freak!
- [As Toad chases Nightcrawler through the mansion, the former hurling insults at the latter.]
- Nightcrawler: As you say in America, "neener, neener, neener!"
- Toad: That ain't gonna help you, boy!
- Nightcrawler: You're so slow, you couldn't catch flies off a windshield!
- Toad: Fight like a man!
- Professor Xavier: Yes. The boy is, indeed, gifted. He could be one of us.
- Storm: Sometimes, Professor, I think your good heart blinds even you from the truth.
- [Nightcrawler suddenly leaps down the hall, chased by Toad]
- Toad: I'm gonna rip that pointy tail off, ya fuzzy gecko!
- Toad: [chasing Nightcrawler] Come here, Wookiee boy! Come on, come over here, don't make me come up there, don't make me, oh, now you're starting to tick me off...
- Professor Xavier: Todd Tolansky does indeed have the gift of the X-gene. He is welcome to join us, if he so desires.
- Toad: [still mad at Kurt] The only thing I desire is blue-boy's fuzzy head!
- Wolverine: I came back 'cause I smelled trouble brewing. [glances at Toad] Of course, maybe it was just stink-boy there...
The X-Impulse (1.02)
- [Kitty had just walked away from Avalanche]
- Avalanche: You can run, but you can't hide. Cause I'm gonna rock your world!
- Sabretooth: One shall fall by the other's hand. It's our destiny, and we can't change it.
- Wolverine: I didn't know you went for that philosophy mumbo-jumbo!
- Cyclops: [to Sabretooth] Hey, hairball! I got your destiny right here!
- [Wolverine, Cyclops and Nightcrawler beat Sabretooth.]
- Nightcrawler: Heh! We showed him. We are the X-Men!
- Wolverine: I don't fight your battles. So don't fight mine. [storms off]
- Nightcrawler: [to Cyclops] Ahh, he loves us.
- Cyclops: Oh yeah, big time.
Rogue Recruit (1.03)
- Wolverine: Hey, when I give a demo, I give a demo.
- Cyclops: A demo, as in "demolish", or "demonstration"?
- Wolverine: The vents were easily breached; gonna have to fix that. Maybe electrifiers, or poison gas sprayers.
- Storm: Wolverine...
- Wolverine: Alright, alright...knockout gas, then.
- [After scaring Kitty when he teleported near her.]
- Nightcrawler: Oops. Heh heh, sorry. Next time I'll honk before I 'port.
- Cyclops: Nice job, Kurt. You'll make a pilot, yet.
- Nightcrawler: Thanks!
- (Kurt starts piloting with his feet.)
- Cyclops: ...or maybe not.
- Nightcrawler: Was? Got a scent?
- Wolverine: Yeah... I smell fear.
- Wolverine: (to Kurt, about Kitty) ... and keep an eye on the half-pint here.
- Shadowcat: Hey!
- Professor Xavier: Wolverine, it's Nightcrawler. The Rogue has his mind and his abilities.
- Wolverine: This is my fault. I should never have left the little squirrel in charge!
- [After Rogue accidentally knocks Kurt out and flees the scene, leaving Shadowcat alone with him.]
- Shadowcat: Say something, Kurt! Please! Tease me, scare me, anything! Please...don't be dead... Come on, Kitty... okay, what would Wolverine do? I mean, besides dice up, like, half the landscape...
- Nightcrawler: (finally wakes up and sees the destruction around him)... Looks like I missed quite a party...
- Shadowcat: Kurt! You're alright! (hugs him) Easy, you fuzzy elf. Everything is going to be just fine.
- Cyclops: (whispering) "Fuzzy elf"?
Mutant Crush (1.04)
- [After Blob, lost on his first day in Bayville high, grabs Duncan.]
- Blob: Hey, you! Where am I supposed to be?
- Duncan: I don't know. How about a sideshow?
- [Cyclops and Rogue are sitting together rehearsing their script from Henry VIII.]
- Cyclops: Do you like me, Kate?
- Rogue: Pardonnez moi? I cannot tell what is "like me".
- Cyclops: An angel is like you, Kate, and you are like an angel.
- Rogue: The girls are right; you are a charmer.
- Cyclops: Look, I'm just practicing the lines, okay?
- [After Nightcrawler teleports between Cyclops and Rogue in the middle of rehearsal.]
- Nightcrawler: Whoa! Er... Tender moment here? Sorry to interrupt.
- Rogue: I swear, he's like a... an annoying little brother!
- Cyclops: Teleporter to maximum, Mr. Wagner.
- Nightcrawler: Aye, Captain!
- Cyclops: Engage.
- Rogue: Leave her alone, ya yahoo!
- Blob: Whatcha gonna do to me? Make me wear bad makeup?
- Rogue: Didn't Mystique tell you what my power is?
- Blob: No. And I don't care.
- (Rogue pulls off her glove and grabs Blob's arm.)
- Rogue: My power is your power, and I can take more than one!
- (Rogue tosses Blob using his strength, and blasts him further back with Cyclops' beam. He lands in a pile of junk, but gets up again quickly.)
- Blob: I got too much power, even for you. You can't hurt me! I'm the Blob!
- Rogue: Nah, you're just garbage that wanted a date! Now tell you what: I'm taking you out!
Middleverse (1.06)
- Cyclops: Go to Duncan Matthews' party? I don't think so. Matthews is a jerk.
- Shadowcat: No he's not. I'd go.
- Cyclops: No freshmen allowed.
- Shadowcat: Oh. Matthews is a jerk.
- Nightcrawler: Hey, chicks dig the fuzzy dude! [to Shadowcat, suggestively] Right?
- Shadowcat: I'm, like, so out of here. Later.
- Nightcrawler: Oh yeah, she can't resist.
- Cyclops: Hey! Watch the tail! (jerks Kurt off of table) Now, see? That's exactly what I'm talking about --
- Nightcrawler: You pulled my tail, man!
- Cyclops: Listen!
- Nightcrawler: No, you listen! There's a sound I want you to hear, and it's-
- (Nightcrawler teleports, leaving Cyclops coughing in a cloud of brimstone.)
- [After Cyclops, Spyke, Jean and Shadowcat recover Forge's projector.]
- Cyclops: Step back. This is going to be messy.
- Shadowcat: You know, I could just, like, phase through it and short it out quietly? [Cyclops and Spyke look at her blankly.] Oh, right. Forget I mentioned it. [to Jean] Like, what is it with guys and explosions anyway?
- Nightcrawler: I swear, that homie's lingo is so whack.
- (about Forge as they wander through Middleverse.)
Grim Reminder (1.11)
- [Kurt & Kitty find that the plane they hid in is actually flying away.]
- Shadowcat: Can you transport us to the ground?
- Nightcrawler: Yeah, right. Like, picture this: bumpety, bumpety, bumpety, bumpety, SPLAT! Too high up and WAY too fast!
Growing Pains (2.01)
[The Brotherhood are standing off to the side at a school assembly]- Blob: I don't even know why we're here.
- Quicksilver: Yeah, but we do know what Lance is doing here. He wants to get a certain Kitty stuck in a tree. K-I-S-S-I....
- [Quicksilver speeds away as Lance tries to hit him, causing him to hit Toad instead]
- Rogue: I'm about to feel really big and stupid, if you know what I mean.
- (toward Blob, as she prepares to absorb his power.)
Bada-Bing Bada-Boom! (2.03)
- [Boom-Boom is selected first for the simulated cliff rescue operation, with Nightcrawler as the victim.]
- Boom-Boom: Yeah! Look out below! Boom-Boom's bombing in!
- Nightcrawler: I'm going to die...
- (Boom-Boom is lowered to Nightcrawler's position.)
- Boom-Boom: Hey, cutie!
- Nightcrawler: Hi. I have to know: are you insane?
- Nightcrawler: Ow! I'm an injured victim, not a log!
- (to Boom-Boom, after she carelessly sweeps him into the stretcher with her foot.)
- Boom-Boom: "Nightcrawler", huh? That name's just not working for you, I'm sorry. Whoa! How about, "Wild Blue Yonder Boy"?
- Nightcrawler: You are insane.
- Nightcrawler: Aha! You forgot to strap me in! Ten points off!
- (to Boom-Boom, after he pretends to fall off the stretcher.)
On Angel's Wings (2.09)
- [After Nightcrawler and Shadowcat run past Professor Xavier and Wolverine, Nightcrawler carrying a piece of mistletoe.]
- Professor Xavier: Ah, to be young again.
- Wolverine: Yeah... glad that's over.
- Cyclops: You mean he's some kind of demon?
- Rogue: Yeah, right!
- Beast: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than you've dreamt of in your philosophy."
- Rogue: Now that's Shakespeare.
- (About Angel and his recent vigilantism.)
Shadow Dance (2.11)
- [Wolverine and Nightcrawler escape from a pack of vicious reptilian demons in the "bamf" dimension.]
- Wolverine: Well I'd say they were pretty hostile. Wouldn't you?
- Boom-Boom: Oh, come on! I don't look that bad!
- (to Toad and Blob, who scream at the sight of a "bamf" demon, just as she exits the washroom.)
- [The demons attack guests at the Bayville High Dance. One goes for Kurt and Amanda.]
- Amanda: Kurt! Get us out of here!
- Nightcrawler: How? We're trapped!
- Amanda: Make us disappear! Hurry! I've seen you do it! Please!
- Amanda: You know, blue really is my favorite color.
- (to Nightcrawler, after he reveals his true physical form to her.)
Retreat (2.12)
- [After Beast returns from his chaotic nightly rampage.]
- Beast: I don't know what to say... I am so sorry about this.
- Professor Xavier: Well, it was bound to happen.
- Beast: What do you mean?
- Professor Xavier: What was it the last time... You attended a drive-in movie, hidden in the bed of a pick-up truck?
- Shadowcat: How much do you know about the Redwoods?
- Iceman: Only that they make great hot tubs.
- Beast: Journey? Where can you go when you can't be seen by the public?
- (to Professor Xavier, after he is advised to go on a trip to find himself.)
- [After Beast announces his pick of students for an impromptu field trip to Redwood Forest.]
- Iceman: Me? But my grades are improving!
- Beast: Uh-huh. With the speed of a glacier. You, too, Evan.
- Spyke: Aw, come on, teach! Can't I do my studying somewhere else! Like going to the park! There's green stuff there!
- (Beast looms in on Spyke in a mock-threatening way, cornering him by the door.)
- Spyke: ...do these forests have sidewalks?
- [After Sunspot finishes covering the X-Jet in an ample amount of branches.]
- Wolfsbane: It was plenty camouflaged!
- Sunspot: A few more branches couldn't hurt.
- Wolfsbane: I smell overachiever issues.
- Beast: Send me an e-mail, and I'll take your complaint under "advisement".
- (to Spyke, as the latter protests at the beginning of the trek.)
- Beast: This is not who I am.
- Shadowcat: Maybe it's who you're meant to be.
- Beast: You can't go back either, huh?
- (to a stranded fish beached on the side of a river.)
- [After Beast assigns the students to find five different types of rocks.]
- Wolfsbane: Five samples. I guess a go getter like you will bring back ten.
- Sunspot: Maybe twelve. You see, the first five are like a cake; the rest are like the icing. And I like icing.
- Wolfsbane: I thought you were putting on a little weight.
- Big Foot Fanatic: ...is he wearing trunks?
- (about Beast, whom has been accidentally caught on tape and mistaken as Big Foot.)
- Big Foot Fanatic: It looks like we've got ourselves the real McCoy.
- (about Beast, after the expedition successfully captures him.)
- Big Foot Research Scientist: This is a wonder of Nature! It is our duty to respect it!
- Hunter 1: What? It's not like we're going to make a rug out of it!
- Hunter 2: A coat, maybe, but not a rug.
- (about the captive Beast, after the hunters comment how much Big Foot will be worth in the market.)
- Big Foot Research Scientist: Good Heavens! You can speak!
- (to a captive Beast, as the latter attempts to strike up a friendly intellectual conversation with him.)
Walk on the Wild Side (2.13)
- [After Boom-Boom barges into the bathroom without knocking, effectively interrupting Toad.]
- Toad: Great! I take one shower a month, and still I get no privacy!
- Magma: Look, didn't your mother teach you not to pick on girls?!
- Chop Shop Boss: Oh, yeah. Yeah, too bad I never listened to her.
- Boom Boom: Well, guess what, braindead? She was right! And here's why!
- [Cyclops and Nightcrawler are on a stake-out watching for the girls]
- Nightcrawler: Blue Boy to Tracker One. Do you read? The pigeons are leaving the roost.
- Cyclops: Kurt, I'm right here... and why are you talking like that?
The HeX Factor (2.15)
- Boom-Boom: Let me guess: you must be Mistic.
- Mystique: Try Mystique. This is my home, and my rules. Rule Number One: Move out of my room. Think you can handle that, Bam-Bam?
- Mystique: Gentlemen, meet your new secret weapon.
- Quicksilver: Wanda?!
- Scarlet Witch: Pietro?!
- [Scarlet Witch goes into a rage and starts using her powers against the Brotherhood.]
- Toad: Ex-girlfriend?
- Quicksilver: Worse! She's my sister!
- Boom-Boom: Room's all yours, Mys-tique!
- [after blowing up said room with her time bombs.]
- Shadowcat: ... So? What does it need?
- Nightcrawler: Something to wash out the taste.
- (about the rubbery muffins Shadowcat made for Home Economics class.)
Day of Recovery (3.01)
- Toad: Oooh, beautiful and bad.
- (at Scarlet Witch, after she hexes a number of pursuing troops.)
- Toad: Just the type of girl that makes a guy want to... brush his teeth.
- (about Scarlet Witch, after she forcefully snubs him.)
The Stuff of Heroes (3.02)
- Rogue: I'm not that fat!
- (about the news broadcast revealing her as a mutant.)
- [After Nightcrawler teleports upside-down, but attains reception on the pocket television he is carrying.]
- Nightcrawler: Oh, man! I'm trapped here!
- Nightcrawler: Do you mind? You're in my personal space!
- (to Shadowcat, as she phases halfway through him to get a better view of the television.)
- (Nightcrawler, along with Shadowcat, teleports into an attacking helicopter.)
- Nightcrawler: Hi! I'm Nightcrawler, and this is Shadowcat.
- Shadowcat: And this is your weapons system.
- (Shadowcat phases through the controls, short-circuiting them.)
- Both: (Waving.) Bye!
- Juggernaut: What are you trying to do? Embarass me to death? Come on, gimme your best shot!
- Cyclops: You know, that's just what I had in mind. [starts to use his eye blasts against Juggernaut]
- Juggernaut: You think that fancy visor's gonna stop me?! NOTHING stops me! I'M RAW POWER!!!
- Cyclops: Yeah? You want it raw, tough guy? Then take it RAW! [removes his visor and uses his powers at full force]
- [After the X-Men defeat the Juggernaut and save the dam.]
- Senator: Er... what did they just do?
- Storm: What they were trained to do: use their powers for good.
- President: My fellow Americans - all my fellow Americans, human and mutant - I stand before you now to clear the X-Men of all wrongdoing in the giant Sentinel robot disaster. The real criminal suspect behind the Sentinel weapon has been arrested and charged. This has caught us all by surprise, but isn't reason for any of us to judge people solely by their differences. To put it as simply as I can, we need to learn more. We need to be open-minded. And we need to give this mutant question more time.
- Train Driver: [to police officer, showing him Juggernaut in train] See, I told you. He jumped on at Roseburg and look at the size of him!
- Officer: All right step on out here big guy! Nice and easy
- Juggernaut: [sighs] You do not want to do this.
- Officer: [takes his beating stick] Get out of there now and identify yourself!
- Juggernaut: [puts on helmet] Hm, you want to know who I am? [gets up and jumps through roof of train car] Juggernaut! [pushes them aside and walks off]
Mainstream (3.03)
- Colossus: When you tire of the discrimination, Magento offers you the chance to join him.
- Wolverine: So I can become a lackey like you?! I don't think so!
- Colossus: I am not a lackey! I... I have no choice.
- Toad: If you can't be cool, be feared. My momma always told me that!
- Kid: Hey, what's your special power? Can you, like, read my mind?
- Rogue: Yeah, like I could find it.
- Shadowcat: This is the real you, isn't it?! You're nothing but a hood!
- Avalanche: Right. I'll never be good enough for you!
Blind Alley (3.05)
- Cyclops: Logan, have you ever... you know... really cared for someone?
- Wolverine: Pliers.
- Cyclops: (tosses wire strippers)I mean, you felt it so strong you couldn't even get the words out?
- Wolverine: Yeah, once. Most beautiful bike I ever saw. I was so speechless someone else bought her. (goans) Not wire strippers, pliers! Use your eyes, kid!
- Cyclops: Problem is, how's the guy supposed to know if the girl feels the same way?
- Wolverine: Look, here's how I see it: I'd like to finish this job before New Years. So if you don't tell her, I will!
The Toad, the Witch and the Wardrobe (3.07)
- Quicksilver: Tell her I'm not here!
- (Quicksilver hides in a closet as Scarlet Witch storms into the Brotherhood home.)
- Scarlet Witch: Where is he?!
- Toad: He's not here; he's in the closet.
- Nightcrawler: That was a delicious dinner, Mrs. Sefton.
- Amanda's Mother: Well, it was sweet of you to offer to do the dishes.
- Amanda: Oh, Kurt is very considerate. He gets good grades, too. And he has the nicest friends.
- [Immediately before Toad crashes into the Sefton cottage and tries to steal Nightcrawler's portable holo-projector.]
- [After Toad accidentally slips into the sink.]
- Toad: EW! I touched soap!
Cruise Control (3.10)
- (Cyclops and Jean Grey show outright affection for each other.)
- Shadowcat: Oh, man. Are they for real?
- Nightcrawler: [imitating] "Jean, darling, please accept this croissant as a symbol of my love."
- Shadowcat: "Oh, Scott... you have such a way with pastry..."
X-23 (3.11)
- Deborah Risman: "My job there (HYDRA) was to create a weapon. The perfect weapon. Based on data HYDRA had stolen from a project codenamed: Weapon X. But I failed. Time and time again. Twenty-two times to be precise. Twenty-three was the charm once we realized where to look for the answers. It was you, Weapon...uh, Wolverine. Your healing factor was the key. Therefore, we... acquired your DNA."
- Wolverine: "You...cloned me?"
- Deborah Risman: "Not entirely. I had to make a few genetic variations. Unfortunately, that caused some...instability. X-23 became volatile. Dangerous. Our efforts to breed out emotions left behind...explosive anger. I succeeded in creating the ultimate weapon."
- Wolverine: "But then you couldn't control it."
- Deborah Risman: "She's out there, somewhere. And she must be found."
- Deborah Risman: "HYDRA molded her from birth. Removing all distractions. Isolating her from all attachments...or love."
- Wolverine: "And yet you just let it all happen."
- Deborah Risman: "It was made very clear that I could leave if I disapproved. For her sake, I chose to stay. We trained her how to blend in naturally with others. But when she watched children having fun, witness loving families...unexpected hostilities emerged. When she was twelve...they put her through the Weapon X process."
- Wolverine: "Enough! She's a child, not a weapon! (Growls) How do you sleep at night?"
- Deborah Risman: "I don't. That's why I'm here. To help her. To try and undue some of the damage I've done."
Impact (4.01)
- Toad: Hello, McFly!
- (to Mystique, now a stone statue, as he raps on her head.) [a reference to the Back to the Future trilogy; Biff does this when he is annoyed with the McFlys.]
- Nightcrawler: If you don't help her, this will haunt you for the rest of your life. Prove that you're not like her.
- (to Rogue, in persuading her to save Mystique.)
No Good Deed (4.02)
- Toad: Never fear, people, the Brotherhood has arrived. We'll stop that runaway train.
- Bystander: Yeah, but what about the other train?
- Quicksilver: Uh... What other train?
- Bystander: Radio says one's coming the other way carrying eight tankers of gasoline.
Uprising (4.05)
- Magma: Hey! Accidents happen. Like, if I "accidentally" dropped this, it will "accidentally" burn a hole right through your car.
- (to Duncan, as he threatens Cannonball.)
- Spyke: As for you: threatening little girls? You're lucky I only damaged your car.
- Duncan: Yeah? And you think I'm going to let you get away with messing up my ride?
- Spyke: Well, I guess the question is: What are you going to do about it?
- Wolverine: When did the porcupine start shooting flaming arrows? Did I miss an upgrade notice or something?
- Wolverine: Maybe it slipped your notice, Chuck, but I'm not exactly the model of restraint.
- Wolverine: Alright, I'll try to sweet talk the kid into not smacking down creeps and thugs who deserve it. But you'll be lucky if I don't end up joining him myself.
- Beast: We, scientists, have a special term for that called "I don't know..."
- Kid: I'm starting to think the old lady next door might actually be one.
- (during the news channel coverage on the public's reaction toward mutants.)
- Farmer: What's a mutant?
- (during the news channel coverage on the public's reaction toward mutants.)
- Jean Grey: Duncan, don't do this.
- Duncan: Save it, Jean. My days of listening to you are over.
- Jean Grey: And my days of putting up with you are over!
- [After Dorian Leech suddenly causes all the power to go out, including mutant power.]
- Cyclops: ...That kid! Somehow, he is nullifying all the energy around here. Including mutant powers.
- Wolverine: [Wincing in pain] Yeah... how nice.
Cajun Spice (4.06)
- [Wolverine invades the Acolyte base and threatens Pyro.]
- Wolverine: I'm looking for Gambit.
- Pyro: Watch it, mate. You're wrinkling the uniform!
- [Pyro forms a fiery dragon and uses it to attack Wolverine.]
- Pyro: I'm real glad you dropped by, since I've been bored outta my skull!
- [Wolverine eventually manages to destroy Pyro's flame-thrower, defeating the dragon. He then grabs Pyro.]
- Wolverine: Where's you buddies?!
- Pyro: Since Magneto's gone, Colossus bailed and went back to Russia, Sabretooth's out playing with a big ball of yarn somewhere, and Gambit didn't leave a note on the fridge.
- [Wolverine slams him back into his chair and walks away.]
- Rogue: What is it with you and cards?
- Gambit: Oh, it's like having fifty-two explosives in one little pocket. I always save her for last.
- Rogue: Queen of Hearts?
- Gambit: My lucky lady. She's gotten me out of a lot of jams.
- Rogue: Then I need a deck of those.
- [After Rogue dangles Gambit halfway out of the train with an iron bar.]
- Rogue: I don't like getting pushed in any direction. Got it?
- Gambit: Point taken. Now here's mine: Pull me in, or I blow this boxcar off the tracks.
- (Rogue finally takes back the bar and pulls Gambit in.)
- Rogue: You're just crazy enough to do it.
- Gambit: We do what we have to, right cherie?
- Gambit: I'm not afraid. Go ahead: absorb my thoughts. See for yourself that I mean you no harm.
- Rogue: Like I want you inside my head.
- Gambit: Rogue...
- Rogue: Don't. You just did the wrong thing for the right reasons.
- Gambit: So, what now?
- Rogue: I'm going back with the X-Men. I don't care what you do.
- Gambit: Sure, you don't.
- Gambit: You'll be fine, cherie. You've got people looking out for you.
Ascension (Part 1) (4.08)
- [Xavier and Apocalypse communicate telepathically.]
- Professor Xavier: I am Charles Xavier.
- Apocalypse: I know who you are.
- Professor Xavier: Then you know I've merely come to talk. To discuss what you're planning, and--
- Apocalypse: I have planned nothing. I am but an instrument of destiny.
- Professor Xavier: But it's a destiny of destruction.
- Apocalypse: The future came to me in that craft. I have embraced it, and merged with its technology so that I may lead the evolution of the human race.
- Professor Xavier: The human race does not need your help.
- Apocalypse: Hmmph! Since when has mankind ever known what it needs?
- Professor Xavier: You have to know that somehow, you will be stopped.
- Apocalypse: What I know is... it will not be by you.
Ascension (Part 2) (4.09)
- Wolverine: Everything you've ever learned about yourselves - your strengths, and your limits...it all comes down to this very moment. We're the world's last, best hope to stop this madman.
- (to all the X-Men and the volunteer mutants from the Brotherhood, the Morlocks, and the Acolytes.)
- [After the Brotherhood manages to bury Magneto under debris.]
- Toad: Did we win?
- Quicksilver: Don't you ever learn?
- Toad: Oh, that's right. We never win.
- Rogue: Where'd it go?
- Wolverine: I don't know. Hopefully it just fell through the cracks of time, never to be seen again.
- Rogue: For some reason, I don't think we'll be that lucky.
- (about Apocalypse, after he disappears.)
- Nightcrawler: You did it, Rogue. The girl who shut herself off from the world just saved it.
- Mystique: Rogue... Kurt... I just want you to know that the things I did...all the things I did...were because I...
- Nightcrawler: Save it, Mystique.
- Rogue: Even you don't believe your excuses, so just...leave us alone.
- [In the aftermath of the victory over Apocalypse.]
- Professor Xavier: Thanks to you all, we have averted catastrophe. It was not without its price, however. But steel is forged through fire, and like it, we have been made stronger. We are prepared for what the future brings. I know this, because I have glimpsed it in the mind of Apocalypse. Many challenges still await us, but I saw some who have been our enemies become friends. And, with a heavy heart, I saw the dearest of friends become the most terrible enemies. I saw my X-Men grow and change. And, of course, I saw that some people never change. But one thing was clear - that no matter what awaits us, terrible or wondrous, the X-Men will always be there, ready. And of that, I am proud.
See also
- X-Men
- Wolverine and the X-Men
- Astonishing X-Men
- Ultimate X-Men
- Uncanny X-Men
- Misc X-titles and Limited Series
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