The Looney Tunes Show
The Looney Tunes Show

Looney Tunes are the most popular cartoon series in theaters from 1942 to 1969. Colorized editions are perennially broadcast on television down to the present day.
Have any of you giwls evew had an expewience wike this?
Marvin:I claim this planet in the name of Mars! Hmmm, isn't that lovely?
From Rabbit Fire
From The Unruly Hare
From The Wabbit Who Came to Supper
From Fresh Hare
(After Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny have engaged in a snow chase in which Elmer crashed into a snow-covered tree which gave him a Santa hat and beard)
From Bugs and Thugs
[Bugs makes sounds like a police car stopping]
[Runs through the door]
[Puts Rocky inside the stove]
[Hides Mugsy in stove]
[Forces door open]
[Throws match in stove; it explodes]
[Closes door]
[Rocky and Mugsy come out of the oven, all burned and groggy; just then the real police arrives]
[Rocky and Mugsy hide back in the oven]
[Bursts through door ]
[He and Mugsy burst out of stove and grovel at the policeman's feet]
From French Rarebit
[he dips Francois in wine]
Bugs Bunny
- What's up, doc?
- Duck Season!
- Hey, Laughing Boy!
- I knew I shoulda make a left toin at Albuqoique!
- I wish my brotha George was here! (as Liberace)
- Well now I wouldn't say that!
- [speaking in drag] I would just LOVE a duck dinner.
- I'll do it, but I'll probably hate myself in the morning!
- Mmm, rabbits. That sounds delicious. [Does a double-take.] Rabbits!
- Of course you know (realize) this means war!
- Poor little nimrod.
- Well what didja expect in an opera, a HAPPY ending?
- Hey, wait a cotton-pickin minute!
- What a gulli-bull! What a nin-cow-poop!
- Whatta maroon! Whatta ignoranimus!
- Gee, ain't I a stinker?
- [with Daffy Duck] Shhh! Be very, very quiet: we're hunting Elmers!
- Now cut dat out!
- What's all the hubbub, bub?
- Which way did he go, George, which way did he go?
- You know? Sometimes me conscience kinda bothers me... But not this time!
- Poor little maroon. So trusting. So naive.
- Carrots are devine...You get a dozen for a dime. It's maaaa-gic.
- Eeeeeeh, watch me paste this pathetic palooka with a powerful, paralyzing, pointing, pachydermous, percussion pitch.
- Don't think it hasn't been a little slice of heaven...'cause it hasn't!
- Confidentially.........I AM A WABBIT!!!!
- My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives.
- Look, out there in the audience...
- Ah, me public!
- Here I go with the timid little woodland creature bit again. It's shameful, but...ehhh, it's a living.
- I bet you say that to all the wabbits.
- Whaddya think you're doing?
- My stars! Where did you ever get that awful hairdo?
- For shame, doc. Hunting rabbits with an elephant gun. Why don't you shoot yourself an elephant?
- Oh, someone's sending me a present. Better break out the party trimmings! I just love parties!
- Oh, yeah? Well, I can prove a rabbit can be more obnoxious than anybody!!"
- I know this defies the law of gravity, but I never studied law!
- Only a big fat rat would shoot a guy in the back.
- Eh, what's up, doc? Jumpin' without a parachute? Kinda dangerous, ain't it?
- Stop steamin' up my tail! Whataya tryin' ta do, wrinkle it?
- Promenade across the floor. Sashay right on out the door. Out the door and into the glade and everybody promenade. Step right up you're doing fine. I'll pull your beard you'll pull mine. Yank it again like you did before. Break it up with a tug of war. Now into the brook and fish for the trout. Dive right in and splash about. Trout! Trout! Pretty little trout! One more splash and come right out. Shake like a hound-dog. Shake again. Wallow around in the old pig pen. Wallow some more. Y'all know how. Roll around like an old fat sow. Alamand left with your right hand. Follow through with a great left band. Now lead your partner the dirty old thing. Follow through with an elbow swing. Grab a fence post. Hold it tight. Womp your partner with all your might. Hit him in the shin. Hit him in the head. Hit him again. The critter ain't dead. Womp him low and womp him high. Stick your finger in his eye. Pretty little ring. Pretty little sound. Bang your heads against the ground. Promenade all around the room. Promenade like a bride and groom. Open up the door and step right in. Close the door and into a spin. Whirl! Whirl! Twist and twirl! Jump all around like a flying squirrel. Now don't you fuss and don't you swear. Just come right out and form a square. Now right hand over and left hand under. Both join hands and run like thunder. Over the hill and over the dale. Duck your head and lift your tail. Don't you stray and don't you roam. Turn to your partner. Promenade home. Corn in the cornfield. Wheat in the sack. Turn to your partner. Promenade back. And now you're home. Bow to your partner. Bow to the gent across the hall. And that is all!
- Bric-a-bracka, Firecracker! Sis, boom, bah! Bugs Bunny! Bugs Bunny! Rah! Rah! Rah!
- And remember, 'mud' spelled backwards is 'dum'.
- She may not be very pretty now, but she was somebody's baby once.
- Ah, what a beautiful dream! It would be a traGEDy if someone were to disturb this Serene Scene!
- Oh no! It's too gruesome! But I'll do it!
- The rabbits are coming! Hooray! Hooray! The rabbits are coming! Hooray! Hooray!
- I'm multiplyin', Doc! I'm multiplyin!
- Ah, ha! Multiplying!
- after Elmer Fudd shoots him in the back and calls himself "a dirty rat"
- Yeah, have some cheese, rat! shoves cheese in Elmer's mouth
- Ain't this monotonous?
- Gurgle, gurgle! Why don't ya pay your water bill, doc?
- Don't go up there! It's dark!
- Turn off that light!
- Didja ever get the feeling you was being watched?
- And so having disposed of the monster, exits our hero, stage right through the front door-none the worse from his harrowing experience.
- So long,Sammy! See you in Miami!
- So long, Screwy! See you in St. Loui!
- Run for the hills, folks! Or you'll be up to your armpits in martians!
- Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute! Look, the people out there in the audience - the lady there with the long ears. They're getting longer all the time. And the guy back there in the seventeenth row with the cute tomato - he's gettin' all fuzzy. Yeah, they've got it. Everybody out there's got rabbititus!
- Why, if you had rabbititus, you'd see red and yellow spots before your eyes. [red and yellow spots appear on the screen -- possible reference to Visual Snow?] Yeah, that's right. And then they'd start swirling and swirling around.
- What a tough audience! It ain't like Saint Joe... Saint Joe! They love me there!
- The moral of this story is don't try to steal no eighteen carrots from no rabbit.
- (singing) I dream of Genie, she's a light brown hare...
- (to Happy Rabbit) Can I help you?
- Eh, you'll be fine if you remember t'ree things. One, your adversaries have tapioca for brains. Two, always eat your carrots. And three, villains always fall for cheesy disguises.
- Ah yes, Tiny Toon Adventures; a fine show. It all began quite a while ago, but I remember it as clearly as if it were... a flashback. It was late night at da Warner Bros. Studio. I was just hanging around, as usual, while de artists were comin' up with brilliant new TV ideas.
- I like this kid; he's got moxie.
- Buster and Babs were about ready to throw in the towel, so I decided to give 'em a bit of wabbit wisdom.
- Ain't I a little Dickens, though?
- Well, whaddaya know! I didn't think the little skinflint would ever change!
- I'm sorry Mac, but da lady of da house ain't home, and besides, we already sent you people a check last week!
- [in a Kids' WB! commercial bumper] Eh, you're back! Or am I back? Aah, who cares! [kisses the screen]
- I'll tell ya one thing [about Judge Doom
] , doc - he weren't no rabbit!
- Oooh, dat's far too hot for da little miser. He's liable to boil his money belt! Hehehehe! Dis'll probably cool off everything but his temper!
- You don't have to be crazy to do this... But it sure helps!
- Dat evil character's after that nice old lady's money! Looks like this boy scout's gonna do his deed for today.
- If dis assignment doesn't toin out funny, Warner Bros. will disavow any knowledge of de episode and blame it on da writers.
- I coulda swore I hoid somebody knockin'! Oh well.
- [Old Elmer to bugs] Good bye old Buddy. [Old Bugs] So long, Methuselah!
Happy Rabbit
- Put a net over a harmless little rabbit the SPCA shall hear about this
- Eeek! Ooh! Ahh! (representing a monkey's sound)
- (to Bugs) Hey got any carrots?
- (to Egghead) Hello, sir?
Daffy Duck
- (First ever line) Porky: Hey, th-th-th-that wasn't in the script!
Daffy: Don't let it worry ya, Skipper. I'm just a crazy, darn fool duck. Hoo-hoo Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...
- You're deth-picable!
- That's just plain silly!
- Duck hunters is da cwaziest peoples!
- I'm not crazy, I just dont' give a darn!
- I'm so crazy I don't know this isn't possible.
- You ain't just whistling dixie!
- Watch out for that first step! It's a loo-loo!
- Wabbit Season!
- I'm rich, I'm a happy miser!
- Hoo-Hoo, Hoo-Hoo!
- (Dressed in snow gear) "What a trip! What a trip! Blizzard all the way... snow twenty feet deep! But we had to get that serum through! It was mush, mush, mush all night! Come on!! MUSH, MUSH, MUSH, MUSH, MUSH!!! Suddenly, the glacier cracks, then the roar, TONS OF ICE, NO ESCAPE, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (totally calm) So how's things been with you?" ("Daffy Duck Hunt")
- I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward.
- It's burning holes in me! Help! It's burning holes in me!
- I can't stand pain, it hurts me!
- Thanks for the sour persimmons, cousin.
- That's Dis-dis-dis-disgusting
- Shoot me again! I enjoy it! I love the smell of burnt feathers... and gun powder...and cordite. I'm an elk! Shoot me! Go on!! It's elk season! I'm a fiddler crab. Why don't you shoot me?! It's fiddler crab season!
- Anyone for Tennis?
- HO! HA-HA! GUARD! TURN! PARRY! DODGE! SPIN! HA! THRUST! (hits the ground with his quarterstaff which rebounds and hits him, bending his beak)
- Avast, or I shall strike thee with my quarterstaff! (soto voce to audience) Actually, it's a buck-and-a-quarter quarterstaff, but I ain't tellin' him that.
- Can you imagine anything so ridiculous as majority rule?
- Yoicks, and Away! [crashes into a tree] Yoicks, and Away! [crash into another tree] Yoicks, and Away... [crash] Yoicks...and...Away...[crash] Yoicks and away [crash] Yoicks...[crash]...and away [crash]. Why You! [chops all the trees down] Now then, yoicks and away! [eventually crashes into a boulder]
- And it hasn't been the same without you. Although it's been eerily similar.
- Duck Dodgers, in the 24th and a half CENTURY!
- This is a job for... STUPOR DUCK!
- Don't blame me— the Martian gets one episode per season.
- Farewell, my Queen! We will always have Paris...
- Maybe if I stare at this piece of paper long enough, people will think I can read.
- That Cadet buys the worst Christmas presents.
- Well whataya know, she loves me! That's just the advantage I need.
- Yahoo! The grand brassiere is back in business, baby!
- This is the last time I work with someone with a sphpheech impediment!
- Oh no. Not again.
- You smug son of a...
- Mine mine mine! its all mine!
- Ooooooo-eeeee! Sorry to cut off the tunes, fellow vagrants, but I'm Patch Scartissue, and I want you all to see that I ain't afraid of nothin', not even paper cuts! [slits his finger with an envelope] Aaaaaaah!! [faints]
- I'm not crazy I just don't give a darn hoo-hoo.
- Did I miss the Great Pumpkin? Did he leave us any presents?
- Pronoun trouble.
- Cutesy wutesy sugar plum? No! Hideous, terrifying monster? Yes!
- I tell ya J.F., it'll be a smash! Honey, I Shrunk the Laundry, starring Daffy Duck! Whaddaya think? [is kicked out] Philistines!
- Will you knock it off!? Sheesh! A bird could develop a complex around here!
- [The Warners'] first cartoon was the most bizarre thing I'd ever seen. If I remember it correctly, eh, they had flypaper stuck on their fannies. It was an okay cartoon for a short, but this thing went on for eight hours! Eight hours!
- C'mon doc, EVOLVE ME!
- Does anybody understand what this duck is saying?
- Ooooh, that's DAFFY! DAFFY Duck! I can't believe you'd mistake a big star like me for that other duck who can't even talk straight!
- We've got to get a new agent. We're getting screwed!
- What a hypocrite! What a jip! Community service, eh? I'll give 'em community service! I'll see that ingrate ghosts get whiped off the face of the earth! I'll rid the world of disgusting echtoplasmic slime, like J.P. Cubish... [loud thunder] ...er, I mean, NICE echtoplasmic slime, like J.P. Cubish!
- It just goes to show you, you gotta kill yourself to win an Oswald in this town!
- [trying to lift Porky] I knew I should've cast Speedy Gonzales as my sidekick!
- Even though you're kind of little, I'll teach you how to spray your spittle!
- Porky: T-t-tell me, Holmes, at what sort of school did you learn to be a detective?
Daffy: Elementary my dear Watson! Elementary!
- Daffy: Plotz!!
Mr. Plotz: Daffy, what can I do for you?
Daffy: It's this Cat & Birdy show!
Mr. Plotz: What about it?
Daffy: I demand it be changed to The Duck & Daffy Duckeroonie Daffy Ducky Duck Cartoonie Show!
Mr. Plotz: But--
Daffy: No "but"s, Plotz! Change it or I'm walking!
Yakko: I've got dibs on his parking space.
- Stop teasin' the audience, ya stupid rabbit! Read my name!
- Bugs: Now it's my toin to do an act.
Daffy: Go ahead! I'd love to see the audience boo you off the stage!
- This dressing room is so small I have to step outside to change my mind!
- Daffy: Ah-ha, the studio's got this great show.
Bugs: That's Warner Bros.!
Daffy: Yes, but nobody told me its name!! Hey!
Bugs: That's Warner Bros.!
Daffy: Tell me the show's name!
Bugs: It's called That's Warner Bros.! Catch it every weekday on Kids' WB!
- [From The WB's launch spot]
Bugs: Gee Daffy, I wonder who dey're gonna get to pull da switch.
Daffy: Why, me, indubitably, as I possess all of the talent around here!
Porky Pig
- Th-th-th-th-That's all, Folks!
- Adapted from earlier use by Bosko, without the stutter.
- L-l-l-lucky for him it IS a one horse town.
- M-m-m-m-m-mee-men from Mars!!!
- Happy b-b-birthday you thing from another world you.
- T-t-t-tell me, Sylvester, i-i-is there any insanity in your family?
- What ridiculous histrioni-ni-ni....... h-h-histrioni-ni............What ridiculous ACTING!!
- P-p-p-pithey oh t-t-t-travelling clown. C-c-c-couldst thou directeth me to Robin Hood's h-h-h-hideout?
- N-n-n-n-know how I'm g-g-g-g-going to g-g-g-g-g-get rid of these m-m-m-m-mice?
- I'll bet Gene Autry's horse d-d-d-doesn't act like this.
- Y-y-you can't fool me. I have a high I.Q.
- Keep away from that masked d-d-d-desporad-d-d-d...... that masked stinker!
- C-c-c-come gather m-m-m-m-mmy-my-my-my ch-children and y-y-you shall h-h-hear of the mi-of the mi-of the mi-of the midnight r-r-ri-r-ri-r-ride of P-pa-p-pa-paul R-r-revere.
- O-o-o-okay, everyone. N-n-n-nothing more to see. Th-th-the-th-the-th-that's all, folks. Hey, I l-l-like the sound of that.
- Hey, what am I sliding for? I-i'm not DiMaggio. My name is P-p-p-p- [SPLASH] -M-m-m-m-mud.
- P-p-p-p-p-p-et-t-tunia, w-w-w-will you m-m-m-m-m-m-marry m-m-m-me?
- B-b-b-benedict Arnold! T-t-t-traitor!!
- H-h-h-help! I-i-i-i-i-indians are coming! I-i-i-i-indians! B-b-b-bows and arrows! T-t-t-tomah-h-hatchets! W-w-w-wigwams! All kinds of - all kinds of stuff like that there!
- Oh, will y-y-y-you s-s-s-s-stop t-t-t-that r-r-r-r-r-racket!? Now get outta here, y-y-you r-r-r-r-r-roosters!!
- I'm n-n-n-n-not so stupid.
- Th-th-th-th-that's silly!
- Here we g-g-go again!
- Hey that-that's not in the script!
- Ralph: Duh, good morning, Porky.
Porky: Go-go-go-go-go-go-good mo-mo-mo-mo-[gets honked at by a car behind him] ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT!! Hello.
- [after smacking his thumb with a hammer] Oh, son of a bi-bi-, son of a bi-bi-, son of a bi-bi-bi-...gun! [turns to the camera] Ha-ha-ha! You thought I was going to say 's-s-son of a bitch', didn't ya?!
Elmer Fudd and Egghead
- Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits!, He-e-e-e-e!
- Say your pwayers, wabbit!
- Why, you wascally wabbit!
- Kill da wabbit.
- My name is Elmer J. Fudd. Miwwionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht.
- West and wewaxation at wast!
Have any of you giwls evew had an expewience wike this?
- Just wait till I get my hands on that scwewy wabbit and that scwewball duck!
- You're no shewiff! You're that scwewy wabbit!
- Wisten to the whythmic whythm of the woodwinds as it wowws awound and awound...and it comes out here!
- WHAT?! A Buck Wogers Wightning Quick Wabbit Kiwwer!
- Sywvester......the handwing of money is a gweat wesponsibiwity.
- That weawwy was an awfuwwy good weg of wamb.
- Your Uncwe Wouis has kicked the bucket. You now inhewit thwee miwwion dowwars
- Hewwo! Acme Pest Contwol? Well I have a pest I want contwolled.
- But I haven't got a wiscence to shoot a fwickaseein wabbit.
- Wow! Wabbit Twacks!
- Just cwick the shutter and you have a photogwaph of wild-wife suitable for fwaming.
- Any time those two wittle nut cwackers think they can out-smart Ewmer J. Fudd they've got another thing coming.
- Come on, Wover boy. Wet's go hunting.
- I will do it with my spear and magic hewmet.
- Gee, I hope it didn't hurt too much when I killed you, Mister Wabbit.
- Whadda know? One bullet weft!
- Thewe's something scwewy going on around hewe...
- WAAAAAA HA HAAAAAA! I'm a disgwace to the wegiment!
- It's a Futuwatic Push-Button Sawesman Ejector!
- I hope you can hewp me mister game warden. I've been towd I can shoot wabbits, mongooses, pigeons, dirty skunks and ducks. Can you teww me what season it weawwy is??!!
- Good evening, sportsmen evewywhere...'Fwesh-Fwied, Fwesh-Fwozen Wabbit Company' bwings you 'The Sportsman's Hour,' with handy hunting tips by yours twuwy, Ewmer Fudd!.......And today I have a WEAL surpwise for you: I will demonstwate the pwoper pwocedure for hunting, twacking down & bwasting to smitheweens a weal, wive wabbit!...Now, be vewy, vewy quiet...
- Wabbits wove cawwots.
- At wast! The wong arm of the waw is cwosing in on you. You scwewy wabbit.
- Geez awfully quiet dang I wonder if there anymore hunters out here this mornin'
- That duck CRAZY!
- Wabbits! Wabbits! [crying] Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!
- OK, wabbit, we'll see whose I.Q is P.U. !
- I'm a baaaaaad boy!
- Hewwo, Mr. Supper!
- Not this weekend, you're not! You're the symbol of Thanksgiving! Huhuhuhuhu! And you're dinner!
- Come back, my wittle birdy banquet!
- Elmer: Oh, Mr. Game Wawden, I've been told to shoot wabbits and pigeons and mongooses and dirty skunks and elks and ducks. Can you tell me what season it weawy is?
Bugs Bunny: (as Game Warden) Certainly, m'boy! It's baseball season!
- Elmer: [as Gutzon Borglum] Hold the stwing wight dere and be vewy vewy quiet. Woud noises can stawt--
Loud Kiddington: [as Lincoln Borglum] WHAJDA SAY, POP?!?
Elmer: An avawanche!! Aaaahhh! [a boulder crushes him]
- Elmer: Aah, finished! West and wewaxation at wast! And thanks to your help, it only took fouteen yeaws to compwete.
Loud Kiddington: Aww, you're only saying that because I'm your son.
Elmer: No, I'm saying that because working awone, I could've finished it in six yeaws!!
- Elmer: In my day, we used to chase wabbits. But times have weawwy changed.
Elmyra: Now we hug 'em and squeeze 'em to pieces!
Elmer: That's wight!
Yosemite Sam
- Ooooooooooooooooooh!!!
- I hate rabbits.
- [to Bugs Bunny] I hate you!
- Come back here, ya varmint!
- It's like you do varmint!
- This town ain't a big enough fer the two of us!
- Yeah, Yosemite Sam - the roughest, toughest he-man stuffest hombré that's ever crossed the Rio Grande. An' I ain't no namby-pamby.
- All right! Don't rush me. I'm a-thinking... and my head hurts.
- Why did you pour ink on my head?
- You ornery fur-bearin' rebel, you'll pay for this!"
- Ya better say yer prayers, ya flea-bitten varmint, I'm a-gonna blow ya to smithereenies!
- Great horny-toadies! I think I dug all the way to Chinee!
- I paid my four bits to see the high diving act and I'm-a gonna SEE the high diving act!"
- Now, ya carrot-chewin' coyote!! Git a goin'!!
- If you does that once more I aint-a goin' in after it.
- I'm Riff Raff Sam, the riffiest riff that ever riffed to raff!"
- OOOOOOhhh, I hate that rabbit!
- Okay, rabbit, haul your carcass off'n my real estate!!
- 10 dollars!! Why it's getting so a man an't earn a dishonest living no more!
- Why I knows that ornery fur-bearin' critter from waaaaays back.
- So long, sucker! Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
- Say there, boy, how's about playin' something peppy on that skinbox?
- This here's one of them train robbery hold ups.
- Gotta burn ma boots! They touched Yankee soil!
- AW, now you've gone and made me lose count!!
- Prepare yourself, rabbit. I'm-a comin' over the wall.
- I smell carrots a cookin'. And whar thar's carrots, there's rabbits.
- I want you baby! Your eyes! Your lips! Come with me to the Casbaaaaaaaah! We'll make beautiful music together!
- Say yer prayers, ya long eared galoot!
- Twenty years trying and ya missed me again, ya no good smackerel! No-good bushwacking berracud-e!
- So long, sucker! Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Ha-ha! [noticed the police officers in the car he landed in] Woo...
- [after having the front part of his body flattened against the wall] You'll pay for this, varmint! [in a really nasal voice]
- Great hornytoads! I'd recognize them flat feet anywhere!
- Get back there, rabbit! I'm-a gonna rob that train!
Foghorn Leghorn
- I say, I say, What's that big chicken hawk!
- That's a joke... I say, that's a joke, son.
- Boy's got a mouth like a cannon, always shootin' off.
- You gotta.. I say, you gotta keep it on your toes! Toes that is!
- Now, pay attention, son.
- Pay attention when I'm talking to ya, boy!
- Boy's like a tattoo. Gets right under your skin.
- Okay, I'll shut up. Some fellas have to keep their tongues flappin' but not me. I was brought up right. My pa used to tell me to shut up and I'd shut up. I wouldn't say nothin'. One time darn near starved to death. WOULDN'T TELL HIM I WAS HUNGRY!!
- Boy's as sharp as a bowling ball.
- I don't see no hula hula girls.
- We have been flim-flammed.
- Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency.
- I say, I say, boy that's not how you make no airplane.
- Boy's like a dead horse -- got no get-up-and-go.
- That boy's as strong as an ox, and just about as smart.
- This is gonna cause more confusion than a mouse in a burlesque show!
- Go away, boy, ya bother me!
- Kid don't stop talking so much he'll get his tongue sun burned.
- That girl's like that road between Fort Worth and Dallas ...No curves.
- Don't you, I say don't you call ME a chicken -- you chicken!
- I don't think this kid's got all his marbles. Shakes his head when he means yes and nods when he means no.
- If I'm a roo - Ah say - if I'm a rooster, I hope to be struck by lightn [KAPOW] Well, let's put it another way. Way that is.
- Some days it don't pay to get outta bed!
- Did ya see that hawk after those hens? He scared 'em! That Rhode Island Red turned white, then blue. Rhode Island, red white and blue! That's a joke, son, a flag-waver! You're built too low. The fast ones go over your head. Ya got a hole in your glove. I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em! Ya gotta keep your eye on the ball! Eye. Ball. Eyeball! I almost had a gag, son--a joke, that is!
- Well, woman, blink your eyes or something. Yeesh!
- Say, boy, you cover about as much as a flapper skirt in a high wind.
- You've gotta be a magician to keep a kid's attention more than two minutes nowadays.
- Place your bet - Ah say - place your bets, gentlemen. Winnner plays, loser stays. Everyone's a winne - well, not everyone.
- A sensitive mind won't stand being picked on.
- The dawg's busier than a centipede at a toe-counting contest.
- Hey Dawg! I've come to bury the hatchet! Ha, ha. Not in your pointed head, Boy. I come in peace! I brought you a peace-offerin'.
- No no boy!! You're meant to hit the ball. No the bawl!!!
- The snow's so deep, the farmers have to jack up the cows so they can milk 'em!
- That dawg is strictly G.I. -- Gibbering Idiot!
- Eh...any of this gettin' through that little ol' blue bonnet of yours?
- OH that woman. Gotta mouth like an outboard moter. All the time! Putputputputputput-phut-phut-phut-putputputputputputputputphew!
- I don't know what you're doing with that bowling ball, girly. But I'm not gonna stand by and let a lady do a man's job.
- That boy's as timid as a canary at a cat-show.
- I need, I say, I need a pointer, and that dog's got just the head for it. Pointed, that is.
- Go away, boy! Or I'll spank you where the feathers are thinnest.
- What'ya doin' with a pump, boy? Diggin' for oil? You're crazy, boy. There's no oil within 500 miles of here. Geology of the ground's all wrong. Even if there WAS oil you'd need a drill not a tire pump.
- Nice girl but about as sharp as a sack 'a wet mice.
- Adios you chicken-pluckin' little stinker!
- Explain yourself! Yer tounge's flappin' but no noise is comin' outa yer big mouth!
- Pay attention to me boy - I'm not just talkin' to hear my head roar!
- That dawg's as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel 'a oatmeal.
- 'Course, you know, this means war.
- Hey, give me that! (takes the axe away from the cat) Who do you think you are, George Washington? (hits the cat over the head with the axe) Hm, there's no cherry trees around here.
- Don't you wanna look at your cards first, son? Boy's about as sharp as a bowlin' ball.
- Ah'm a rooster, son, not a chicken! Pay at-ah say, pay attention, boy! Ah'm talkin' to ya! Kid doesn't listen to a word Ah say.
- First - ah say - first time in my life someone else shot my mouth off.
- Boy's as sharp as a pound of wet liver!
Sylvester the cat
- Suffering succotash!
- Son, you take care of all the little mice and I'll handle any BIG mice that come along.
- Hello, breakfast!
- They forgot to put out the cat....The cat?!?! I'M the cat!!!
- First the wadding, then the shots, then the powder. Packit down good and....[BLAM!!] Wait! Wait! I know what I did wrong! First the shots, then the powder, then the wadding. Pack it down good and...[BLAM!!]
- Okay, mouse, I'll fight you but I aint fightin' no dames.
- Now, mouse, you do as I thay or... down the hatch.
- Sayyy, wait a minute......Tomcats can't be mothers......Cats can't lay eggs!
- Y'see, son, if you build a BETTER MOUSETRAP, the mice'll BEAT A PATH to your door!
- It's a good thing I HAVE got nine lives......with THIS kind of an army, I'll NEED' EM!!
- When that mouse comes thru this opening....WHAM!!! She won't know what hit her!!
- Hold it, Sam, HOLD IT!! Isn't it silly to jeopardize our neighborly relations over this scrawny bird?!?
- "I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat!" Isn't it about time you saw something else? Sth-tupid bird....
- I....I can't help it.....I'm a pussycat with NORMAL WEAKNESSES......OTHER pussycats eat birds!!........WHY pick on me?!? WHY?!??!?
- Brother pussycats. We've been scooted out, backed out and booted out. But TONIGHT we were thhhhhhhhhcared out. It's inhothhhhpita-bitable!! And furthermore it's unnnnnnnnnnncatchhhhhhhhtitutional!!! Are we men or are we mithhhhhhhhhhhhe?!
- No mouse is no match for no cat. And I'm a cat. I think. MEOW!! Yep, I'm a cat. So MUHA HAHA HA HA HA, mouse!!!
- Granny-shmanny! You're my Christmas present, and I'm wrapping you up, kid!
- Aw, come on! Stand still! How do you expect me to grasp you when you jump around like a flea on a hot brick?!
- She's about as helpless as a porcupine in a nudist colony.
- And just so YOU don't get out and that GOON don't get IN, I'm lockin' the door, and tossin' the key out the window! THERE!!...and now, for that Tweety-Bird Sandwich I've been dreaming of!...STOP SQUIRMING! I can't stand a sore loser! Let's see...there's cloves...tabasco sauce...[Tweety turns into Mr. Hyde] ...what, no KETCHUP?! Well, I guess I'll hafta have my Tweety-Bird Sandwich without KE-E-E-E-E-ETCH---
- Awwww, son......can't we just chase one of those big, slow, LETH-TH-TH-THARGIC birds, hmmmmmmm?!
- From now on, birds are off my list! There! [several birds land on his shoulder and head] Thufferin' thuccatash! What a fine time I picked to go on a diet.
- Y'see, son? The wheels in your father's head are STILL CLICKING!!
- Okay, okay, I'll GET you yer mouse!! Spoiled-brat cat!
- You're just not whistling Dixie, brother!!
- I haven't been watching the wrestling matches on TV for nothin' ya know.
- Okay! I'll do it!! I might as well die than starve to death.
- Where there's cheeses, there's bound to be mouses.
- Oh brother, another mystery. Doesn't [Granny] ever get tired of these?
- Dr. Scratchansniff: Okay, kitty, let's see if we can get to the root of your troubles with a little game. I say a vord, and you say the first thing that poops into your head. Bird.
Sylvester: Tweety!
Dr. Scratchansniff: Cantalope.
Sylvester: Tweety!
Dr. Scratchansniff: Dirigible.
Sylvester: Tweety Tweety Tweety!
Dr. Scratchansniff: Oh well, nothing to worry about. [writes "Sylvester's Diagnosis: INCURABLE" on note pad] He's hopeless!
- Tweety: Oh, c'mon! You know you'll never catch me.
Sylvester: Sez you!
Tweety: Well, awl I know is that you can't eat me!
Sylvester: Huh? And why do you sth-ay that?
Tweety: 'Tuz, puddy, if you evew get wid of me, den we don't have a show!
Sylvester: What?
Tweety: Aftew all, I am de star!
Sylvester: Oh yeah?! [eats Tweety] That thstar could've used thome thalt.
- One thing I've learned while chasing the bird... Avoid the dog!!
- Being a cat is easy if you remember these thsimple rulesth - cat chases bird, cat catches bird, cat eats bird.
Tweety Bird
- I tawt I taw a puddy tat!
- I did! I did see a puddy tat!
- Ho ho, dat puddy tat has a pink skin under his fur coat!
- Stick 'em up, Geronimo! I'm Hop-Awong Cattidy!
- AAAAAAAAH! You cwushed my widdy head! AH HA HA HAAAAAAA! You mashed me widdle metatarsel!!
- Oh, wook, piddies! This widdle piddy went to market, this widdle piddy stayed home, this widdle piddy had woast beef, and this little pitty had.......whadaya know, wan outa piddies!
- You know, I lose more putty tats dat way.
- I may be wong, but I just don't twust puddy tat's honor.
- I calm him down. [hits Sylvester with mallet] I guess I calm him down too much.
- Gee whiz, puddy tat. I didn't know you could fwy.
- Where oh where has my puddy tat gone? Oh where oh where can he be?
- I tawt I taw a puddy tat. I tawt I taw another puddy tat. I'm tawounded by puddy tats.
- Wike I said before: Once a bad ol' putty tat, awways a bad ol' putty tat.
- Gosh, I never wealized that being a wittle bird could be so compwicated.
- HUMPH! How does a bird go about getting twansferred out of this outfit?!
- BRRRR! I feel a dwaft on my fwagile wittle body.
- You know dat puddy is going to hurt himself if he not more careful.
- Ooohhh what a hypotwit!
- Forgot my wittle hat again!
- Poor Puddy Tat!
- Come on, little pawty dog! Hewp me find the little putty tat!
- Awww, the poor putty tat, stuck on the ceiling!
- That a good putty tat! Play nice with the little pawty dog! Don't fight!
- Awwww Bad ol' Puddy Tat...he fall down, go...BOOM!!!!!
- Ooooh, you're back! And so is Animaniacs! United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama...
- [on Sylester's backfires] Weww, at weast he's consistent!
- Who were you expecting, Pocahontas?
- Oooh, that wolf! One of these days... POW! Right in the kisser!
- Thought you could out fox old Granny, huh?! Well I was hep to ya all the time.
- There, just as snug as a bug in a rug, eh Sylvester?
- Well, here we are at last, Tweety, in VENICE......with all its Venetian blinds!!
- Ooh, hoo hoo hoo!! I haven't had THIS much fun since the boys got back from Gettysburg!!!
- Yeah, that'll teach you. Next time I'll give you what fir!!
- If there's one little feather, just ONE little feather harmed of this bird, I'm going to sell you to the violin string factory!
- I'll teach you to molest helpless little birdies!
- Oh, why even bother with cooking? It's pizza tonight!
- That's it! We've been cancelled!
- The schedule said this is where we'd find the commercials. Now where could they be?
Speedy Gonzales
- Andale! Andale! Arriba! Arriba! Yii-hah!
- Hello, uno pussy gato. You got uno tacks problemente?
- Hello, Poosie-cats! You looking for a nice fat mouse for deenner?
- I don't see that seelly pussy cats today. He must be asleep. I better wake heem up!
- They don't make pussy cats like they used to.
- Thees ees the only way to run!
- Ah...A present from my loving Lupe. Such a sweet Lupe...I wonder which loving Lupe eet ees?
- Excusa! Esta too mucho rapido for the eyes to follow? I'll show you in el slow motiono.
- No mas tequila! Already mui loaded.
- Thees pussy cats trying to lure me weeth thees cheese. HOKAY, PUSSY CATS, I AM LURING!
- I don't why she don't like me. I'm so leetle. I don't take up much room. And don't eat much.
- Gracias, Senorita Mi Amor! Adios! Hasta la vista! YEE-HEE!!!
- Yee HA! Oh the funny theengs those fellows do to me!
- Grab your sombraros, amigos. Here we go again.
- You know, the pussy gato needs one of those psycholico... um... psycholica... um... you know, one of those head shreenking fellows.
- I'm stirring, and I'm a mouse.
- You know, I got the feeling like somebody is looking at me.
- What's a matter, pussycats? You nervous?
- You pooped? Hokay, I come back.
- Buenos noches, senorita. You doing anythings tonight?
- I don't know, but I theenk we are finally getting that duck's goat.
- Deedn't your mother tell you to look both ways before crosseeng the railroad tracks? You could get hurt!
- Oh, you have thee wrong house senor. Noone in here but us cheeckens!
- Hey, why everybody vamoosa?
- What's the matter, amigos? You meess me, ha?
- Now that's what I call a brave poossy cat.
- Hey, poossy cat, I have to pass your way again. I'll slow down so eet weell be fair.
- You'd better put back all my friends where you got heem.
- I turned that duck into sometheeng. I do not know what.
- Carumba! You always hungry! Okay I get you a tortilla.
- Oh oh! I theenk thees ees where I come een.
- Hey, senor duck! I am running een there to get one of those chocolate canejos!
- That's a job for the fastest mouse, which ees me. Not the slowest mouse, which ees you.
- Here I come by you again, senor pussy cats.
- Holy frijoles! That theeng runs faster than me.
Wile E Coyote
- Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Wile E Coyote, Genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college. And so let's get down to cases. You are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away. I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are and I'm a genius while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarden. So I'll give you the customary 2 minutes to say your prayers.
- You genius. You've done it again.
- Well, back to the old drawing board.
- Gad, I'm such a genius
- Genius. That's what it is sheer genius
- Being a genuis certainly has it's advantages.
- Brilliance. That's all I can say, sheer unadulterated brilliance.
- Wile E Coyote Super Genius. I like the way that rolls out Wile E Coyote Super Genuis.
- (groggily) Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mud.
- Ouch.
- Why do they always want to do it the hard way?
Marvin the Martian
- Oh dear, now I shall have to create more Martians.
- Being disintegrated makes me very angry! Very angry, indeed!
- At last, after 2,000 years of work, the illudium pu36 explosive space modulator. At long last, my dream come true.
- The Earth? Oh, the Earth will be gone in just a few seconds.
- Oh, I'm going to blow it up, it obstructs my view of Venus.
- Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!
- The illudium pu36 explosive space modulator! That creature has stolen the space modulator!
- Delays, delays.
- Oh dear, this is most inconvenient, now I'll have to call out the reserves.
- we must capture a live earth creature K-9, and take it back with us to Mars. Isn't that a nice assignment, mmm?
- Oh, that wasn't a bit nice...You have made me very angry... very angry indeed!
- Please sir, do not interrupt my chain of thought, I'm a busy martian.
- Are you from the earth? How interesting. I'm just about to solve the Earth's fuel problem.
- I'm not angry, just terribly, terribly hurt.
- Daffy: I claim this planet in the name of the Earth!
Marvin:I claim this planet in the name of Mars! Hmmm, isn't that lovely?
- This insignificant planetoid has been found guilty of crimes against the universe.
- Oh drat these computers, they're so naughty and so complex, I could pinch them."
- Earthlings have the worst sense of direction!
- A mission? I'm all a-tingle!
- There's nothing I enjoy more than frolicking in a room filled with empty plastic balls.
- Wakey-wakey, friends. Time to wreak mayhem in the cause of evil.
- Ugh, another delusional fan trying to emulate the famous trench scene. How many lives must that accursed film claim?!
- Daffy: [as Duck Dodgers] So, what do you think? Could today end our mutual hatred?
Marvin: Unlikely, Dodgers. Whether at war or peace, I shall always loathe you.
Daffy: You shall always love me?! Eeeew!
Marvin: I said loathe, you idiot! - "Oh, no, Your Majesty. I like [General Z-9] in a way. In an 'I can't wait to go to his funeral' way!"
- Queen Tyrani: Need mouth to mouth resuscitation...
Pepe Le Pew
- 'Ello, baby.
- I am ze locksmith of love, no?
- Come on darling, we must be grown up about zis thing; do not run away from ze love!
- Hey, a gift from 'eaven!
- 'Ow impetuous can you get?
- Look darling, per'aps I am old fashioned, but shouldn't we be introduced first? I am Pepe Le Pew. Zis is my first affair so, please, be kind. I'm shy but, uh, I'm willing.. [She runs away] I am playing it too cool, no?
- Where are you, my little Lona Misa? I am looking to find you!
- You are my peanut. I am your brittle.
- Ah, my little darling, it is love at first sight, is it not, no?
- Zee cabbage does not run away from zee corn-beef.
- I am stupid. No?
- Where are you, my little object of art? I am going to collect you!
- Don't move, darling. I want to remember you just as you are.
- Oh well, war is fine, but love is better. Right?
- You found an interesting place for us, you clever you!
- You know, zis bump gives me an 'eadache, but VIVE L'AMOUR!
- Did you know zat when you are in love it is impossible to get insurance? But zen, security isn't everything.
- One nice thing is, ze game of love is never called on account of darkness.
- Zee stripe! It is gone! She is not a skunk at all!
- Permit me to introduce myself. I am Pepe Le Pew, your lover.
- Ahhh, zis little one wishes to commit suicide to prove 'er love for me. What a sweet gesture. Nevertheless, I must prevent it!
- Saved!!! [Penelope slips from his arms and falls] VIVE L'AMOUR! We die togezzer! [Jumps after her]
- When you are a skunk, you learn 'ow to 'old your breath for a long time.
- A colleague of mine once noted, zere is very little difference between men and women. But, VIVE LE DIFFERENCE!!
- Pretty good, eh? For a growing boy, zat is. Because, my darling, I am a boy and I am growing fonder of you every day!
- Everyone should 'ave a 'obby, don't you think? Mine is making love.
- Ah, my darling, I love you. Where 'ave I been all your life?
- Ah, zis tempestous one. She is overcome by her emotions at seeing me again.
- You know, most men would get discouraged about now... fortunately for 'er, I am not most men.
- Darling, you found me! 'Ow sweet! *kiss, kiss* 'Ow clever! *kiss, kiss* We will never part again!
- Eh! I'm ze abdominal snowman, no?
- Eenie, meenie, miney mo, catch a lover by ze toe, if she 'oller, 'old her closer; eenie, meenie, miney mosa.
- Come to me, my melon baby collie.
- Le hiiissssssssss! I am a snake and you 'ave charmed me, no?
- You know, it is not just a case of physical attraction. I admire 'er mind too.
- Zere are plenty of fish in ze ocean... if you like fish. Personally, I prefer girls. Hmmmm, call it a weakness.
- You know, it may be possible to be TOO attractive.
- I tell you what. You stop resisting me, and I, I will stop resisting you. When 'ave you 'ad a better offer zan zat?
- I must find out what zis 'pew' means every time I appear.
- Turn out zee lights, darling. I know where everything is.
- She want to play it zee lover's chase. It is ze little girl in 'er. C'est l'amour.
- Where are you, pigeon?
- I am ze broken heart of love. I am ze disillusioned and wish to enlist in ze foreign legion so I may forget. Take me!
- A pitiful case, am I not?
- No matter 'ow I disguise myself, you smell me out.
- Come, pink pigeon, we are wasting valuable time!
- For some strange reason zis little orchid is shy.
- Vive la republique!
- Dashing, no?
- Quel es? Ahhh, la petite femme skunk fatale! The post of 'onour can wait, no? Tch - tch!
- Ah, ma cherie, zis is an affaire d'amour, is it not? It is an affair of we love each ozzer madly!
- Huh? What is this? Oh, but of course! Zis small one, she is wish to put on 'er face before we continue ze wooing!
- Are you lipsticked and mascared, little one?
- But darling, tomorrow I may be shipped overseas!
- You know, one of the mysteries of my life is, why a woman run away when all she really wish is to be captured.
- Almost like shooting fish in a barrel.
- Flirt!
- I am ze sheikh, no?
- But madame!
- Madame, control yourself! Your conduct is untimely, control yourself! Madame!
- Why is it when a man is captured by a woman, all 'ee wish to do is get away?
- Quel es? Ahhh, la belle femme skunk fatale! Tch - tch!
- Do not come with me to ze casbah, we shall make beautiful musics togezzer right 'ere!
- I missed, fortunately for you. So now ma cherie, we can begin life anew!
- C'est la guerre.
- Who is it? [Sees soaking wet Penelope] Oh, it is you again.. [She locks the door and hides the key] What can I do.. to.. 'elp.. you? Why do you lock zee..? Oh no! [She starts to move towards him] Control yourself, madame! [He begins to walk backwards] You cannot be in earnest! Joke, yes? No! [He runs away]
- Eh, wait a just minute! Quel es? Oh, a female lady skunk of ze fair sex! You know, I think I deserve a vacation! [Runs away]
- You know, I suddenly realize, I never learned 'ow to swim! Ho ho, silly me!
- All right cherie, ze courtship is over!
- Eh, I am a creamy puff, no?
- Now zen cherie, en guarde!
- 'Ello, cherie.
- All is fair in love and war, eh darling?
- All right buttercup, you 'ave done all zat could be expected. You 'ave resisted your natural impulses and run away from me.
- You little flirt!
- Charming situation, is it not?
- I am your guide to love, no?
- Navigator to pilot: pretty girl at three o'clock, over! Pilot to Navigator: wow wow!!! Over!
- I pierce you with the eck - eck of love, flower pot!
- I always got A's in gym.
- Darling, 'ow good of you to wait for me.
- A true gentleman must be prepared for anything.
- She look everywhere for me, she find me, zen she run away. Why??
- Strong will, am I not?
- Come back darling, golden violet! I will unshy you! You are just insecure. All you need is a little occupational therapy, like making love!
- Ze best things of life are worth waiting for.
- Baby doll!
- I am se peanut butter. Yuo are ze jelly. Come, let us make a sandwich of love.
Other Characters
- Castaways: We're gonna have roast rabbit!
- Henery Hawk: I'm a chicken hawk and you're a chicken!
From Buccaroo Bugs- Red Hot Ryder: (reading letter) "Roses are red. Violets are pink. Flowers smell good, but you sure... (last word is censored) I sure what?
- Red Hot Ryder: I'ma lookin' for the Masked Marauder. Have you seen him?
From Rabbit Fire
- Daffy Duck: (disguised as Bugs) Eh... what's up, doc? Havin' any luck with those ducks? It's duck season, y'know!
- Bugs Bunny: (disguised as Daffy) Just a darn minute! Where do you get that duck season stuff?!
- Daffy Duck: Says so over there on that sign, you're so smart.
- (Sign reads "Rabbit Season")
- Daffy Duck: [to Elmer] You know what to do with that gun, doc.
- (Elmer points the shotgun at Daffy and shoots him)
From The Unruly Hare
- Elmer Fudd: (after shooting Bugs Bunny in the back) So, I'm a big, fat wat!
- Bugs Bunny: Yeah, have some cheese, rat! (shoves a wedge of cheese in Elmer's mouth)
From The Wabbit Who Came to Supper
- Bugs Bunny: Ya don't get the dough ay butterball?
- Elmer Fudd: No, but I'm gonna get you!
- Elmer Fudd: Good widdance to bad wubbish!
From Fresh Hare
(After Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny have engaged in a snow chase in which Elmer crashed into a snow-covered tree which gave him a Santa hat and beard)
- Bugs Bunny: Merry Christmas, Santy!
- Elmer Fudd: (crying) I'm a disgwace to the wegimen!
From Bugs and Thugs
[Bugs makes sounds like a police car stopping]
- Bugs Bunny: [Irish accent] All right, Clancey, take the boys and surround the house.
[Runs through the door]
- Bugs Bunny: Jiggers, the cops!
- Rocky: Hide me! Quick, hide me!
- Bugs Bunny: Here. hide in here, quick.
[Puts Rocky inside the stove]
- Mugsy: Hide me too! Hide me! Wah-hah-hah! It's not fair! You've gotta hide me, too!
- Bugs Bunny: I must be dreaming. It couldn't be this easy. Okay, quick. Hide in here.
[Hides Mugsy in stove]
- Bugs Bunny: Now don't move until I tell you too.
- Bugs Bunny: [Knocking on door] All right, open up! This is the police!
[Forces door open]
- Bugs Bunny: All right, where's Rocky? Where's he hiding?
- Bugs Bunny: [Normal] He's not in this stove.
- Bugs Bunny: [as policeman] Oho! He's hiding in the stove, eh?
- Bugs Bunny: Now look, would I turn on this gas if my friend Rocky was in there?
- Bugs Bunny: [as policeman] Um, you might, rabbit. You might.
- Bugs Bunny: Well, would I throw a lighed match in there if my friend was in there?
[Throws match in stove; it explodes]
- Bugs Bunny: [as policeman] All right, rabbit, you've convinced me. I'll look for Rocky in the city.
[Closes door]
- Bugs Bunny: The coast is clear, fellas. They've gone.
[Rocky and Mugsy come out of the oven, all burned and groggy; just then the real police arrives]
- Policeman: Okay, Clancey. Take the boys and surround the house.
- Bugs Bunny: Jiggers, fellas! The cops!
[Rocky and Mugsy hide back in the oven]
- Policeman: [Knocking on door] Open up! This is the police!
[Bursts through door ]
- Policeman: All right, Rabbit. Where's Rocky? Where's he hiding?
- Bugs Bunny: He's not in this stove.
- Policeman: Oho! He's hiding in the stove, eh?
- Bugs Bunny: Would I turn on this gas if he was in there?
- Policeman: Um, you might, rabbit. You might.
- Bugs Bunny: Well, would I throw a lighed match in there if he was in there?
- Rocky: Oh no, you don't!
[He and Mugsy burst out of stove and grovel at the policeman's feet]
- Rocky: Take me with you! Don't leave me with that crazy rabbit! I confess! I did it! Arrest me! Arrest me!
From French Rarebit
- Bugs Bunny: Something tells me this grey hare is in the middle again.
- Bugs Bunny: Of course, if you really want to make something good, nothing beats a good old Louisiana Back-bay Bayou Bunny Bordelaise, a la Antoine.
- Francois: A la Antoine? This Antoine of New Orleans?
- Bugs Bunny: I don't mean Antoine of Flatbush.
- Bugs Bunny: And now, for Antoine's recipe. First, immerse the rabbit thoroughly in wine.
[he dips Francois in wine]
- Bugs Bunny: Then pickle.
- Francois: Already I am ze [Hiccup] pickled.
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