appearing in the Looney Tunes
cartoons. Marvin's likeness appears in miniature on the Spirit
rover on Mars.
Animation director Chuck Jones
noted that Bugs Bunny
soon learned to outwit Yosemite Sam
(the creation of the senior director, Friz Freleng
), so he decided to create the opposite type of character; one who was quiet and soft-spoken, but whose actions were incredibly destructive and legitimately dangerous.
"At last, after 2,000 years of work, the Illudium PU-36 explosive space modulator"
"The Earth? Oh, the Earth will be gone in just a few seconds. [...] I'm going to blow it up. It obstructs my view of Venus."
"Where's the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Kaboom!"
"Delays, Delays"
"Oh dear, now I shall have to create more Martians."
"Oh goody! My Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator!" "Well, back to the old drawing board."
Other quotes;
"Being disintegrated makes me angry! Very angry, indeed!"
"Oh, that is an interplanetary flying space saucer. We are returning to Mars in it." (Bugs looks visibly shaken) "Isn't it delightful?"
(drives over Duck Dodger's Earth Flag) "I claim this planet in the name of Mars!" (looks at a clearly infuriated Dodgers) "Isn't that lovely?"
"This insignificant planetoid has been found guilty of crimes against the universe."