
- At its core, the battle unfolding in the Middle East is more than a clash of arms. It is an ideological struggle. On one side are the forces of terror and death. On the other are tens of millions of ordinary people who want a free and peaceful life for their children. The future of the Middle East depends on the outcome of this struggle, and so does the security of the United States.
- The emphasis of study upon a particular aspect of music is in itself ideological because it contains implications about the music's value.
- Lucy Green (1999). Ideology. Key Terms in Popular Music and Culture. Malden, Massachusetts. ISBN 0631212639.
- Some argue that we live in a "center-right" country. The reality is that we live in a "center-left" country governed by center-right laws.
- Jacob Appel, "Hate the Husband? Sue the Mistress!", Huffington Post, Oct. 6, 2009.
- No prefabricated political, theological or philosophical system ever satisfies an honest thinker. Ideologies are the second-hand clothes of the intellectual world.
- Rick Bayan, IdeaLog
- IDEOLOGUE: Typically an obscure humorless zealot who finds fulfillment by spouting the ideas of famous humorless zealots.
- Rick Bayan, The Cynic's Dictionary
- The problem with ideology is, if you've got an ideology, you've already got your mind made up. You know all the answers and that makes evidence irrelevant and arguments a waste of time. You tend to govern by assertion and attacks.
- Bill Clinton former president of the USA, 18th Oct 2006 , at an event sponsored by the Center for American Progress.
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