. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include old age, predation
, malnutrition
, disease
, and accident
s or trauma resulting in terminal injury.
The nature of death has been for millennia a central concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical enquiry
, and belief in some kind of afterlife
or rebirth
has been a central aspect of religious faith.
The word death comes from Old English deað, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic *dauþaz (reconstructed by etymological analysis).
Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other.
We all labour against our own cure; for death is the cure of all disease.
What argufies pride and ambition? Soon or late death will take us in tow: Each bullet has got its commission, And when our time's come we must go.
Verse, Fame and beauty are intense indeed, But Death intenser – Death is life's high mead.
Death opens unknown doors. It is most grand to die.
Death hath a thousand doors to let out life: I shall find one.
Death did not come to my mother Like an old friend. She was a mother, and she must Conceive him. Up and down the bed she fought crying Help me, but death Was a slow child Heavy.