Crash Tag Team Racing
Crash Tag Team Racing

Crash Tag Team Racing is a racing/platform game of the Crash Bandicoot series. It was released by Radical Entertainment for PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox and PSP in October 15, 2005. The game's story centers on the exploits of the main protagonist, Crash Bandicoot, who must win the ownership of a dilapidated theme park by finding its missing Power Gems before his nemesis, Doctor Neo Cortex, can.
When attacked by Crash
When starting a race
When starting from a standstill
When passing someone
When brushing against a vehicle
When brushing against a wall
When destroying someone
Destroys an object
When hit by a weapon
When destroyed
When picking up an item
When clashing with someone
When unclashing with someone
When flying in the air
When running over a Park Drone
During mission briefings
When brushing against a wall
When destroying an object
When passing someone
When brushing against someone
When hitting someone
When destroying someone
When hit with a weapon
When destroyed
When picking up an item
When clashing
When unclashing
When flying through the air
During mission briefings
Doctor Neo Cortex
- Ahh, yes, Crash, my dear boy. Haven't you some train tracks to play on?
- Crash! What a surprise! I have a blaster gun with your name on it! Wait here.
- Crash! You really must assist me, dear boy. I dropped my chewing gum in that wood chipper over there. Would you be so kind as to retrieve it for me?
- Hello, Crash! It's always a torture... uh, I mean pleasure to see you.
- Salutations, my dear Crash. Very soon I shall find you a new home in the afterlife.
- Why, Crash Bandicoot! My old friend! Have you ever heard the Cortex proverb that revenge is a dish best served with fava beans? Hmm. Well, remind me to tell you sometime.
- When I get my raygun, you're through!
- Why me? I'm so pretty!
- Burn, baby, burn! Like a disco inferno!
- Who let the canines out?
- Rolling, rolling, rolling!
Pasadena O'Possum
- Hey, Crash! I don't wanna start pickin' out curtains or nothin', but I think you're a cutie!
- Two plus two equals... umm... cornbread?
- Adios, muchacho!
- You're old like AM radio!
- It's okay, just slap some Miracle Whip on it!
- Just spray some Cheez Whiz down there, it'll be alright.
- I knew I should've gotten a job at Dollywood instead.
- Excuse me while I touch the sky!
Crunch Bandicoot
- Under attack! By a fool!
- Ah, my spine! Sleep eight hours a day!
- Avenge me! Eat a balanced breakfast!
- Don't be a fool! Stay in milk!
- Ouch! Chew with your mouth closed!
- Quit that jibba-jabba!
- I burninated that chump!
- Ha ha, your car asplode!
- Tall, beautiful, strong!
- Go drink some milk, children. Get strong bones!
Coco Bandicoot
- I'm telling mom... if we had one!
- That's gonna leave a mark.
- You had to hit me. Just had to do it!
- Good luck, everybody! Just remember to stay out of my way!
- I'll tear through you like a Math test!
- May all of you have fun fighting for 2nd place.
- May the best blonde win.
- Time to show you what a 164 IQ can do.
- Aw, derryberries!
- www.YouStink.com.
- Top of the world, ma!
Nina Cortex
- Be afraid. Be very afraid.
- It is here that I shall begin my reign of hurting!
- Let the suffering commence!
- My strategy is cold and merciless. Brrrrr!
- Turn out the lights! The party's starting!
- Bad girls, bad girls, what you gonna do?
- Smashity smash!
- Cower before my mighty mightiness!
- Come to me, my pretty!
- Pennies from Purgatory.
- Super size me!
- You dare to cross my path, mortal?
- Have you ever?; No I have never!
N. Gin
When interacting with Crash- Ahh, Crash. Have you come to submit to a greater intellect and power?! No? Oh, okay. See ya.
- Ahh, Crash! Have you gifts for N. Gin? No gifts?! You giftless one! Be gone!
- Ahh, yes. Crash Bandicoot. I have a fine, marsupial-like recipe to braise and bake and boil and braise again your hide! Sweet goodness!
- Crash Bandicoot! Wait here! I have just the horrendous demise for you!
- Crash! Doctor Cortex said I have bad complexion! What do you think?
- Crash, have you seen my sense of morality? Oh well.
- Crash, I have no Wumpa treats for you. Vamoose! Scram! Beat it!
- Crash! We must really stop meeting like this. I told you. Only after 10 P.M. Don't call me here.
- Crash! You must point me in the direction of the nearest lavatory! My rocket is draining!!
- Hey, Crash! You didn't see me with that peacock feather, did you?
- I'm allergic to bandicoots! Please do not stand within ten paces of me! I break into a rash!!
- Oh, Crash. What a surprise. I was just festering about you.
When attacked by Crash
- Ahh! That hurt! Thank you!
- Come on! What have I recently done to you?
- I will drop a bomb right in your face for this.
- My eyeball! I love that eyeball!
- Ow! My inner ear... is so tiny!
- Oww, my spleen is coming out!! So that's what it looks like.
- Ow! Right in the missile!
- Stop bullying me, man!
- The pain... in my body... and organs... and body again!
- Why are you so deliciously cruel?
- Why me?!
- You're trying to kill me, aren't you? How can I thank you?
When starting a race
- Come, doomed fools! Let's race!
- Fear my doom buggy!
- First I'll beat you all! Then I'll eat a succulent, buttery muffin!
- I can't wait to shower weapons on you all!
- I have many atomic torpedoes for you idiots!
- My atomic acceleration... will defeat you all!
- Okay, dumbfaces. Who's got the marbles to race?
- Okay. Who thinks they've got the marbles?
- Who's first for N. Gin?
- You should all wet yourself now! Go on, get it over with.
- Boogity, boogity, boogity!
When starting from a standstill
- Engage! Hyper acceleration!
- Fear my plutonium engine!
- I am burning rubber and radioactives!
- I live for reckless behavior!
- Just stay out of my way, and nobody gets hurt.
- Lovely, dangerous acceleration!
- More power! More!!
- Must... go faster!!
- Perhaps... SPEED is the answer!
- Screaming fireballs of speed!
- Yes! The speed thrills me!
When passing someone
- You are just too slow, silly monkey!
- First I'll beat you. Then I'll bomb you!!
- I pass you like gas!
- Now you have seen what a real cyborg can do!
- Perhaps you need a speed boost! (laughs)
- Take up a slower sport! Like full-contact... duck-hunting or... something... with a duck.
- Try another sport, like knitting!
- Your mother is the speed limit now!
When brushing against a vehicle
- Go away, or I'll go upside your head!
- I can take the pain!
- I should back up and get that guy.
- I will catch you, and do... something... horrible to you!!
- I will pop you like a large balloon for that.
- Just stay out of my way, doomed monkey!
- Oh, you make me so mad now!
- Ouch!! I broke my bum!!
- Ow, my chappened thighs!
- That hurt my colon so much!
- They should take your license. Because you're stupid!
- Try that again, so I can feed you to my monkey!
- What a love tap.
- You will perish... very soon!
- You rat-monkey-pig-dog!
- You're just trying to scare me! But you won't!
- You're trying to kill me, man! I like that!
- Don't fear the Reaper. I need more cowbell. I DON'T HAVE A COWBELL!
When brushing against a wall
- Hey, I dropped my muffin!
- Hey! Uhh, a little help?
- Keep your mind on the race, N. Gin!
- My driving shames me.
- My precious car!
- Oh, doggy butter!
- Oh, I am a fool!
- Oh, that impact was regrettable!
- Oh, the insurance company's never gonna go for that one!
- Oh, what're you thinking, man!
- Ow! That hurt!
When destroying someone
- So long...LOSER!
- I'm actually happy.
- Does it hurt? Tell N. Gin of the pain.
- Oh, such a tradgedy! (laughs)
- Yes! Meet your doom, fool!
- Enjoy your screaming doom!
- You make N. Gin laugh. (laughs)
- Reset your car so I can do that again.
- Come back, so I can destroy you again!
- Take that father! What? Did I say father?
- Aw, poor little baby.
- More! N. Gin want more!
Destroys an object
- Coco did it.
- Break, my pretties, break!
When hit by a weapon
- Ow, my eye!!
- Ow! I got a lotta glass in my eye!
When destroyed
- The delicious burning!
- No! The sweet pain!
- Oh, the sweet searing agony!
- I blame myself for this.
- I must get going.
- Give my remains to science!
- I regret nothing.
- Why do I always do this to myself?
- I won't cry. You can't make me.
- It's high school all over again. Ouch.
- I'm too pretty!
- Sing the doom song!
- Sweet Mexican walnuts, that hurts!
When picking up an item
- Ooh, what do we have here?
- I'm so happy.
- Go away, rat pigs. This is all for me.
- It's mine, all mine! You can't have it!
- Noooo...you can't have it...
- Aww, I wanted a muffin!
When clashing with someone
- Cybernetic merge power... activate!!
- Finally! I made a friend!
- Fire the Gunneratotron!
- Form of... a killing machine!
- I will use your lovely... mechanical parts.
- Now I am twice the lovely!
- That's just so cool!
- Victory is assured now.
- Yes!! Yes!! Use the gun often!!
When unclashing with someone
- I can't be seen with a freak like you!
- I think you should go.
- I've grown tired of you!
- Seriously. You're just not evil enough.
- So long... loser!!
- Time to watch me win, red boy!
- Yeah, you need to go.
- You and me... just aren't working out. It's me. It's not you.
- You just can't cut the cheese, pal!
When flying in the air
- Fear my vertical power!
- Ha, I...think I wet myself!
- Oh! I soiled myself.
- Oh, the glory of the skies!
- Quick! Shoot at civilians!
- This is going to hurt!
- This... okay, this is scaring me.
- Up in the sky! It's a complete maniac!!
- Watch the skies!
- What am I doing up here?!
- Doom infinity & beyond!
When running over a Park Drone
- Ah ha! I rattled him good!
- He was asking for it!
- Hey! Don't scratch my car!
- I will reanimate you later.
- Stay down, little man. Stay down!
- Take that, you freak!
- (giggles) That was fun.
- The smack is like music! Sweet music!
- You bring me joy with your doom!
- Well, when life gives you lemons...trade them for torpedoes!
- Perhaps you need a head-rocket of your own, monkey-face!
- You are all fools to challenge me. FOOLS!
- Villagers with torches couldn't get me, what chance do you have?!
- More! Shoot more lovely weapons at me!
- The cyborg be the big winner & you the big loser; What's up, cuss up, now dizza dizza wang!
- I win! I win! Oh, wait, I lost. Never mind!
During mission briefings
- Ooh! I am so… MAD Crash! I feel like my brain is coming out my head… and dripping down my cheeks! (raises voice) Get me plutonium if you know what’s good for you!
- You're just trying to make me angry aren't you? WELL YOU SUCCEEDED! Get me that costume! I know your weakness Crash... bullets!
- I'm crying because... I'm not pretty!
- Crash! What's wrong with you? I need plutonium to succeed. Beautiful... shiny... plutonium! It will be mine, I swear, or I fill your head with doom.
- Ooh! You did it! You actually got me a pair of precious... fuzzy... slippers! They're beautiful...
- STILL...NO...SLIPPERS?!? You can't imagine how much I need them!
Von Clutch
When starting a race- Ja, ja, ja, may the best cyborg win. And we all know who that is.
- I hope my dear mummy is watching me in ze crystal ball. Hallo, mummy!
- I love the sweet stench of burnt rubber!
- Ze pitbull is raging through mein carburetor! I'm feeling powerful! Or a little crazy.
When brushing against a wall
- Quick! To your battle stations!
- Where is my mechanic? Hello, wo bist du?
- Achtung!
When destroying an object
- Smashing is good, ja, good.
When passing someone
- So long, sucka!
- Ta, ta! I'll send you a postcard from Duuseldorf!
- Beep beep! German Cyborg coming through ja?
- Okay playtime is over, guten nacht.
- You love to see my behind don't you darling?
- Ha ha ha ha! Mein backside says, hallo!
- Ooh, I hope ze Colonel vill picture that move!
When brushing against someone
- Achtung dummkopf!
- Ja ja ja I must hit you so what?
- Vere did zey give zis dummkopf a licence? Ze Department of Motor Dummkopfs?
- Hey ze autobahn is for racing not walking! Sheesh.
- I vill deliver much pain und suffering upon you! Once I eat this strudel.
- Ouch. You've crushed mein biggie toe!
- Police! Police!
- Ha ha ha. That'll keep you on your toes ja?
- Please stop! It hurts mein feelings when you do that.
- Is this the hardest you hit? Pathetic.
When hitting someone
- Oh, pardon mein shrapnel!
- Fire in ze hole!
- You like Von Clutch's present for you, ja?
- Heh heh heh. I dispose a bomb and it goes BOOM!
When destroying someone
- It's my park, und I can destroy you if I want to.
- This is what happens when you play with fire, and I am a horrid flame!
- Hoho, ja? Look at you now, dummkopf!
- Muzik, honstopkh, DUMMKOPF!
- I'm terribly sorry! Not!
- Quick! Write down my license plate.
- Mein skills are sharplic racer, ja?
- Serves you right for getting in my way.
- Fun fun fun on ze autobahn!
- Ja there's more where that came from dummkopf!
When hit with a weapon
- I thought we were friends.
When destroyed
- All is lost!
- This is a long way to walk home.
- Hush, mein precious. Time to sleep.
- Abandon ship! Abandon ship.
- Uh, mein ability to demolish is disminished, ja?
- Somebody, put mein auto out of it's misery!
When picking up an item
- What shall I use this for, I ask?
- Another goody for mein goody bag!
- Cha-Ching!
- I know I will find a place for you somewhere...
- I will never let you go again.
- I wonder if this is for krazulupf krait of the plaiz, ja?
- I have a shpecial shpot for zis! Right here!
- Ooh, another prize for Von Clutch! I'm such a good boy.
- Prizes for the prizemeister!
When clashing
- Hey, you got you panzer am my kubelwagen, or is that my kubelwagen in your panzer?
- Veery lucky you are to merge with Von Clutch, darling.
- Zogether, will rule ze world.
- Ja, ja, ja, now we'll really wreak some havoc!
- Everyone wants to join mit mein panzer, ja?
- Hey, this iz quite pleasure for, ja?
When unclashing
- Und Von Clutch owns you for ze win!
- Back of the line for you, ja?
- Ze trial iz just part of the game, ja?
- I know we are friends, but mein is an evil friend.
- This is not working out between us, ja?
When flying through the air
- Hmmm, I wonder if we can reach the English channel.
- [singing] I float through the air with the greatest of ease!
- Ah! This reminds me of the Hindenburg!
- Ze altitude, it's making me tingle! Whoo, tingle!
- [singing] Like a bloated zeppelin, I float through ze air ta ta ta ta ta tee ta ta!
- Ho ho hee ha! Zis reminds me of my Messerschmitt!
- Oh, I'm a little bit air sick!
- Ha ha ha! Ze view is breathtaking no? Can you breathe?
- Sheesh. I hope Von Clutch remembers how to land.
- Stewardess! Another bag of peanuts please!
- Look out below!
- My sister shoots better than you, and I don't have a sister!
- Hmm. It smells bad, 'cause your shooting stinks!
During mission briefings
- You like this ride ja? Perhaps I will give it to you for many park tokens. MANY!
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