Steam turbine
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Moving blades - The Steam Turbine 0 6/21/2018
We have a Nadrowski two stage 1.6MW steam turbine driving a boiler feed water pump through reduction gearbox. It runs on HP steam @ 42bar/410C. I have... 0 9/7/2017
We are having a casting foundry and we have a induction furnace. There is a coil outside the furnace. The coil is heated at 1500 degree celcius and wa... 0 8/24/2017
We have a 135 MW Steam Turbine being manufactured. First question is, what will be the difference between a 50Hz and 60Hz Turbine blades? Second, I s... 0 6/30/2017
Our power plant has Oil Fired Boilers & Steam Turbines (4 x 300 MW = 1200MW). Our national grid has large variations in grid frequency since we have e... 0 5/6/2016
We have AEG steam back pressure steam turbine rated 7070 KW at 34 bar inlet pressure, 375 C temeperature , 3.6 bar back pressure. facing problem on ... 1 12/23/2015
What effect does a high back pressure have on the steam consumption of a turbine? What effect does a low back pressure have on the steam consumption ... 0 5/10/2015
1. In a steam turbine if wet steam enters whether turbine shaft may experience axial shift leading to break down? if so what is engineering explanatio... 1 12/21/2014
Are there steam turbine manufacturers that make multi stage units in the 250 kW to 2 MW range? More specifialy I want to find a steam turbine with an ... 1 11/18/2014
Steam Turbine 2 8/20/2014
Is there a place where I can get free info about steam turbines? sent to me 1 8/11/2014
Replacing pressure reducing valve with a steam turbine 1 3/29/2014
Hi : we have a steam turbine and we want to change the direction of rotation of it but we really dont know changing the direction of blades is enough... 5 11/6/2013
What happens when you run a steam turbine at 80% pressure steam at 91% temperature? Do you get 85% the output? 3 9/26/2013
Forced Air Cooling of Steam Turbines during run down 1 7/26/2013
Our 15 MW Extraction/Condensing Nanjing Steam Turbine 3000 RPM has a hydraulic control for speed as well as extraction system. Every few days, the e... 2 5/13/2013
Why vacuum produce in condenser?.any body chat me on steam turbine please e mail on 2 5/2/2013
What makes a turbine go round? Is it steam mass or is it steam volume? for example on 10 bar and 600 degrC 1kg steam equals 0.4009m3 on 16 bar and 6... 1 4/22/2013
how to describe principles of impulse turbine base on steam pressure and speed combination 0 9/19/2012
what are the advantages of the vibratory finishing process on milled blades? 0 9/19/2012