George Washington
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  Subject Replies Date
What made Washington such a great President and public figure? 2 10/26/2016
What was the name of the British marksman that had George Washington in his [rifle] sights, but didn't fire? I am also looking for more information ... 0 7/5/2014
I heard George Washington was black.Is this true? 5 2/22/2014
What negative things did Washington do? 0 10/23/2013
Where did George Washington spend most of his life 0 9/2/2013
Where did president George Washington spend most of his life 0 9/2/2013
How did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence Washington? 1 4/9/2012
Washington's pre-Revolution accomplishments 2 3/8/2012
What are some of the myths about George Washington? 3 1/1/2011