George W. Bush
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  Subject Replies Date
2000 presidential campaign 1 9/24/2016
Did George Bush hand over a decent America to Obama 3 9/23/2016
Does He Have A Kid? 0 2/24/2014
Why did America vote for Georg W Bush, he chokes on pretsils for goodness sake. 0 2/2/2014
Do you need Air without an Air Conditioner……??? 0 11/7/2013
Bush was right??? 2 9/28/2013
Bush was incharge a little too long 4 5/13/2013
Was he the worst president ever 2 2/2/2013
Childhood 1 4/9/2012
Early career 1 3/8/2012
Governor of Texas 1 3/7/2012
Do you think George Bush was just a lucky millionaire who had a political heavyweight in his father? Or did he really deserve the job in the first pla... 2 3/7/2012
Marriage and family 1 3/6/2012
Was George Bush not exposed enough you think? 3 1/3/2011
Bush stole the 2000 election 1 1/1/2011