Despite Bush doing a few things for about three fourth of his time in office, his last years put him in the bad books of many. Do you think he was in office too long to do any good for anyone or anything?
replied to: leslieh
Replied to: Despite Bush doing a few things for about three fourth of...
HIm being in office itself was bad enough, Whats more to say?
replied to: skjames
Replied to: HIm being in office itself was bad enough, Whats more to...
Bush is no more president so its a useless matter to debate.
replied to: jondabomb
Replied to: Bush is no more president so its a useless matter to...
True. Now, we have an illegal alien in the WhiteHouse.
replied to: korny
Replied to: True. Now, we have an illegal alien in the WhiteHouse.
I'm pretty sure he is an American citizen, but that's about all he has going for him.