Elvis Presley
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Is it true that once Elvis Presley identified Fats Domino and not himself as the "King Of Rock'n Roll"? 1 9/23/2015
Elvis Presley, apparently, didn't bed any of his girlfriends before Priscilla Presley? Do you think that it is true? 1 9/23/2015
The Irony in Elvis's life 0 8/21/2015
What was the true connection between Elvis Presley and George Wallace? 0 3/27/2015
Elvis Presley and his Cherokee Native American Indian heritage 0 11/5/2014
Rev.Ralph Abernathy quote on Elvis Presley 0 6/14/2014
Did Elvis really die of constipation? 0 5/9/2014
My mom is in love with elvis presley!!!!!!! 2 2/5/2014
Is the childhood friendship of African-American Sam Bell and Elvis Presley when they were aged about 13 and living in Tupelo, mentioned in any biograp... 1 1/15/2014
In the fifties did Elvis play in segregated or unsegregated venues? Was there race mixing at Elvis Presley concerts? 1 1/14/2014
When I was younger(1985), I took guitar lessons from someone who said he was Elvis' lead guitarist. His name was Al Randloph. He was living in Monet... 3 6/20/2013
Elvis's First Song 2 4/11/2013
What is the gospel song that elvis sang that sounds like o solo mio? 2 1/14/2013
Originator of "Unplugged" 0 3/7/2012