Black squirrel
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I live in Sprucepine,NC. I was told today that we are going to have a black squirrel winter. How true is this? 0 9/16/2018
When did black squirrels arrive in Indiana 0 5/3/2015
I heard that the black squirrel is very rare and suppose to bring luck.Has anyone head this and is it true? 1 2/19/2015
We live in Findlay Ohio & have a black squirrel visit us occasionly. He/She is about 1/2 the size of the other squirrels who visit us. I was wondering... 1 12/8/2014
How common are Black Squirrels in SE. WI? I'm 60 years old and have never seen one until this afternoon - even my dog was hesitant. I've been in the M... 1 10/29/2014
Recent sighting i=of the black squirrel 0 10/2/2014
Can a two year old wild/pet black squirrel be relocted? i have a black squirrel that my daughter found as a hairless baby in detriot, nursed to health... 0 5/17/2014
I have noticed....well not noticed any black squirrels in my area for about a week. Are they in breeding season again? I have bird feeders and many sq... 2 8/20/2013
Is there a myth or a foke lore about seeing a black squeirl in the fall that has to do with how bad or good the winter would be? 1 10/21/2012