Zombie (album)


(1)   Several kinds of rum with fruit juice and usually apricot liqueur
(2)   Someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way
"Only an automaton wouldn't have noticed"
(3)   A dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force
(4)   A god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies
(5)   (voodooism) a spirit or supernatural force that reanimates a dead body


  1. A snake god in religions of West Africa and elsewhere
  2. A person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces (such as magic), with no soul or will of his/her own.
  3. A formerly deceased person who returns to life to attack the living.
  4. An apathetic person.
  5. A human being in a state of extreme mental exhaustion.
    After working for 18 hours on the computer, I was a zombie.
  6. A person under the influence of mood or behavior altering prescription drugs.
  7. An information worker who has signed a nondisclosure agreement.
  8. A process or task which has terminated but was not removed from the list of processes, typically because it has child processes that have not yet terminated.
  9. A computer affected by malware which causes it to do whatever the attacker wants it to do without the user's knowledge.
  10. A drink of rum and fruit juices
  11. Nickname for a conscripted member of the Canadian military during World War II who was assigned to home defence rather than to combat in Europe.
    • 1944, "Time for Decision," Time, 6 Nov.,
      Had the time come to order Canada's home defense draftees—some 70,000 zombies idling at home—to battle overseas?
  12. A hypothetical person who lacks self awareness.