

(1)   Street names for marijuana
(2)   A black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning
(3)   Any plant that crowds out cultivated plants


(4)   Clear of weeds
"Weed the garden"


  1. Any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place; an unsightly, useless, or injurious plant.
    If it isn't in a straight line or marked with a label, it's a weed.
  2. A species of plant considered harmful to the environment or regarded as a nuisance.
  3. Short for duckweed
  4. Marijuana.
  5. Tobacco.
  6. A cigar.
  7. A horse unfit to breed from.
  8. A puny person; one who has with little physical strength.
  9. A sudden illness or relapse, often attended with fever, which attacks women in childbed.
  10. Underbrush; low shrubs.
  11. Something unprofitable or troublesome; anything useless.


  1. To remove weeds (unwanted vegetation) from (a cultivated area).
    I weeded my flower bed.

Etymology 3

From < . Compare Dutch , .


  1. A garment or piece of clothing.
  2. Clothing collectively; clothes, dress.
    • 1819, These two dignified persons were followed by their respective attendants, and at a more humble distance by their guide, whose figure had nothing more remarkable than it derived from the usual weeds of a pilgrim. — Walter Scott, Ivanhoe
  3. widow's weeds Female mourning apparel