(1) A distinguishing style
"This room needs a woman's touch"
(2) A sheet with several pages printed on it; it folds to page size and is bound with other signatures to form a book
(3) Your name written in your own handwriting
(4) The sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key
(5) A melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
From French signature, from Latin signatura, future passive periphrastic of verb signare, "to sign", from signum, "sign", + -tura, feminine of -turus, future passive periphrastic suffix.
- A person’s autograph name.
- The act of signing one's name.
- That part of a doctor’s prescription containing directions for the patient.
- Signs on the stave indicating key and tempo
- A group of four (or a multiple of four) pages printed such that, when folded, become a section of a book
- A pattern used for matching the identity of a virus, the parameter types of a method, etc.
- Data attached to a message that guarantees that the message originated from its claimed source.
- A mark or sign of implication.
- 1997: Chris Horrocks, Introducing Foucault, page 67, The Renaissance Episteme (Totem Books, Icon Books; ISBN 1840460865)
- A “” was placed on all things by God to indicate their affinities — but it was hidden, hence the search for arcane knowledge. Knowing was guessing and interpreting, not observing or demonstrating.
- 1997: Chris Horrocks, Introducing Foucault, page 67, The Renaissance Episteme (Totem Books, Icon Books; ISBN 1840460865)
- distinctive, characteristic indicative of identity
- Rabbit in mustard sauce is my signature dish.
- The signature route of the airline is its daily flight between Buenos Aires and Madrid.
- 2005: CBS News website, Paul Winchell Dead At Age 82, read at http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/06/27/entertainment/main704340.shtml on 14 May 2006 - The inspiration for Tigger’s signature phrase: TTFN, ta-ta for now.