Rainbow Theatre (Finsbury Park)


From , formed as reġn + boga. Cognate with Old High German reginbogo, Icelandic regnbogi and Old Norse regnbogi.


  1. A multicoloured arch in the sky, produced by prismatic refraction of light within droplets of rain in the air.
  2. Any prismatic refraction of light showing a spectrum of colours.
  3. A wide assortment; a varied multitude.
    a rainbow of possibilities
  4. An illusion, mirage
    Many electoral promises are rainbows, vanishing soon after poll day.
  5. A curveball, particularly a slow one
  6. In Texas hold 'em or Omaha hold 'em, a flop that contains three different suits


  1. having, or shining with, the colors of the rainbow: iridescent
  2. multicoloured
  3. special, enigmatic
  4. having multiple suits of cards