(1) One who suffers for the sake of principle
(2) One who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty for refusing to renounce their religion
(3) Torture and torment like a martyr
(4) Kill as a martyr
"Saint Sebastian was martyred"
From < , itself from martyr < (martyr), later form of (martys) "witness".
- One who willingly accepts being put to death for adhering openly to one's religious beliefs; notably, saints canonized after martyrdom.
- Saint Stephen was the first Christian martyr.
- One who sacrifices his or her life, station, or what is of great value to him or her, for the sake of principle or to sustain a cause.
- (with a prepositional phrase of cause) One who suffers greatly and/or constantly, even involuntarily.
- Stan is a martyr to arthritis, Chris a martyr to Stan's endless moaning about it.
Related terms
- martyrion
- martyrium
- martyrologe
- martyrologue
- martyrology
- martyry
- protomartyr
- To make someone into a martyr by putting him or her to death for adhering to, or acting in accordance with, some belief, especially religious; to sacrifice on account of faith or profession.
- To persecute.
- Some religious and other minorities were martyred until extinction.
- To torment; to torture.
- The lovely Amoret, whose gentle heart
- Thou martyrest with sorrow and with smart. — Spenser