(1) Appealing to or using the intellect
"Satire is an intellectual weapon"
"Intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor"
"Has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people"
"Coldly intellectual"
"Sort of the intellectual type"
"Intellectual literature"
(2) Of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind
"Intellectual problems"
"The triumph of the rational over the animal side of man"
(3) Involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct
"A cerebral approach to the problem"
"Cerebral drama"
(4) Of or relating to the intellect
"His intellectual career"
(5) A person who uses the mind creatively
- Belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental; as, intellectual powers, activities, etc.
- Endowed with intellect; having the power of understanding; having capacity for the higher forms of knowledge or thought; characterized by intelligence or mental capacity; as, an intellectual person.
- Suitable for exercising the intellect; formed by, and existing for, the intellect alone; perceived by the intellect; as, intellectual employments.
- Relating to the understanding; treating of the mind; as, intellectual philosophy, sometimes called "mental" philosophy.
Related terms
- intellect
- intellectualize
- intelligence
- intelligent
- overintellectualize
- An intelligent person, someone interested in intellectual matters.
- The intellect or understanding; mental powers or faculties.