(1) The operation of gathering information about an enemy
(2) The ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
(3) New information about specific and timely events
"They awaited news of the outcome"
(4) Secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy)
"We sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage"
(5) A unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
- Capacity of mind, especially to understand principles, truths, facts or meanings, acquire knowledge, and apply it to practice; the ability to learn and comprehend.
- An entity that has such capacities.
- Information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities.
- A political or military department, agency or unit designed to gather such information.
From intellegentia, ‘intelligence’, from inter-, ‘between’ + legere ‘choose, pick out, read’; inter-lege-nt-ia, literally ‘choosing between’.