Intellect (disambiguation)
(1) Knowledge and intellectual ability
"He reads to improve his mind"
"He has a keen intellect"
(2) The capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
"We are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil"
(3) A person who uses the mind creatively
From Latin intellectus, perfect passive participle of intellegere, reason or understand; from prefix intel-, into, from intus, + legere, read, with connotation of bind
- The faculty of knowing and reasoning; understanding (uncountable).
- Intellect is one of man's greatest powers.
- That faculty in a particular person (uncountable).
- They were chosen because of their outstanding intellect.
- A person who has that faculty in great degree.
- Some of the world's leading intellects were meeting there.
Related terms
- intellectual
- intellectualism
- intellectualize
- intelligence
- intelligent
- intelligentsia