(1) The act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
(2) The commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer
(3) The spatial property of being scattered about over an area or volume
(4) (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
From distributio, from distribuere 'to distribute', itself from dis- 'apart' + tribuere 'to ' (from tribus).
- An act of distributing or state of being distributed.
- An apportionment by law (of funds, property).
- The process by which goods get to final consumers over a geographical market, including storing, selling, shipping and advertising.
- The frequency of occurrence or extent of existence.
- Anything distributed; portion; share
- The result of distributing; arrangement.
- A probability distribution; the set of relative likelihoods that a variable will have a value in a given interval.
- A set of bundled software components; distro.
- The apportionment of income or wealth in a population.
- The wealth distribution became extremely skewed in the kleptocracy.
- The action of experienced investors selling an asset to inexperienced investors at a high price.
- The process or result of the sale of securities, especially their placement among investors with long-term investment strategies.