Creationism (soul)


(1)   The literal belief in the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis
"Creationism denies the theory of evolution of species"


  1. The doctrine that each individual human soul is created by God, as opposed to traducianism.
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  3. Any creationary belief, especially a belief that the origin of things is due to an event or process of creation brought about by the deliberate act of any divine agency, such as a Creator god.
  4. The creationary beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism or Islam.
  5. The theological controversy concerning the origin of the human species, and other living beings, and especially questioning in what sense if any the creationary acts of God are considered a matter of historical fact.
  6. The subject of a debate concerning origins and the findings of science, focused on the degree to which the theory of evolution is compatible with religious belief in the Creator.
  7. The belief that a deity created the world, especially as described in a particular religious text, such as the Book of Genesis.
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Related terms

See also

  • creation science
  • creationary science
  • evolution science
  • evolutionary science
  • garvage