(1) A tight-fitting headdress
(2) A top (as for a bottle)
(3) Something serving as a cover or protection
(4) The upper part of a column that supports the entablature
(5) Dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a tooth
(6) A mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive
(7) An upper limit on what is allowed
"They established a cap for prices"
(8) A fruiting structure resembling an umbrella that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom
(9) Restrict the number or amount of
"We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club"
(10) Lie at the top of
"Snow capped the mountains"
- A close-fitting head covering either without a brim or with a peak.
- A special head covering to indicate rank, occupation etc.
- An academic mortarboard
- A protective cover or seal
- A crown for covering a tooth
- The summit of a mountain etc.
- An artificial upper limit or ceiling
- The top part of a mushroom
- The cap worn by players as protection from the sun; the cap awarded to a player when first selected to play for a side
- A small amount of gunpowder in a paper strip or plastic cup for use in a toy gun
- Billy spent all morning firing caps with his friends, re-enacting storming the beach at Normandy.
- A small explosive device used to detonate a larger charge of explosives
- He wired the cap to the bundle of dynamite, then detonated it remotely.
- A bullet used to shoot someone.
- 2001: Charles Jade, Jade goes to Metreon
- Did he think they were going to put a cap in his ass right in the middle of Metreon?
- 2001: Charles Jade, Jade goes to Metreon
- An international appearance
- Rio Ferdinand won his 50th cap for England in a game against Sweden.
- To cover or seal with a cap
- To award a cap as a mark of distinction etc.
- To lie over or on top of something
- To surpass or outdo
- To set an upper limit on something
- To select a player to play for a specified side
- To shoot someone
- If he don't get outta my hood, I'm gonna cap his ass.
- To convert text to uppercase
Etymology 3
See Etymology 1 above; cf. French personne (which can mean either “person” or “nobody”).