(1) A block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)
"A bar of chocolate"
(2) Made from or based on a mixture of flour and sugar and eggs
(3) Small flat mass of chopped food
(4) Form a coat over
"Dirt had coated her face"
From ; akin to Danish , Dutch , German , Swedish Icelandic , and Norwegian .
- A rich, sweet dessert food, typically made of flour, sugar and eggs and baked in an oven.
- A block of any of various dense materials.
- A cake of soap.
- A trivially easy task or responsibility; from a piece of cake.
- money
Usage notes
- In British usage, a is distinct from a ; the former is generally hard but becomes soft when stale, whereas the latter is generally soft but becomes hard when stale.
See also
- biscuit
- Black Forest gâteau
- brownie
- bun
- cruller
- crumpet
- dessert
- donut
- doughnut
- éclair
- flapjack
- frangipane
- gâteau
- gugelhupf
- jumbal
- koeksister
- kruller
- kuchen
- kugelhopf
- kugelhupf
- ladyfinger
- lamington
- Linzertorte
- madeleine
- muffin
- parkin
- pastry
- patisserie
- petit four
- pie
- pikelet
- pudding
- rum baba
- Sally Lunn
- scone
- sponge
- Swiss roll
- tart
- torte
- Victoria sponge
- yumyum