

(1)   Subject to psychoanalytic treatment
"I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist"
(2)   Make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features
"Analyze a specimen"
"Analyze a sentence"
"Analyze a chemical compound"
(3)   Consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
"Analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"
"Analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"
"Analyze your real motives"
(4)   Break down into components or essential features
"Analyze today's financial market"


  1. To subject to analysis.
  2. To resolve (anything complex) into its elements.
  3. To separate into the constituent parts, for the purpose of an examination of each separately.
  4. To examine in such a manner as to ascertain the elements or nature of the thing examined; as, to analyse a fossil substance, to analyse a sentence or a word, or to analyse an action to ascertain its morality.

Usage notes

  • According to Fowler the alternative spelling analyze should be avoided since -yse is part of the stem of the word and not an ending.




From Greek (dissolution), from (unloose), from ana- (up, throughout) + lysis (a loosening).


  1. analysis (action of taking something apart to study it)
    I dag skal vi utføre en analyse av denne prøven.
    Today we are going to do an analysis on this sample.
    Hun kom med en skarpsindig analyse av situasjonen.
    She came up with a shrewd analysis of the situation.


From Greek (dissolution), from (unloose), from ana- (up, throughout) + lysis (a loosening).


  1. analysis (action of taking something apart to study it)
    I dag skal vi utføre ein analyse av denne prøva.
    Today we are going to do an analysis on this sample.
    Ho kom med ein skarpsindig analyse av situasjonen.
    She came up with a shrewd analysis of the situation.