Zelkova abelicea, also known as Cretan zelkova, is a species that belongs to the genus Zelkova and is endemic to the Greek island of Crete
. It is found in small numbers and is classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN red list of endangered species.
Zelkova abelicea is a medium sized tree that grows from 3m to 5m tall. The tree is strongly branched resulting in a dense, crown shaped habit that extends close to the ground. The leaves are small and green with serrated edges. Zelkova abelicea produces perfect hermaphroditic flowers which are small and scented, and pollination is therefore thought to be achieved by insects.
This species is capable of suckering, a form of reproduction where new shoots arise from an existing root system rather than from a seed. Natural regeneration by seed is rarely seen. Root cutting seem to show a 50% success rate, though best results may be seen in the cuttings taken from late August. Branch cutting of young shoots also root with moderate success when taken in late mid to late summer(4.) This species is usually found on rocky, mountainous areas at altitudes between 850m and 1800m.
Though the species was threatened by urbanization (habitat loss), overgrazing and wildfires, recent fieldwork seems to show that Zelkova abelicea is becoming more abundant. It is not threatened with extinction, though remains vulnerable.