"Yevrabmol" was an experimental trade school that operated in Odessa
Odessa or Odesa is the administrative center of the Odessa Oblast located in southern Ukraine. The city is a major seaport located on the northwest shore of the Black Sea and the fourth largest city in Ukraine with a population of 1,029,000 .The predecessor of Odessa, a small Tatar settlement,...

 (now in Ukraine
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...

) from 1921 to 1937. Its official title was the First Club (House) of Working Jewish Youth.

The school was a communal technical school that became a home for children and youths who were orphaned during the turbulent times of World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...

, pogroms, the Russian revolution and the Russian Civil War
Russian Civil War
The Russian Civil War was a multi-party war that occurred within the former Russian Empire after the Russian provisional government collapsed to the Soviets, under the domination of the Bolshevik party. Soviet forces first assumed power in Petrograd The Russian Civil War (1917–1923) was a...

. The children were not only educated and given a home but were also taught a trade. The school owned some land in the outskirts of Odessa and a factory. The students worked on the land and in the factory to produce marketable products to make the school financially self-sufficient. The students and most of the teachers lived, studied and worked in two large buildings in a middle of downtown Odessa
Odessa or Odesa is the administrative center of the Odessa Oblast located in southern Ukraine. The city is a major seaport located on the northwest shore of the Black Sea and the fourth largest city in Ukraine with a population of 1,029,000 .The predecessor of Odessa, a small Tatar settlement,...


Moisei B. Bernstein was the founder and first director of the school. The school principles were impressed by then new Dalton Plan
Dalton Plan
The Dalton Plan is an educational concept created by Helen Parkhurst.Inspired by the intellectual ferment at the turn of the 19th century, educational thinkers such as Maria Montessori and John Dewey began to cast a bold vision of a new progressive approach to education...

and implemented it adjusting it to their learning environment. The students were taught languages, history, Jewish history, geography, mathematics and a variety of other subjects. Some of the teachers who played a major role in the school's development were Eneta S. Gliksberg who taught Russian language and literature and Yakov M. Plikh who taught languages and history.
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