Worst case execution time
The worst-case execution time (WCET) of a computation
Computation is defined as any type of calculation. Also defined as use of computer technology in Information processing.Computation is a process following a well-defined model understood and expressed in an algorithm, protocol, network topology, etc...

al task is the maximum length of time the task could take to execute on a specific hardware
Hardware is a general term for equipment such as keys, locks, hinges, latches, handles, wire, chains, plumbing supplies, tools, utensils, cutlery and machine parts. Household hardware is typically sold in hardware stores....

 platform. Knowing worst-case execution times is of prime importance for the schedulability analysis of hard real-time systems.

Analysis structure

Timing analysis is in general performed on two levels:
  • Worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis
  • Higher-level/system-level analysis

WCET analysis considers the execution time of an isolated task. At this level, activities other than ones related to the considered task are ignored. Tasks are assumed never to block or to be interrupt
In computing, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in software indicating the need for a change in execution....

ed (blocking is dealt with by the schedulability analysis).

At the higher level, the overall system performance is analyzed, given the results of the WCET analysis for each task or program in the system. Multiple tasks are usually assumed to execute on a single processor
Central processing unit
The central processing unit is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The CPU plays a role somewhat analogous to the brain in the computer. The term has been in...

 and compete for resources, and thus possibly block while attempting to access the resources. The most common type of analysis here is schedulability analysis: for example, fixed-priority
Fixed priority pre-emptive scheduling
Fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling is a scheduling system commonly used in real-time systems. With fixed priority pre-emptive scheduling, the scheduler ensures that at any given time, the processor executes the highest priority task of all those tasks that are currently ready to execute.The...

 analysis or rate-monotonic scheduling
Rate-monotonic scheduling
In computer science, rate-monotonic scheduling is a scheduling algorithm used in real-time operating systems with a static-priority scheduling class...

 analysis. The tightness, or precision of schedulability analysis relies on the accuracy of the WCET analysis. If the WCET values are pessimistic (greater than any execution time that can occur in a running system) then the scheduler will be forced to allocate more time to those tasks than actually required.

A static WCET analysis tool should be able to work at a high-level to determine the structure of a program
Computer program
A computer program is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task with a computer. A computer requires programs to function, typically executing the program's instructions in a central processor. The program has an executable form that the computer can use directly to execute...

's task, working either on a piece of source code
Source code
In computer science, source code is text written using the format and syntax of the programming language that it is being written in. Such a language is specially designed to facilitate the work of computer programmers, who specify the actions to be performed by a computer mostly by writing source...

 or disassembled binary executable
In computing, an executable file causes a computer "to perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions," as opposed to a data file that must be parsed by a program to be meaningful. These instructions are traditionally machine code instructions for a physical CPU...

. But it should also work at a low-level, using timing information about the real hardware
Hardware is a general term for equipment such as keys, locks, hinges, latches, handles, wire, chains, plumbing supplies, tools, utensils, cutlery and machine parts. Household hardware is typically sold in hardware stores....

 that the task will execute on, with all its specific features. By combining those two kinds of analysis, the tool should give an upper bound on the time required to execute a given task on a given hardware platform.

At the low-level, static WCET analysis is complicated by the presence of architectural features that improve the average-case performance of the processor
Central processing unit
The central processing unit is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The CPU plays a role somewhat analogous to the brain in the computer. The term has been in...

: instruction/data cache
In computer engineering, a cache is a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. The data that is stored within a cache might be values that have been computed earlier or duplicates of original values that are stored elsewhere...

s, branch prediction
Branch predictor
In computer architecture, a branch predictor is a digital circuit that tries to guess which way a branch will go before this is known for sure. The purpose of the branch predictor is to improve the flow in the instruction pipeline...

 and instruction pipelines for example. It is possible to determine tight WCET bounds if these modern architectural features are taken into account in the timing model used by the analysis.

Besides static analysis approaches, which have dominated research in the area since the late 1980s, dynamic or measurement-based approaches have recently entered the research arena. The motivation cited by researchers in this branch is that computing hardware (the CPU in particular) has reached a complexity which is extremely hard to model. In particular, the modeling process can introduce errors from several sources: errors in chip design, lack of documentation, errors in documentation, errors in model creation; all leading to cases where the model predicts a different behavior to that observed on real hardware. Certification authorities such as the European Aviation Safety Agency
European Aviation Safety Agency
The European Aviation Safety Agency is an agency of the European Union with offices in Cologne, Germany, which has been given regulatory and executive tasks in the field of civilian aviation safety. It was created on 15 July 2002, and it reached full functionality in 2008, taking over functions...

, therefore, rely on model validation suites. On the other hand, measurement based approaches are also considered to be potentially inaccurate, because they rely on observing the worst-case effects during testing. Measurement-based approaches usually try to measure the execution times of short code segments (basic blocks) and then use static analysis methods to compute the worst-case behavior of the code as a whole. This is driven by the philosophy that the WCET of a basic block is easily measured, but creating a test case in which each block on the worst-case path is exercised is extremely difficult. In addition, the dependence of the execution time on the execution state of the architecture causes an explosion of the search space.

Historically industry has either used end-to-end measurements with an added safety margin for soft-real-time systems, or manual static analysis on simple hardware for safety critical systems. Recently industry has shown more interest in research into automated methods of calculating WCET. Complexity is increasingly becoming an issue in manual analysis and safety margins have become a liability in soft-real-time systems: they are either too generous, increasing the cost of the device, or too tight, causing device failure. In the future, it is likely that a requirement for safety critical systems is that they are analyzed using both static and measurement-based approaches.

Research groups

The most active research groups are in Sweden (Mälardalen, Linköping), Germany (Saarbrücken, Dortmund, Braunschweig), France (Toulouse, Rennes), Austria (Vienna), UK (York), Italy (Bologna), Spain (Cantabria, Valencia), and Switzerland (Zurich). Recently, the topic of code-level timing analysis has found more attention outside of Europe by research groups in the US (North Carolina, Florida), Canada, Australia, and Singapore.

WCET Tool Challenge

The first international WCET Tool Challenge took place during the autumn of 2006. It was organized by the University of Mälardalen
Mälardalen University
Mälardalen University College , or MdH, is a university college located in Västerås and Eskilstuna, Sweden. It has 13,000 students and over 1,000 employees, of which around 40 are professors...

 and sponsored by the ARTIST2 Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design. The aim of the Challenge was to inspect and to compare different approaches in analyzing the worst-case execution time. All available tools and prototypes able to determine safe upper bounds for the WCET of tasks have participated. The final results were presented in November 2006 at the ISoLA 2006
- Places :*Isola, Alpes-Maritimes, a village in France*Isola del Gran Sasso, a town in the Teramo province in the Abruzzo region of Italy*Isola, the Italian name of Izola, a town on the Istrian peninsula in Slovenia*Isola, Maloja, a village in Switzerland...

 International Symposium in Paphos
Paphos , sometimes referred to as Pafos, is a coastal city in the southwest of Cyprus and the capital of Paphos District. In antiquity, two locations were called Paphos: Old Paphos and New Paphos. The currently inhabited city is New Paphos. It lies on the Mediterranean coast, about west of the...

, Cyprus.

A second Challenge took place in 2008 http://www.mrtc.mdh.se/projects/WCC08/.

See also

  • WCET-aware Compilation / The WCET-aware C Compiler WCC
  • Big O notation
    Big O notation
    In mathematics, big O notation is used to describe the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity, usually in terms of simpler functions. It is a member of a larger family of notations that is called Landau notation, Bachmann-Landau notation, or...

  • Optimization (computer science)
    Optimization (computer science)
    In computer science, program optimization or software optimization is the process of modifying a software system to make some aspect of it work more efficiently or use fewer resources...

  • Best and worst cases

Articles and white papers

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