n theoretical physicist and one of the pioneers of quantum physics. In 1945, after being nominated by Albert Einstein
, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics
for his "decisive contribution through his discovery of a new law of Nature, the exclusion principle or Pauli principle
," involving spin theory
, underpinning the structure of matter and the whole of chemistry
Pauli was born in Vienna
to a chemist
Wolfgang Joseph Pauli (né
Wolf Pascheles, 1869–1955) and his wife Bertha Camilla Schütz.
Later, however, I came to recognize the objective nature of these dreams or fantasies ... Thus it was that I gradually came to acknowledge that such fantasies or dreams are neither meaningless nor purely arbitrary but rather convey a sort of 'second meaning' of the terms applied.
Both of us [seem] to agree that the future of Jung's ideas is not with [psycho-] therapy... but with a unitarian, holistic concept of nature and the position of man in it.
"The fact of the existence of two theories [causal and acausal] that contradict each other in Jung ... corresponds psychologically to the vascillation between 3 and 4.
It is always the older that emanates the new one.
"The designation 'Jungian Psychology' is actually already unscientific sectarianism. I only acknowledge C.G. Jung's contribution to the general psychology of the unconscious.
There is no God and Paul Dirac|Dirac is his messenger. (German: Es gibt keinen Gott und Dirac ist sein Prophet.)