Weighted clothing
Weighted clothing is clothing that adds weight to various parts of the body, usually as part of resistance training
Resistance training
Resistance training has two different meanings. A broader meaning that refers to any training that uses a resistance to the force of muscular contraction , and elastic or hydraulic resistance, which refers to a specific type of strength training that uses elastic or hydraulic tension to provide...

. The effect is achieved through attaching weighted pieces to the body (or to other garments) which leave the hands free to grasp objects. Unlike with held weights or machines, weighted clothing can leave users more able to do a variety of movements and manual labour. In some cases certain weighted clothing can be worn under normal clothing
Clothing refers to any covering for the human body that is worn. The wearing of clothing is exclusively a human characteristic and is a feature of nearly all human societies...

, to disguise its use to allow exercise in casual environments.

The use of weighted clothing is a form of resistance training, generally a kind of weight training
Weight training
Weight training is a common type of strength training for developing the strength and size of skeletal muscles. It uses the weight force of gravity to oppose the force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric contraction...

. In addition to the greater effect of gravity on the person, it also adds resistance during ballistic movements, due to more force needed to overcome the inertia of heavier masses, as well as a greater momentum that needs deceleration at the end of the movement to avoid injury. The method may increase muscle mass or lose weight; however there have been concerns about the safety of some uses of weights, such as wrist and ankle weights. It is normally done in the form of small weights, attached to increase endurance when performed in long repetitive events, such as running, swimming, punching, kicking or jumping. Heavier weighted clothing can also be used for slow, controlled movements, and as a way to add resistance to bodyweight exercises.


Sometimes, weights are draped over or tied to the neck. As weighted vests often have weight placed here, they effectively have the same benefits. Advantages to neck weights and more upper-body-centric weighted vests is that they allow easier spinal flexion (contracting abdominals or stretching extensor spinae) and extension (contracting extensor spinae, stretching abdominals). This makes them prime for adding resistance to these movements, and takes out the requirement of using the arms to anchor weight to the upper body to add resistance.


The purpose of using a weight vest is to add extra weight for bodyweight exercises and to create an overload effect for walking, distance running or speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) drills. Research demonstrates that using an overload during sprinting or speed drills requires lower-body muscles to generate more force against the ground which could lead to gains in strength and power and ultimately faster acceleration during running. Weight vests are used by athletes to increase strength and efficiency during speed, power and agility drills; producing a unique training effect that is unavailable with traditional free weight training equipment. They can also be used by casual walkers or runners.

Weight vests are becoming a very popular form of adding weight around the entire core to, for the most part, simulate the fat storage areas of the human body. It is very useful for adding weight to limb-centric movements, and for handling great weights. Due to the large area available, it can also handle more weight. If well-affixed, it is the safest most natural means of mimicking added body mass without unbalancing the body's muscles. They can be used to add resistance to almost any whole-body movement.

One problem with some weighted vests is that due to tightness in the shoulder girdle, in movements like pull-ups or high range of motion pushups, the vest can be shearing, either damaging the person or in some cases, the vest itself being slowly torn away. This can also be seen as an advantage, however, in those who wish to limit their range of motion due to lack of strength or flexibility, to avoid injury. The limitations of front and back bending of the core is for example, contrasted by ergonomic construction to encourage good posture in modern weighted vests such as the x-vest, hyper vest or gamebreakers pro suit. Another problem with some weighted vests is the constriction of breathing and overheating due to the use of heavy, non-breathing materials such as nylon and neoprene. The latest developments in weighted vest products offer comfortable weight vests with cool wicking fabric that allow full range and direction of movement, chest expansion for breathing, open sides connected with lacing, and low profile design allowing a vest to be worn under clothing or football pads, unlike traditional vests made of nylon or neoprene.

While heavy weight vests are not helpful in limb extension in movements such as kicks, it can still be beneficial to train with a weight vest. As kicks are done balancing on one leg, this added weight on the leg will teach better balance and handling of forces during kicks. This is notable in jump kicks, though obviously these would only be done after great experience, with very low weights in a controlled manner.


Using weighted backpacks is a very common form of weight. It is like clothing when properly affixed, although some backpacks require tension in the pectorals or being held on the arms to keep from sliding off if not properly affixed.

Simpler to put on and remove than weighted vests, it simulates how humans carry things, like young or injured comrades or camping supplies, rather than the storage of body fat. For most exercises, like pull-ups or pushups, it is just as effective as a weighted vest in adding resistance from gravity. Limitations in flexibility forward or backward or to the side in arms may or may not be present depending on the pack as they vary greatly.

A standard form of military and fire fighter training is to be able to carry around a backpack. Part of SWAT training is to be able to do pull-ups wearing a heavy pack.

Hip drags

Hip drags are not so much useful due to their weight, but are small attachments which add drag during many movements in swimming by making the swimmer less streamlined. This added resistance allows the swimmer to build up more force, and swim faster when they are later removed.


Different from dip belts, weighted belts are affixed to the body and do not use suspended weights or swing. They are useful, like weighted vests, in having weight close to the core and mimic very well the additional weight one might have from body fat stored in the abdomen and lower back. The advantage over other core weights is the flexibility that is freed up by not constraining the upper body, the disadvantage being limited core flexion. There tends to be some overlap in certain larger weighted vests and the region covered by certain larger weighted belts near the upper abdominal muscles.

Dip belts

Dip belts are a very commonly used form of weight training. They are named for the dip exercise, one of the few and best known methods of adding resistance to it. It is also commonly used to add resistant to pull-ups and knee/leg raises in hanging from a pull-up bar. Unlike most weighted clothing, dip belts are not affixed to the body, but rather the weight suspends semi-secured to the usually leather belt, suspending from the back and generally kept up by resting on the gluteus.
As such, it is only useful in strength training movements, and not for dynamic movements, making it only pseudo-clothing. Dip belts are also used for added weight in squatting exercises, for people who want to work their quadriceps muscles with more weight without compressing their spine or straining their back muscles
Erector spinae
The Erector spinæ is a muscle group of the back in humans and animals. It is also known as sacrospinalis in older texts. A more modern term is extensor spinae, though this is not in widespread use. The name of the muscle is pronounced e-rec-tor speen-aye, or e-rec-tor spinae-ee.It is really not...

 or hands. Due to the dangling length, these belt squats are usually done elevated, where the suspended weight will dip much lower than the feet, allowing a sufficient range of motion. How far below the feet it goes can determine the range of motion of the exercise, similar to limitations like squatting in a power rack for working heavy resistance near the top of the movement.


Upper arm weights are another method of adding weight close to the core beyond that of a weighted vest, or to add resistance to the shoulders with less danger to the elbows than wrist weights or the added biceps/triceps strain. A problem with these is similar to thigh weights in that those with large biceps, triceps, or fat around the region may experience tightness, and the tightness required can be straining in exercises that involve elbow extension, making it more suitable for leg and core movements.


Wrist weights are used in place of holding dumbbells (or to supplement them) or other hand-held weights as a way of adding leveraged resistance to the movement of the arms. Like ankle weights, practicing explosive movements is not advised, and if done, should be approached gradually, with acceleration before full extension, and also reduced gradually, to avoid overextension injuries. Wrist weights are advantageous in that they do not require a strong grip or wrist extension for added arm resistance like held hand weights do. A disadvantage is that the tightness required to stop movements could possibly increase the damage in those with carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is an entrapment idiopathic median neuropathy, causing paresthesia, pain, and other symptoms in the distribution of the median nerve due to its compression at the wrist in the carpal tunnel. The pathophysiology is not completely understood but can be considered compression...



Weighted gloves serve a similar purpose to wrist weights. Generally, they are worn to prepare for boxing in some fashion. Their advantage, beyond a slight increase in distance for leverage, is the lack of strain on the wrist from having weight isolated there, and better simulating sparring gloves. They are generally not very heavy, and since they limit the grip anyway, unless being used to practice specific striking fists, light dumbbells are more common.


Thigh weights are the most reasonable form of resistance. The location of the mass more readily duplicates the natural fat-storage mechanism of the human body and being closer to the core. In leg raise exercises, it allows more activation of the hip flexors (and abdominals) without putting more strain on the quadriceps muscles for extension, making it good for sports-specific training on movements like knees and jumping. The greater area and safe location allow it to handle much more weight. For those with wide thighs, such as bodybuilders with large quadriceps, or people with large amounts of fat stores on the inner thigh, it may cause chafing. If worn on both legs, however, the chafing would be between the weights and only damage them, possibly only chafing with a lack of tightness.

Thigh weights are not ideal for movements involving quadriceps use, as they require tightness which may limit the use of the muscle and blood flow to the legs. For such movements, weights worn higher on the body or free weights are more ideal.


Ankle weights are a commonly found weight used in many activities. Further from the core, fixated above the ankle around the lower shin and Achilles tendon, due to leverage much less weight is needed to increase the forces on the body.

As they are attached to a region with a far smaller diameter than the thigh, there is not room for much weight without greatly changing the effective width of the lower leg. An advantage over thigh weights is that they are not attached to any major muscle or fat storage region, so tightness is not a factor and it can be used in almost any exercise.

Being above the ankle, movements incorporating the calf muscles such as calf raises can benefit from ankle weights.

Ankle weights are useful in adding weight to pull-ups and dips, especially when incorporating leg raises into the movements. They are also useful in slow kicking kata
is a Japanese word describing detailed choreographed patterns of movements practised either solo or in pairs. The term form is used for the corresponding concept in non-Japanese martial arts in general....

s, and static-active stretching
Active stretching
Active stretching eliminates force and its adverse effects from stretching procedures.Before describing the principles on which active stretching is based, the terms agonist and antagonist must be clarified...

 of the legs when balancing on one leg, or suspended in the air.

Light ankle weights have a history of use resistance for kicking in swimming, and of forward flexion in kicking, walking, jogging, and sprinting exercises. Concern has been expressed regarding this type of training. It may put too much stress on the joints, similar to the shearing forces found in leg extension
Leg extension
The leg extension is a resistance weight training exercise that targets the quadriceps muscle in the legs. The exercise is done using a machine called the Leg Extension Machine. There are various manufacturers of these machines and each one is slightly different. Most gym and weight rooms...

 and leg curl
Leg curl
The Leg curl is an isolation exercise that targets the hamstring muscles. The exercise involves flexing the lower leg against resistance towards the buttocks....


Practicing weighted movements at high speeds also causes the nervous system to fire at larger intensities. If an individual loses the weight without being trained to adapt to the transition, he may overexert himself without checking at the end of the movement and overextend a tendon
A tendon is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and is capable of withstanding tension. Tendons are similar to ligaments and fasciae as they are all made of collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, and fasciae connect muscles to other...

. This is more of a risk when people fully extend their limbs in such movements and do not come to a controlled stop at the end, limiting muscle flexion. Generally, the muscle being extended is more at risk, not one held statically. For example, the quadriceps muscle could overexert in a snap kick trained with ankle weights, but in a rising kick, it is the hip flexor muscle more likely to overextend. In either case, the hamstring and associated ligaments would be at risk for a tear.

One major advantage to ankle weights, unlike wrist weights, is that it adds a whole new component to exercises that wrist weights do not, since we can't grip dumbbells with our feet like we can with our hands. It is a major advantage in training rotational hip stabilizers, to work on turnout for martial arts and dance postures. To do this, the leg is bent 90 degrees at the knee, and then rotated inwards and outwards to bring the foot upwards. This is commonly seen in footbag
A footbag is both a small, round bag, and the term for the various sports played with one – characterized by controlling the bag by using one's feet. Although often referred to generically as a Hacky Sack, that is the trademarked name of one specific brand.Footbag-like activities have existed...

 kicks and holds.

One potential disadvantage to ankle weights is they may add stress to ligament
In anatomy, the term ligament is used to denote any of three types of structures. Most commonly, it refers to fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones and is also known as articular ligament, articular larua, fibrous ligament, or true ligament.Ligament can also refer to:* Peritoneal...

s in ankle or knee. For this reason, some people discourage running while wearing them.


Weighted footwear, such as "iron" boots, sandals, and shoes, are generally very similar to ankle weights. The main difference is that being below the ankle, the calf muscle is not activated at all in wearing them. Muscles in both legs only become stimulated when the leg is raised in the air (calf flexion for the rooted leg, hip/knee/ankle for the raised leg, or the entire body if suspended from pull-up bar). For straight-leg flexion (front and back) the slight increase in distance does increase leverage somewhat. In regard to the flexion muscles of the ankle, weighted footwear provides unique methods of working them that ankle weights do not. Leverage is best when the weight is near the tip of the foot, either above the toes or (more often) below the ball of the foot. Flexed to the front, it works the muscle opposite the calf, which is very useful as it is not a commonly activated muscle for movement, generally only a stabilizer to the calf muscle. It is very useful in retaining flexibility. The calf muscle can also be activated, but the leg must be raised behind the body as to make gravity resisting the flexion. At the front of the body, it would only assist calf flexion.

An advantage to weighted footwear is that they can be inconspicuous, depending upon the weight and the form of the footwear in question. This mainly applies to those with a fixed weight, adjustable weighted footwear is more obvious, and may not even be used as normal footwear at all inherent to their design, an example being weighted boots with a pole for the weight stack extending directly from the sole of the foot. For footwear which can be worn normally, an advantage to wearing them beyond additional training stimulus, is their additional mass, which creates far more downward force than one would otherwise have, with foot-dropping attacks such as axe kicks and stomps
Stomp (strike)
A stomp is a downwards strike with the heel of the foot from the stand-up position, and is usually directed at the head or body of a downed opponent...

. To gain this energy, more initial energy must be expended in hip flexion (and possibly knee extension) to raise the foot from the ground.

Distributed/integrated weight systems

Using neoprene or other synthetic fibers to hold weights in place over large muscle groups is a relatively new form of weight system. The significant improvement over traditional weights is that it distributes the mass of the weight over areas of the body that can easily support it. This reduces the likelihood of muscle and/or tendon strain common with ankle and wrist weights that pull the limbs.

Common integrated weight systems can apply weight to the biceps, forearms, thighs and calves and may be used with weighted vests. Frequently they can be hidden under regular clothing allowing the individual to enhance their daily routine with additional calorie burn.

Therapeutic use

Sensory integration therapy
Sensory integration therapy
Sensory integration therapy or sensory integrative therapy attempts to treat Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Some of these treatments have a questionable rationale and no empirical evidence. Other treatments have been studied, with small positive outcomes, but few conclusions can be drawn due to...

, a popular therapy for children with autism
Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years old. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their...

 and other developmental disabilities, often employs weighted vests, weighted belts and weighted blankets, under the theory that behavioral problems such as inattentiveness and stereotypy
A stereotypy is a repetitive or ritualistic movement, posture, or utterance, found in people with mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, tardive dyskinesia and stereotypic movement disorder. Stereotypies may be simple movements such as body rocking, or complex, such as self-caressing,...

 are due to over- or under-sensitivity to sensory input, and that weighted belts and weighted blankets provide proprioceptive feedback that has a calming effect. Only a limited amount of scientific research is available on this treatment, but it suggests no significant improvement with weighted vests.


  • In the Kurt Vonnegut
    Kurt Vonnegut
    Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was a 20th century American writer. His works such as Cat's Cradle , Slaughterhouse-Five and Breakfast of Champions blend satire, gallows humor and science fiction. He was known for his humanist beliefs and was honorary president of the American Humanist Association.-Early...

     short story Harrison Bergeron
    Harrison Bergeron
    "Harrison Bergeron" is a satirical, dystopian science fiction short story written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and first published in October 1961. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, the story was re-published in the author's collection Welcome to the Monkey House in...

    , physically strong individuals are weighted down with weights of varying heaviness in accordance to the individuals' strength. This is done to handicap them and make them physically "equal" to a normal person.

Manga and anime

  • 1985: In Dragon Ball and the start of Dragon Ball Z, many of the characters wear weighted clothing as a form of training to increase their strength. Master Roshi wears a heavy-weighted turtle shell on his back, as do Goku and Krillin during their time training with him, they are not shown doing with the shells after this point. While this method of training is unknown in reality, it simulates training wearing heavy backpacks, and is far more sensible due to the round shape which would make rolling easier and deflects blows easier. In the world tournament Goku goes up against Tien Shinhan, to which he throws off his clothes which were weighted, he then gains in speed and power. In DBZ Goku and Piccolo
    The piccolo is a half-size flute, and a member of the woodwind family of musical instruments. The piccolo has the same fingerings as its larger sibling, the standard transverse flute, but the sound it produces is an octave higher than written...

     hide weights in their gis.
    or dōgi is a uniform for training, used in martial arts derived from Japan, or budō. . The prototype for the modern keikogi emerged in the late 19th century. The keikogi was developed by judo founder Kano Jigoro...

     Removing the clothing visibly increased their power levels on Raditz' scouter. Later in the series, some characters use high gravity environments such as gravity-multiplying chambers to train. By increasing their bodyweights, they no longer require potentially cumbersome weighted clothing to train properly, as the higher bodyweight movements suffice. The original shells may have provided some protection, but the Tsufuru armor is likely superior to that.
  • 1990: In Hajime No Ippo, the Osaka brawler boxer named Sendo Takeshi adds ankle weight to his training routine in order to build up greater lower body strength. The effects of this addition do not show themselves until his second Japanese title defense when the training results in increased weight shifting and dashing power.
  • 1994: In Rurouni Kenshin
    Rurouni Kenshin
    , also known as Rurouni Kenshin and Samurai X, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki. The fictional setting takes place during the early Meiji period in Japan. The story is about a fictional assassin named Himura Kenshin, from the Bakumatsu who becomes a wanderer to...

    , Kenshin's master Hiko Seijuro
    Hiko Seijuro
    is Himura Kenshin's master in the manga and anime series Rurouni Kenshin. As a potter, he uses the assumed name of . His Japanese seiyū is Shūichi Ikeda, and his English voice actor is Richard Epcar.-Development:...

     wears a white coat (modelled after Spawn
    Spawn (comics)
    Spawn is a fictional comic book superhero who appears in a monthly comic book of the same name published by Image Comics. Created by writer/artist Todd McFarlane, Spawn first appeared in Spawn #1...

    ) containing weighted springs that constrict the garment and require a person's muscles to work from being crushed. The resistance it provides is more due to the tensile force of the springs rather than their weight, though they would contribute somewhat. Upon removing it, the strength built through wearing it can be used against opponents. A suit like this could be dangerous to wear. As nothing like it currently exists, it may be hard to design in real life. Some similar simplified attempts using similar ideas exist using stretch bands anchored on the shoulders and feet. While the springs could have significant weight, technically making it weighted clothing, it is moreso resistance
    Resistance training
    Resistance training has two different meanings. A broader meaning that refers to any training that uses a resistance to the force of muscular contraction , and elastic or hydraulic resistance, which refers to a specific type of strength training that uses elastic or hydraulic tension to provide...

     clothing as it primarily uses a force other than gravity to resist the movements. It will remain here until resistance clothing has its own article.
  • 1997: In Naruto
    is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of...

    , the taijutsu
    is a Japanese blanket term for any combat skill, technique or system of martial art using body movements that are described as an empty-hand combat skill or system. The term is commonly used when referring to a traditional Japanese martial art but has also been used in the naming of modern martial...

     expert Rock Lee
    Rock Lee
    is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto. Kishimoto considers Lee his favorite character to draw, and at first designed Lee to symbolize human weakness...

     uses stone-weighted clothing. He wears extremely dense ankle weights, and rarely removes them. When he does, he gains an exceptional increase in speed. He later wears weighted sandals, a weighted belt, and wrist weights for training.
  • 1998: In Hunter X Hunter, before seeing Killua
    Killua may refer to one of the following:* Killua Castle, Clonmellon, Westmeath* Killua Zoldyck, a character from the manga series Hunter × Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi....

    , Gon
    Gon or GON may refer to:*Government of Norway. The use of GON is seen related to the WikiLeaks Cablegate documents.*Groton-New London Airport, IATA airport code...

    , Kurapika and Leorio wear weighted slippers and clothing during their stay at the gatekeeper's house.
  • 1999: In The Prince of Tennis
    The Prince of Tennis
    is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Takeshi Konomi. The title is often shortened to , a portmanteau of the two parts in the Japanese pronunciation of the words "Tennis Prince". The manga was first published in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in July 1999, and ended...

    , Sadaharu Inui uses various weighted clothing to exercise his body while reading and taking notes.
  • 2000: In Beyblade
    is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takao Aoki. Originally serialized in CoroCoro Comic from 2000 to 2002, the individual chapters were collected and published in 14 tankōbon by Shogakukan...

    , Kai Hiwatari
    Kai Hiwatari
    is a character from the Beyblade manga and anime series.He is the captain of the Team BBA throughout most of the anime series and the keeper of the phoenix bit-beast Dranzer, or in the original Japanese version, Suzaku, the phoenix god of the South in Chinese/Japanese legend.Kai is voiced by David...

     wears wrist weights all day and during bey blade battles, keeping them as an emergency reserve (much like Goku) for added power and speed to unleash the power of his beast when they are removed.
  • 2001: In Samurai Jack
    Samurai Jack
    Samurai Jack is an American animated television series created by animator Genndy Tartakovsky that aired on both Cartoon Network and Toonami from 2001 to 2004. It is noted for its highly detailed, outline-free, masking-based animation, as well as for its cinematic style and pacing...

     a native tribe of monkeys have immense jumping ability required by Jack. He trains with massive rocks tied to his ankles until the day he can jump a very small amount (less than 1mm). The tribe unbind him, and upon jumping he leaps an enormous distance into the air. A similar regimen in reality would probably cause long term joint damage.
  • 2002: In Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
    , known simply as When They Cry for the North American release of the anime adaptation, is a Japanese murder mystery dōjin soft sound novel series produced by 07th Expansion. The games are built on the NScripter game engine and are playable on Microsoft Windows PCs...

    , Rena Ryugu's armbands are rumored to have weights in them, a possible theory to why Rena can do almost anything physical when she's serious.


  • In Kung Fu Hustle
    Kung Fu Hustle
    Kung Fu Hustle is a 2004 action comedy film directed and produced by, and starring Stephen Chow. The other film producers were Chui Po-chu and Jeffrey Lau, while the screenplay was written by Huo Xin, Chan Man-keung, and Tsang Kan-cheung...

    , the Tailor wears brass rings used in Hung Gar
    Hung Gar
    Hung Ga 洪家, Hung Kuen 洪拳, or Hung Ga Kuen 洪家拳 is a southern Chinese martial art associated with the Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hung, who was a master of Hung Ga....

     training. However, his rings are also used as weapons.
  • In the non-fiction documentary The Smashing Machine, Mixed Martial Arts fighter Mark Kerr runs up and down stairs wearing a weighted vest as part of his training.
  • In Drunken Master
    Drunken Master
    Drunken Master, also known as Drunk Monkey In The Tiger's Eye, is a 1978 Hong Kong martial arts comedy film directed by Yuen Woo-ping, and starring Jackie Chan, Yuen Siu-tien, and Hwang Jang Lee...

    , Jackie Chan wears weights on his wrist while doing 5 hour's horse stance as his punishment.

External links

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