Viam agnoscere veritatis
Viam agnoscere veritatis or Viam cognoscere veritatis, both meaning "That they know the way of truth", refers to one of the following papal communications from Pope Innocent IV
Pope Innocent IV
Pope Innocent IV , born Sinibaldo Fieschi, was pope from June 25, 1243 until his death in 1254.-Early life:...

 to the Mongols
Mongols ) are a Central-East Asian ethnic group that lives mainly in the countries of Mongolia, China, and Russia. In China, ethnic Mongols can be found mainly in the central north region of China such as Inner Mongolia...

 in the 13th century:
  • Dei patris immensa
    Dei patris immensa
    Dei patris immensa was a letter written by Pope Innocent IV to the Mongols . It was written on March 5, 1245, was an exposition of the Christian faith, and urged Mongols to accept baptism...

    , letter sent March 5, 1245, carried by Lawrence of Portugal
  • Cum non solum
    Cum non solum
    Cum non solum was a letter written by Pope Innocent IV to the Mongols on March 13, 1245. In it, Pope Innocent appeals to the Mongols to desist from attacking Christians and other nations, and inquires as to the Mongols' future intentions...

    , letter sent March 13, 1245, carried by John of Plano Carpini
  • Viam agnoscere veritatis (1248)
    Viam agnoscere veritatis (1248)
    Viam agnoscere veritatis is the name of a letter written by Pope Innocent IV to the Mongols. It was written on November 22, 1248, and was Pope Innocent's reply to a message from Mongol commander Baiju...

    , letter sent November 1248, in reply to a Mongol communication, and probably carried by Mongol ambassadors Aybeg and Sarkis.
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