Valeriu Mitul
Valeriu Miţul is a Transnistrian Moldovan
Moldovans or Moldavians are the largest population group of Moldova...

 politician, opponent of the separatist regime actually in power in Transnistria
Transnistria is a breakaway territory located mostly on a strip of land between the Dniester River and the eastern Moldovan border to Ukraine...


Political activity

He is a participant in the 1992 War of Transnistria
War of Transnistria
The War of Transnistria was a limited conflict that broke out in November 1990 at Dubăsari between pro-Transnistria forces, including the Transnistrian Republican Guard, militia and Cossack units, and supported by elements of the Russian 14th army, and pro-Moldovan forces, including Moldovan...

 on behalf of Moldovan governmental forces and currently is the mayor of Corjova village, considered by separatist authorities as a suburb of Dubăsari
Dubăsari is a city in Transnistria, with a population of 23,650. The city is under the administration of the breakaway government of the "Transnistrian Moldovan Republic", and functions as the seat of the Dubăsari sub-district, Transnistria, Moldova.-Name:The origin of the town name is the plural...


As result of his opposition against authorities from Tiraspol
Tiraspol is the second largest city in Moldova and is the capital and administrative centre of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic . The city is located on the eastern bank of the Dniester River...

, he was arrested several times by Transnistrian police, last time in 13 May 2007.

He was elected mayor of Corjova at Moldovan local election, 2003
Moldovan local election, 2003
Local elections were held in Moldova on 25 May 2003, with a runoff for mayors on 8 June 2003.Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova won the election with 40.98%....

, when was a candidate for the mayor of commune function from the ASLMN part. Valeriu Miţul was in the same time president of an association of disabled war veterans from the Nistru river. The members of this association decided to organize a Sunday concert. Shortly after the start of the concert the police arrived, which obeyed the proceeding of manifestation until after elections, the local being sealed up. Also about this case was stated the mission Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe is the world's largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization. Its mandate includes issues such as arms control, human rights, freedom of the press and fair elections...

. A representative of the OSCE went in one Sunday to the Corjova commune and was witness of one new interdiction of concert proceeding. It was a violation of the right of free assembly, provided by art. 40 of constitution and the right to campaign for election of Valeriu Miţul provided by art. 47, paragraph 1, in Electoral Code.

During the Moldovan municipal elections on June 3, 2007, the Transnistrian authorities prevented the inhabitants of Corjova from participating in the elections. Corjova's mayor, Valeriu Miţul, - who was up for re-election - received death threats.

External links

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