Universidade Federal do Pampa
The Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) is a public university established in 2006 with the objective of strengthen the South Region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande do Sul is the southernmost state in Brazil, and the state with the fifth highest Human Development Index in the country. In this state is located the southernmost city in the country, Chuí, on the border with Uruguay. In the region of Bento Gonçalves and Caxias do Sul, the largest wine...


Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA, created by Law 11640 of January 11, 2008 as the Federal University of Pampa, public in nature, with headquarters in the city of Bage, in Rio Grande do Sul, is endowed with autonomy educational, scientific, administrative and financial management and property, subject to current legislation and the present Statute and the General Rules and the regiments of the organs in the institutional structure and the resolutions of their collective bodies.
The UNIPAMPA as a social institution is committed to ethics, founded on freedom, respect for difference and solidarity, constituting a public place for the exercise of critical consciousness, in which the community can rethink their ways of life and its political, social and economic organization.

The UNIPAMPA is a federal institution of higher education, several campi, with campus in Alegrete Bage, Caçapava South, Dom Pedrito, Itaqui Jaguarão, Santana do Livramento, Sao Borja, Sao Gabriel and Uruguaiana. Because it is a single university, although structured in various spaces, it can not be established, strictly speaking, any different importance level for the campi.
Given the original structure several campi, the UNIPAMPA observes the following guidelines for the organization:

I - unity of patrimony and management, with systemic organization of a multicampi library, laboratories and other facilities, equipments and technologies;

II - convergence of knowledge areas in the University units, including teaching, research and extension;

III - decentralization of responsibilities and management skills to the University and the additional units;

IV - cooperation between university units and Complementary Bodies, aiming unity of action in the development of the Institutional Development Plan and economicity in the management of faculty and administrative-technical education and material, technological and financial resources.

The first exams for the Vestibular Unipampa occurred on December 17 and June 18, 2006.

The first class was in September 2006.

Entering UNIPAMPA from 2010 became exclusively through ENEM SISU.

The first academic master's UNIPAMPA was the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering in the campus Alegrete recommended by CAPES in 2009 and activities started in August 2010.


São Gabriel
São Gabriel
São Gabriel is a municipality in the state Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.It's the birthplace of the Field Marshal Mascarenhas de Morais and Baron of Candiota.- Paleontology :This city belongs to the geopark of Paleorrota....

's campus has excelled in paleontological research, in the Geopark
A Geopark is defined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in its UNESCO Geoparks International Network of Geoparks programme as follows:...

 of Paleorrota
Paleorrota , is a geopark located in the center of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The rocks and fossils found along the route date back to the times when there was only one supercontinent Pangaea....

. The research has been made between the São Gabriel
São Gabriel
São Gabriel is a municipality in the state Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.It's the birthplace of the Field Marshal Mascarenhas de Morais and Baron of Candiota.- Paleontology :This city belongs to the geopark of Paleorrota....

 city to the Bagé
Bagé is a city and a municipality in the south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In 2007 its population was 112,550 in a total area of 4,096 km2. It was the tenth largest city in the state in 2007 -Location:...

 city and belong to the Permian
The PermianThe term "Permian" was introduced into geology in 1841 by Sir Sir R. I. Murchison, president of the Geological Society of London, who identified typical strata in extensive Russian explorations undertaken with Edouard de Verneuil; Murchison asserted in 1841 that he named his "Permian...


Link to sites of Campi


Visual Identity


sky, light, clarity,

amplitude, infinite horizons.


hope, security,

abundance, nature, ecological commitment.

The tree:

the three crowns, representing

teaching, research and extension;

of, growth, fruition,

the perennial renewal be rejected.


integration, cohesion, equality,

unity, equal opportunity.

The Coxilha:

the pampa, the countryside, nature,

the flow of knowledge,

regional identity,

elevation to top destinations.

The institution:

base, foundation,

support, reliability.

Graduate Courses

Alegrete Campus:
- Computer Science

- Civil Engineering

- Electrical Engineering

- Mechanical Engineering

- Software Engineering

- Agricultural Engineering

- Master in Electrical Engineering

Bage Campus:
- Production Engineering

- Food Engineering

- Chemical Engineering

- Computer Engineering

- Engineering for Renewable Energy and Environment

- Degree in Physics

- BSc Chemistry

- Degree in Mathematics

- Bachelor of Arts - Portuguese and Spanish

- Bachelor of Arts - English and Portuguese

Caçapava South Campus:
Center for Science and Technology:

- Bachelor of Geophysics

- BS in Geology (from 2011)

- Degree in Mathematical Sciences - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

- Degree in Mining Technology

Campus Don Pedrito:
Center for Agricultural Sciences:

- Animal Science

- Degree in Technology in Agribusiness

Itaqui Campus:
Center for Agricultural Sciences:

- Agronomy

- Science and Technology Agrifood

- Nutrition

Jaguarão Campus:
Center for the Humanities:

- Pedagogy

- Bachelor of Arts - Portuguese and Spanish

- Degree in History

- Technology in Tourism

CampusSantana do Livramento:
Center for the Humanities:

- Administration

- Degree in Technology Management in Public

- International Relations

- Economy

Campus Sao Borja:
Center for Social Sciences:

- Media: Journalism

- Media: Advertising

- Media: Public Relations

- Social Service

- Political Science

Campus Sao. Gabriel:
Center of Rural Sciences:

- Biological Sciences - Bachelor

- Biological Sciences - Full Degree

- Forestry

- Environmental Management

- Biotechnology

Uruguaiana Campus:
Center for Health Sciences:

- Natural Sciences

- Nursing

- Pharmacy

- Physiotherapy

- Veterinary Medicine

- Degree and Bachelor of Physical Education

- Degree in Technology in Aquaculture

Post-Graduate Courses

- Master 's Degree in Electrical Engineering

- Expertise in Technology in Mathematics Teaching

- Specialization in Literature and Language

- Specialization in Policies and Intervention in Intra-Family Violence

- Master 's Degree Biochemistry

See also

  • Brazil University Rankings
  • Universities and Higher Education in Brazil
    Universities and higher education in Brazil
    Brazil adopts a mixed system of public and private funded universities. Usually public funded universities offer the best quality education, and they are 100% financed by the government...

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