Unforgiven: In Your House
Unforgiven: In Your House was the 21st pay-per-view
(PPV) under the In Your House
name from the World Wrestling Federation
(WWF). It took place on April 26, 1998 at the Greensboro Coliseum
in Greensboro, North Carolina
. This was the first WWF PPV that used the new "scratch" logo for promotional work, while WrestleMania XIV
had featured the logo on the ring apron, the official graphic still featured the New Generation logo. This event saw the first ever Inferno Match and WWF's first evening gown match.
leader Faarooq
felt his leadership compromised by the egotism of The Rock and so when Rock was tapping out to Ken Shamrock's
anklelock at WrestleMania XIV
, rather than appear to save him, Faarooq merely laughed as The Rock ostensibly lost his Intercontinental Championship
(the decision was soon reversed). The following night Rock promised to Faarooq that in their match against Shamrock and Steve Blackman
, the Nation of Domination would find a new strength. The new strength turned to be a double cross as Rocky left the match, making it a de facto handicap match which Faarooq lost. After the match, Faarooq demanded The Rock return so they could face each other man to man but when Rock came back to the ring it turned into a coup d'état as all the other members turned on their leader and Rock took leadership of the newly named Nation. The next week as Faarooq arrived at the arena he was met with a beating in the parking lot by all the Nation members, which they also filmed. Ken Shamrock, meanwhile, was forming an ad hoc tag team with Blackman based on their martial arts backgrounds, and still wanted his hands on the Intercontinental Champion.
As the only Hart family member left after the Montreal Screwjob
, Owen Hart
found himself in a feud with D-Generation X
and specifically Triple H
. Hart wanted Helmsley's European Belt
after Shawn Michaels
laid down to give it to Triple H as a Christmas present. Hart eventually persuaded Helmsley into a match, though it turned out to be a ruse with The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust playing the part of Triple H; Hart's win was upheld and he became champion anyway. Triple H would win the title back with the help of Chyna exploiting an injured ankle. Their rematch at WrestleMania XIV would see Commissioner Slaughter
handcuffed to Chyna in a bid to prevent her from interfering but she managed to regardless and Hart lost the match after a low blow. The decision was then made for a rematch to be held at Unforgiven, with Chyna restrained in a small cage, suspended from the ground.
Jim Cornette
had long been on a campaign to return tradition to the WWF and in doing so brought in a National Wrestling Alliance
faction. The NWA Tag Team Champions
The Rock 'n' Roll Express were part of this faction until two successive losses to The Headbangers
saw Jim Cornette turn on them and bring in New Midnight Express who would record a success over the Headbangers and take the titles. The Rock 'n' Roll Express, though, still wanted revenge for their assault and Cornette's double-cross.
Marc Mero
's jealousy over the attention his wife and valet, Sable
, gained from the crowd. To mock her, he sent her from ringside and invited out to accompany him The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust, dressed up as Sable, which started a short-lived tag team between the two. The team would come undone, however, when Goldust's valet Luna Vachon
took exception to Sable. After Sable dominated Vachon in a mixed-tag match at WrestleMania XIV, Vachon demanded a rematch with Sable between just the two of them, which was instantly accepted. The stipulation was later revealed to be an Evening Gown match, in order for Vachon to humiliate Sable, which she initially did by having Goldust dress up again as Sable and strip him as she intended to do to Sable. Sable appeared, though, and assaulted Vachon, with the latter having to flee.
After a series of successive losses, Legion of Doom
seemed to split up after brawling in the ring following a loss at the hands of the cheating New Age Outlaws
on Raw is War, February 24. They reappeared over a month later as the surprise competitors of WrestleMania's opening 15 tag team battle royal with a revamped image as LOD 2000 sporting new ring attire and a new manager, Sunny
. By winning the match, they became the number one contenders for the WWF Tag Team Championships and would have faced the winners of the WrestleMania Dumpser Match, Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie, however a technicality saw the titles being stripped from the team and on the March 30 Raw, the Outlaws won the title back thanks to some interference from their new D-Generation X teammates meaning LOD 2000 would have to face their old rivals for the title.
Since Kane's
debut in the WWF, interrupting The Undertaker's match and ruining his chances of beating Shawn Michaels
at Badd Blood, Paul Bearer ordered Kane to be constant trouble to his half-brother, who in turn had refused to fight Kane. Things changed though, during a casket match at the Royal Rumble
when Kane interfered again, chokeslam
ming The Undertaker into the casket then padlocking it shut before setting it ablaze, seemingly destroying The Undertaker. After he returned, just before WrestleMania, he claimed to have gone to the afterlife and spoken to his parents and could now justify fighting his brother. Despite winning the match, it took him three tombstone piledrivers to do the job, and Kane recovered afterwards and tombstoned his brother onto a chair. Paul Bearer challenged him soon after on Raw, to a match surrounded by fire where the loser would be determined by the first to be set on fire. The following week Kane and Bearer were shown at the graves of Undertaker's parents, smashing the headstones and setting it ablaze. The week before the event, Undertaker went to the crypt of his parents only to find their coffins gone; they reappeared in the arena under the auspices of Kane and Bearer, who then set one of them on fire and when Undertaker tried to stop them, Kane chokeslammed him into the other coffin.
On the road to WrestleMania, Vince McMahon
revealed in an interview by Kevin Kelly
that the thought of Stone Cold Steve Austin
winning the WWF Championship
would be a public relations nightmare. Following the event, McMahon had Austin incarcerated after being assaulted in the ring. He later brought out a changed Austin, formed in his own corporate imagine with a suit. This turned out to be a ruse though, with Austin quickly stripping off into his normal attire and stunning
McMahon. On Raw is War, April 13, Austin offered McMahon the choice of fighting him in the ring or being attacked back stage; McMahon took the offer of the match but once in the ring called on the boast that Austin had made, that he could defeat McMahon with one hand tied behind his back. Before the match could get underway though, Mick Foley
returned in his Dude Love persona and attacked McMahon and then gave the mandible claw to Austin. The week before the event, McMahon commentated the final match, Dude Love versus Steve Blackman, and promised not only to be at ringside during Unforgiven but a catastrophic event would occur. Austin commented on this saying Vince McMahon has only sat at ringside one other time and that was at Survivor Series 1997 when someone else
got screwed out of the title.
began the six-man tag match with a snap suplex on Steve Blackman
but a reversal allowed Blackman to take control and soon things heated up when ex-Nation
member Faarooq
was tagged in, scoop slamming Brown and then untying his belt to whip Brown with, while The Rock complained to the referee preventing him from seeing the illegal weapon. The Nation varied between the slow, heavy style of Mark Henry
, the quick pace of The Rock and Brown's flying manoeuvres to dominate Blackman with The Rock eventually landing the People's Elbow. The match would turn after Brown missed a moonsault
, allowing for Blackman to tag in Faarooq, taking down the newly tagged Rock and an interfering Henry when all six men came in the ring. The non-legal men soon brawled out of the ring leaving the legal men to complete the match after Faarooq reversed a DDT
attempt into his Dominator to win the match.
Before the European Title
match, a cage was lowered from the ceiling and after both competitors came to the ring, Commissioner Slaughter
came to ringside to oversee Chyna being caged. Once she was locked in, but with Triple H
still paying attention to her, Owen Hart
attacked Triple H from behind and fought him up the ramp and back down, throwing him into the cage and then suplexing him on the walkway, taunting him with an ironic crotch chop before rolling him into the ring for the match to be officially started. They were not in the ring long though, as Hart immediately clotheslined the champion out again, and watched Chyna's cage ascend. Triple H eventually managed to fight back after much dominance from Hart, using a flying knee while Hart was running. He slowed down the match after a suplex
with an inverted backbreaking sleeper hold and despite some fight back from Hart, Triple H mostly managed to keep subdue him with a variety of holds. Hart reversed the second time Helmsley applied the backbreaker sleeper by bridging into a standing position and then performing a backflip to allow a belly to back suplex. It was at this point that Chyna's attempts to break free from the cage, that had been going on all match, came to fruition with the steel bars bending under her hold. While Hart continued to throw Triple H around, Chyna gradually climbed out of the cage but was too far to drop down. The cage suddenly lowered, revealed to be Road Dogg
at the controls, allowing her to drop off and jump to the apron causing Hart to let go of the Sharpshooter hold on Helmsley in order to push her to the ground. Slaughter appeared with a number of referees to dispatch Chyna and so nobody could make a pin count when Hart executed his opponent's own finisher, The Pedigree, neither did they see when X-Pac
stormed the ring, attacking Hart with a fire extinguisher
for Triple H to steal the match again.
An unscheduled NWA
match between The New Midnight Express and The Rock 'n' Roll Express began with Robert Gibson circling Bodacious Bart and after some grapple take downs both teams changed partners. Ricky Morton
ducked under a kick from Bombastic Bob
, with Bob accidentally striking Bart. The same thing would happen again with Morton hung on the ropes, Gibson was pulled into the ring and Bob Irish whipped him into Morton, only for it to be reversed and Morton to step away, allowing Bob to run into Bart and push him off the ring apron. Despite some in-fighting, the match soon continued with an abdominal stretch on Morton being aided with Bart holding onto Bob's hand. As the referee saw it, Jim Cornette
came into the ring to complain to referee Tim White at which point a fight almost broke out between the two, the wrestlers breaking them apart. After both Midnight members dominated Morton, Gibson's tag managed to turn things around with the Rock N Roll Express performing a simultaneous turnbuckle ten-punch and Irish whipping the Midnighters into each other. The pin count was almost broken up by a high flying Jim Cornette, but Gibson released the pin and Cornette bodysplashed Bob. It amounted to little though, when Bart quickly ran into a bulldog on Gibson and pinned him before Morton could break up the fall.
The first ever WWF evening gown match started with both women pulling at each other's clothes and hair, Sable
ripping off Luna Vachon's
two gloves before taking a kick to the stomach and a choke in the corner. As the referee tried to drag Vachon away from the corner, she grabbed onto Sable and unwittingly pulled off her skirt. Having been pulled apart, Sable speared Vachon and began to punch her on the ground and into the turnbuckle. Marc Mero
, who had refused to stand in Sable's corner out of embarrassment, appeared to talk to his wife, but while she was talking to him Vachon yanked her top away from behind and won the match. Despite the match being over, Sable quickly assaulted Vachon and powerbomb
ed her in the ring, before pulling off her gown as Vachon tried to escape. The pair continued their brawl, going underneath the ring for a short while until Sable reappeared and climbed back into the ring holding Vachon's underwear, leaving Goldust to take her backstage wrapped in his ring coat.
The New Age Outlaws
came out ostensibly accompanied by Dean Smith
, which turned out to be merely a blow up doll. A large amount of ducking clotheslines prevented either competitor to take early advantage, with Animal
also reversing a double-team move from both Outlaws. Animal then tagged in Hawk
who dominated both Road Dogg
and then Billy Gunn
through various slams and running strikes. The Outlaws began to control the match after Gunn struck Animal's leg as LOD 2000
tried to finish Road Dogg with the Doomsday Device
. Animal's knee became a target as both Outlaws frequently tagged, keeping their opponent mostly on the ground and focussing moves on the knee. After a collision that saw both Road Dogg and Animal grounded, both wrestlers tagged in their respective partners and Hawk came in with a flurry of clotheslines but as he pinned Road Dogg from a top rope splash, the referee had to help Animal back to his corner. This allowed Gunn to attack Hawk with the title belt. Hawk kicked out though, and with the referee again distracted, Hawk was held up to be struck again with the belt but ducked, leaving Road Dogg to strike Gunn and as Road Dogg looked on in shock, Hawk used a German suplex pin to win. After the match though, Howard Finkel
announced the match was rewarded to the Outlaws as the referee was actually counting Hawk, whose shoulders were also on the mat under Road Dogg's legs.
Tennessee Lee
then appeared to introduce Sawyer Brown
who performed 'backing vocals', to their song Some Girls Do with Jeff Jarrett
. After the song finished Steve Blackman jumped on the band stage and kicked down Jarret but Lee saved his client with El Kabong and Jarrett kept Blackman down with a figure four leg lock.
The first WWF Inferno Match started with The Undertaker kicking Kane
into the turnbuckle and dragging his hand to the flames but Kane turned things round and kicked The Undertaker into the turnbuckle. Undertaker quickly grabbed Kane's hand and threw him into the opposing turnbuckle and ran into a diving crossbody before twisting Kane's hand and walked the top rope for Old School as the flames shot high. Kane soon fought The Undertaker to the mat, trying to push his face underneath the ropes into the flames but Undertaker delivered a thumb to his opponent's weak eye. Paul Bearer threw a chair to Kane which helped him knock Undertaker to the ground, but it did little good as he soon fought back when he was dragged by his hair near the flames. The two continued to fight back and forth, with no obvious dominant wrestler despite a chokeslam
from both parties. Undertaker almost set himself on fire when Kane side stepped a leaping flying clothesline and landed just short of the flames. Kane replied by going to the top rope but the ropes were shaken underneath him, seeing him fall fowl to a superplex. As the two recovered, Undertaker sidestepped a running attack and threw Kane over the top ropes though he did not catch fire. Kane then began to leave the arena but was prevented from this by the returning Vader, who fought Kane back towards the ring where both men met with an over the top rope suicide dive. All the while, Paul Bearer had grabbed a steel chair and was walking round to hand it to Kane only for Undertaker to grab it and kick Bearer away, knocking Kane out with a shot. Undertaker then chased Bearer away up to the band stage and put his head through a bass drum, making him bleed
. As Undertaker walked back down to the ring, he delivered a big boot, forcing Kane to fall backwards onto the ring and flames making his right arm catch ablaze and he ran from the arena.
The main event began with Steve Austin
kicking Dude Love
out of the ring and when he returned, diving on him with a Lou Thesz press. After not managing a single piece of offensive attack on Austin, Dude Love ran up the walkway to leave but Austin caught up behind him with a running clothesline from behind and after Love tried to escape up onto the band stand, Austin threw him off onto the concrete arena floor. After fighting back down to the ringside, Love finally managed to subdue Austin, catching him staggering out of the turnbuckle with a bulldog and following with an elbow drop. As Austin tried to recover he was caught in a rear naked body scissors choke as Vince McMahon
came down to ringside. Eventually Austin managed to escape, elbowing Love in the face but he instantly gestured
towards McMahon and Love rolled him up for a pin that only made the two count. Using the ring posts to attack Love's legs, Austin took the fight outside but was soon made to regret it after a reversed piledriver saw him falling onto the concrete ramp. By focussing again on McMahon, Love attacked Austin from behind and when a suplex from the apron failed, he instead pulled him down into a cutter on the top rope. Inside the ring Love applied an abdominal stretch, with McMahon ordering the time keeper to ring the bell (which he did not do) but Austin reversed into his own abdominal stretch until he fell fowl to a hip toss. Austin continued by dragging Love outside the ring and suplexing him onto the steel steps and briefly fighting through the crowd before returning to the ring. Love then stood in the corner warming up for Sweet Shin Music but Austin caught his leg and span him round. Love tried to clothesline him and caught the referee instead. Austin then tried a stunner
but instead walked into the mandible claw which took him down to the floor. When Love tried to reapply the hold on a recovering Austin he was back tossed outside of the ring and followed by Austin who grabbed a chair but was held back by McMahon. When he escaped McMahon's grip he turned into a punch, through the chair, from Love. Austin quickly recovered though and punched Love twice and as McMahon tried to help him up, Austin swung the chair and hit McMahon before rolling Love into the ring, giving him a stunner and counting his own three count. Austin celebrated his victory, as EMTs came down to attend to McMahon, and left the arena. Gerald Brisco
then informed Howard Finkel that Austin had been disqualified and thus Dude Love won the match while the medics tended to McMahon while the event closed.
Pay-per-view provides a service by which a television audience can purchase events to view via private telecast. The broadcaster shows the event at the same time to everyone ordering it...
(PPV) under the In Your House
In Your House
In Your House was a pay-per-view series created by the World Wrestling Federation . The original concept was that, in months when the WWF was not holding one of its major PPV events , they would offer a two-hour PPV, priced at $14.95...
name from the World Wrestling Federation
World Wrestling Entertainment
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. is an American publicly traded, privately controlled entertainment company dealing primarily in professional wrestling, with major revenue sources also coming from film, music, product licensing, and direct product sales...
(WWF). It took place on April 26, 1998 at the Greensboro Coliseum
Greensboro Coliseum
The Greensboro Coliseum Complex is an entertainment complex located in College Hill neighborhood of Greensboro, North Carolina. Opening in 1959, the arena was one of the largest venues in the South, with a seating capacity of over 7,000...
in Greensboro, North Carolina
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greensboro is a city in the U.S. state of North Carolina. It is the third-largest city by population in North Carolina and the largest city in Guilford County and the surrounding Piedmont Triad metropolitan region. According to the 2010 U.S...
. This was the first WWF PPV that used the new "scratch" logo for promotional work, while WrestleMania XIV
WrestleMania XIV
WrestleMania XIV was the fourteenth annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation , which took place on March 29, 1998 at the FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts....
had featured the logo on the ring apron, the official graphic still featured the New Generation logo. This event saw the first ever Inferno Match and WWF's first evening gown match.
Nation of DominationNation of Domination
The Nation of Domination was a professional wrestling stable in World Wrestling Federation from November 18, 1996 to November 28, 1998. The Rock was a 1 time Intercontinental Champion and D'Lo Brown was a 2 time European Champion while in the group.-United States Wrestling Association :The...
leader Faarooq
Ron Simmons
Ronald "Ron" Simmons is an American semi-retired professional wrestler and retired American football player. He is recognised as being the first Black world heavyweight champion in professional wrestling and the first of only two African Americans to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship,...
felt his leadership compromised by the egotism of The Rock and so when Rock was tapping out to Ken Shamrock's
Ken Shamrock
Kenneth Wayne Shamrock is an American mixed martial arts fighter, UFC Hall of Famer and professional wrestler...
anklelock at WrestleMania XIV
WrestleMania XIV
WrestleMania XIV was the fourteenth annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation , which took place on March 29, 1998 at the FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts....
, rather than appear to save him, Faarooq merely laughed as The Rock ostensibly lost his Intercontinental Championship
WWE Intercontinental Championship
The WWE Intercontinental Championship is a professional wrestling championship in WWE. It is the original secondary title of the promotion. Currently, it is the secondary championship exclusive to the SmackDown brand...
(the decision was soon reversed). The following night Rock promised to Faarooq that in their match against Shamrock and Steve Blackman
Steve Blackman
Steve Blackman is a American professional wrestler who is best known for his career in the World Wrestling Federation under his own name.-Stampede Wrestling and South Africa :...
, the Nation of Domination would find a new strength. The new strength turned to be a double cross as Rocky left the match, making it a de facto handicap match which Faarooq lost. After the match, Faarooq demanded The Rock return so they could face each other man to man but when Rock came back to the ring it turned into a coup d'état as all the other members turned on their leader and Rock took leadership of the newly named Nation. The next week as Faarooq arrived at the arena he was met with a beating in the parking lot by all the Nation members, which they also filmed. Ken Shamrock, meanwhile, was forming an ad hoc tag team with Blackman based on their martial arts backgrounds, and still wanted his hands on the Intercontinental Champion.
As the only Hart family member left after the Montreal Screwjob
Montreal Screwjob
The Montreal Screwjob was a controversial, purportedly real life professional wrestling event in which the owner of the World Wrestling Federation, Vince McMahon, double-crossed the defending WWF Champion, Bret Hart, during the main event match of the professional wrestling pay-per-view event...
, Owen Hart
Owen Hart
Owen James Hart was a Canadian professional and amateur wrestler who worked for several promotions including Stampede Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling , World Championship Wrestling , and most notably, the World Wrestling Federation , where he wrestled under both his own name, and ring name The...
found himself in a feud with D-Generation X
D-Generation X
D-Generation X was a professional wrestling stable in WWE . The group originated in the midst of the WWF's "Attitude Era" from 1997 to 2000...
and specifically Triple H
Triple H
Paul Michael Levesque is an American professional wrestler, professional wrestling authority figure, WWE Executive Vice President of Talent and actor, better known by his ring name Triple H, an abbreviation of the ring name, Hunter Hearst Helmsley...
. Hart wanted Helmsley's European Belt
WWE European Championship
The WWE European Championship was a professional wrestling championship competed for in World Wrestling Entertainment. A coveted singles title of the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was held by superstars such as Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, and was...
after Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
Michael Shawn Hickenbottom , better known by his ring name Shawn Michaels, is an American television host and retired professional wrestler. He presents the Outdoor Channel show MacMillan River Adventures, and is currently signed to WWE, where he has served in an ambassadorial role since December...
laid down to give it to Triple H as a Christmas present. Hart eventually persuaded Helmsley into a match, though it turned out to be a ruse with The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust playing the part of Triple H; Hart's win was upheld and he became champion anyway. Triple H would win the title back with the help of Chyna exploiting an injured ankle. Their rematch at WrestleMania XIV would see Commissioner Slaughter
Sgt. Slaughter
Robert Remus , better known by his ring name Sgt. Slaughter, is an American former WWE personality and semi-retired professional wrestler. From the late 1970s to the early 1990s, Slaughter had success in the National Wrestling Alliance, American Wrestling Association, and World Wrestling...
handcuffed to Chyna in a bid to prevent her from interfering but she managed to regardless and Hart lost the match after a low blow. The decision was then made for a rematch to be held at Unforgiven, with Chyna restrained in a small cage, suspended from the ground.
Jim Cornette
Jim Cornette
James Mark "Jim" Cornette is an American professional wrestling manager, commentator, promoter, and booker. As a manager, he has worked for Jim Crockett Promotions, World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation and from 1991 to 1995, was the owner of Smoky Mountain Wrestling...
had long been on a campaign to return tradition to the WWF and in doing so brought in a National Wrestling Alliance
National Wrestling Alliance
The National Wrestling Alliance is a wrestling promotion company and sanctions various NWA championships in the United States. The NWA has been in operation since 1948...
faction. The NWA Tag Team Champions
NWA World Tag Team Championship
The National Wrestling Alliance World Tag Team Championship is the professional wrestling world tag team championship within the NWA framework.-History:...
The Rock 'n' Roll Express were part of this faction until two successive losses to The Headbangers
The Headbangers
The Headbangers is a professional wrestling tag team consisting of Mosh and Thrasher, best known for their work in the World Wrestling Federation...
saw Jim Cornette turn on them and bring in New Midnight Express who would record a success over the Headbangers and take the titles. The Rock 'n' Roll Express, though, still wanted revenge for their assault and Cornette's double-cross.
Marc Mero
Marc Mero
Marc Mero is an American retired amateur boxer and professional wrestler. He is best known for his appearances with the World Wrestling Federation as Marc Mero and with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling and World Championship Wrestling under the ring name Johnny B. Badd...
's jealousy over the attention his wife and valet, Sable
Rena Mero
Rena Marlette Mero Lesnar , better known as Sable, is an American model, actress, and former professional wrestler. She is primarily known for her stints in World Wrestling Entertainment....
, gained from the crowd. To mock her, he sent her from ringside and invited out to accompany him The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust, dressed up as Sable, which started a short-lived tag team between the two. The team would come undone, however, when Goldust's valet Luna Vachon
Gertrude Vachon
Gertrude Vachon was a Canadian-American professional wrestler better known by the ring name Luna Vachon.-Training:...
took exception to Sable. After Sable dominated Vachon in a mixed-tag match at WrestleMania XIV, Vachon demanded a rematch with Sable between just the two of them, which was instantly accepted. The stipulation was later revealed to be an Evening Gown match, in order for Vachon to humiliate Sable, which she initially did by having Goldust dress up again as Sable and strip him as she intended to do to Sable. Sable appeared, though, and assaulted Vachon, with the latter having to flee.
After a series of successive losses, Legion of Doom
Road Warriors
The Road Warriors were a professional wrestling tag team composed of Michael "Hawk" Hegstrand and Joseph "Animal" Laurinaitis. They performed under the name "Road Warriors" in the American Wrestling Association, the National Wrestling Alliance, and World Championship Wrestling, and the name Legion...
seemed to split up after brawling in the ring following a loss at the hands of the cheating New Age Outlaws
New Age Outlaws
The New Age Outlaws, later known as the James Gang and the Voodoo Kin Mafia, were a professional wrestling tag team in World Wrestling Federation, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling , Jersey All Pro Wrestling, and Maryland Championship Wrestling consisting of B.G...
on Raw is War, February 24. They reappeared over a month later as the surprise competitors of WrestleMania's opening 15 tag team battle royal with a revamped image as LOD 2000 sporting new ring attire and a new manager, Sunny
Tammy Lynn Sytch
Tamara "Tammy" Lynn Sytch is an American professional wrestling manager, personality,and occasional wrestler. She achieved her greatest success under the ring name Sunny within the World Wrestling Federation during the 1990s, and is widely considered as one of the first Divas...
. By winning the match, they became the number one contenders for the WWF Tag Team Championships and would have faced the winners of the WrestleMania Dumpser Match, Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie, however a technicality saw the titles being stripped from the team and on the March 30 Raw, the Outlaws won the title back thanks to some interference from their new D-Generation X teammates meaning LOD 2000 would have to face their old rivals for the title.
Since Kane's
Kane (wrestler)
Glenn Thomas Jacobs is a Spanish-born American professional wrestler and actor better known by his ring name, Kane. He is signed to WWE, appearing on its SmackDown brand, but is currently inactive due to injury....
debut in the WWF, interrupting The Undertaker's match and ruining his chances of beating Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
Michael Shawn Hickenbottom , better known by his ring name Shawn Michaels, is an American television host and retired professional wrestler. He presents the Outdoor Channel show MacMillan River Adventures, and is currently signed to WWE, where he has served in an ambassadorial role since December...
at Badd Blood, Paul Bearer ordered Kane to be constant trouble to his half-brother, who in turn had refused to fight Kane. Things changed though, during a casket match at the Royal Rumble
Royal Rumble (1998)
Royal Rumble was the eleventh annual Royal Rumble professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation . It took place on January 18, 1998 at the San Jose Arena in San Jose, California....
when Kane interfered again, chokeslam
A chokeslam refers to a type of body slam in professional wrestling in which the wrestler grasps their opponent's neck, lifts them up, and slams them to the mat. It is common in televised wrestling because it is simple and relatively safe, yet looks powerful on camera...
ming The Undertaker into the casket then padlocking it shut before setting it ablaze, seemingly destroying The Undertaker. After he returned, just before WrestleMania, he claimed to have gone to the afterlife and spoken to his parents and could now justify fighting his brother. Despite winning the match, it took him three tombstone piledrivers to do the job, and Kane recovered afterwards and tombstoned his brother onto a chair. Paul Bearer challenged him soon after on Raw, to a match surrounded by fire where the loser would be determined by the first to be set on fire. The following week Kane and Bearer were shown at the graves of Undertaker's parents, smashing the headstones and setting it ablaze. The week before the event, Undertaker went to the crypt of his parents only to find their coffins gone; they reappeared in the arena under the auspices of Kane and Bearer, who then set one of them on fire and when Undertaker tried to stop them, Kane chokeslammed him into the other coffin.
On the road to WrestleMania, Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon
Vincent Kennedy "Vince" McMahon is an American professional wrestling promoter, announcer, commentator, film producer, actor and former occasional professional wrestler. McMahon is the current Chairman, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Committee of professional wrestling promotion WWE...
revealed in an interview by Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly is the founding executive editor of Wired magazine, and a former editor/publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog. He has also been a writer, photographer, conservationist, and student of Asian and digital culture.-Biography:...
that the thought of Stone Cold Steve Austin
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Steve Austin , better known by his ring name "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, is an American film and television actor and retired professional wrestler...
winning the WWF Championship
WWE Championship
The WWE Championship is a professional wrestling world heavyweight championship in WWE. It is the world title of the Raw brand and one of two in WWE, complementing the World Heavyweight Championship of the SmackDown brand. It was established under the then WWWF in 1963...
would be a public relations nightmare. Following the event, McMahon had Austin incarcerated after being assaulted in the ring. He later brought out a changed Austin, formed in his own corporate imagine with a suit. This turned out to be a ruse though, with Austin quickly stripping off into his normal attire and stunning
Stunner (professional wrestling)
A stunner is a common term in professional wrestling referring to the seated three-quarter facelock jawbreaker maneuver, predominantly used by Stone Cold Steve Austin and named for his Stone Cold Stunner finisher...
McMahon. On Raw is War, April 13, Austin offered McMahon the choice of fighting him in the ring or being attacked back stage; McMahon took the offer of the match but once in the ring called on the boast that Austin had made, that he could defeat McMahon with one hand tied behind his back. Before the match could get underway though, Mick Foley
Mick Foley
Michael Francis "Mick" Foley, Sr. is an American semi-retired professional wrestler, author, comedian, actor, voice actor and former color commentator. He has worked for many wrestling promotions, including WWE, WCW, ECW and TNA. He is often referred to as "The Hardcore Legend", a nickname he...
returned in his Dude Love persona and attacked McMahon and then gave the mandible claw to Austin. The week before the event, McMahon commentated the final match, Dude Love versus Steve Blackman, and promised not only to be at ringside during Unforgiven but a catastrophic event would occur. Austin commented on this saying Vince McMahon has only sat at ringside one other time and that was at Survivor Series 1997 when someone else
Bret Hart
Bret Hart is a Canadian on-screen personality, writer, actor and Semi-retired professional wrestler. Like others in the Hart wrestling family, Hart has an amateur wrestling background, including wrestling at Ernest Manning High School and Mount Royal College...
got screwed out of the title.
D'Lo BrownD'Lo Brown
Accie Julius Connor better known by his ring name D'Lo Brown , is an American professional wrestler. Well known for his appearances with World Wrestling Entertainment, he is currently working as an agent for Impact Wrestling.Connor has held forty-eight championships in various promotions during...
began the six-man tag match with a snap suplex on Steve Blackman
Steve Blackman
Steve Blackman is a American professional wrestler who is best known for his career in the World Wrestling Federation under his own name.-Stampede Wrestling and South Africa :...
but a reversal allowed Blackman to take control and soon things heated up when ex-Nation
Nation of Domination
The Nation of Domination was a professional wrestling stable in World Wrestling Federation from November 18, 1996 to November 28, 1998. The Rock was a 1 time Intercontinental Champion and D'Lo Brown was a 2 time European Champion while in the group.-United States Wrestling Association :The...
member Faarooq
Ron Simmons
Ronald "Ron" Simmons is an American semi-retired professional wrestler and retired American football player. He is recognised as being the first Black world heavyweight champion in professional wrestling and the first of only two African Americans to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship,...
was tagged in, scoop slamming Brown and then untying his belt to whip Brown with, while The Rock complained to the referee preventing him from seeing the illegal weapon. The Nation varied between the slow, heavy style of Mark Henry
Mark Henry
Mark Jerrold Henry is an American professional wrestler signed with WWE, where he performs on its SmackDown brand as the reigning World Heavyweight Champion. He is a 1992 Olympian, and winner of the 2002 Arnold Strongman Classic...
, the quick pace of The Rock and Brown's flying manoeuvres to dominate Blackman with The Rock eventually landing the People's Elbow. The match would turn after Brown missed a moonsault
A moonsault, moonsault press, or back flip splash is a professional wrestling aerial technique. Much of its popularity in American wrestling is attributed to The Great Muta, despite it being used in North America by "Leaping" Lanny Poffo years before Muta came from Japan.In a standard moonsault,...
, allowing for Blackman to tag in Faarooq, taking down the newly tagged Rock and an interfering Henry when all six men came in the ring. The non-legal men soon brawled out of the ring leaving the legal men to complete the match after Faarooq reversed a DDT
DDT (professional wrestling)
In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a front facelock, and falls down or backwards to drive the opponent's head into the mat...
attempt into his Dominator to win the match.
Before the European Title
WWE European Championship
The WWE European Championship was a professional wrestling championship competed for in World Wrestling Entertainment. A coveted singles title of the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was held by superstars such as Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, and was...
match, a cage was lowered from the ceiling and after both competitors came to the ring, Commissioner Slaughter
Sgt. Slaughter
Robert Remus , better known by his ring name Sgt. Slaughter, is an American former WWE personality and semi-retired professional wrestler. From the late 1970s to the early 1990s, Slaughter had success in the National Wrestling Alliance, American Wrestling Association, and World Wrestling...
came to ringside to oversee Chyna being caged. Once she was locked in, but with Triple H
Triple H
Paul Michael Levesque is an American professional wrestler, professional wrestling authority figure, WWE Executive Vice President of Talent and actor, better known by his ring name Triple H, an abbreviation of the ring name, Hunter Hearst Helmsley...
still paying attention to her, Owen Hart
Owen Hart
Owen James Hart was a Canadian professional and amateur wrestler who worked for several promotions including Stampede Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling , World Championship Wrestling , and most notably, the World Wrestling Federation , where he wrestled under both his own name, and ring name The...
attacked Triple H from behind and fought him up the ramp and back down, throwing him into the cage and then suplexing him on the walkway, taunting him with an ironic crotch chop before rolling him into the ring for the match to be officially started. They were not in the ring long though, as Hart immediately clotheslined the champion out again, and watched Chyna's cage ascend. Triple H eventually managed to fight back after much dominance from Hart, using a flying knee while Hart was running. He slowed down the match after a suplex
A suplex is an offensive move used in professional sport wrestling . The move consists of one wrestler picking up his or her opponent off the ground and then using a large portion of his or her own body weight to drive the opponent down on the mat. Nearly all suplexes have the attacker going down...
with an inverted backbreaking sleeper hold and despite some fight back from Hart, Triple H mostly managed to keep subdue him with a variety of holds. Hart reversed the second time Helmsley applied the backbreaker sleeper by bridging into a standing position and then performing a backflip to allow a belly to back suplex. It was at this point that Chyna's attempts to break free from the cage, that had been going on all match, came to fruition with the steel bars bending under her hold. While Hart continued to throw Triple H around, Chyna gradually climbed out of the cage but was too far to drop down. The cage suddenly lowered, revealed to be Road Dogg
Brian Gerard James
Brian Gerard James is an American professional wrestler, currently signed to WWE as an agent and producer. He is best known for his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation as "The Road Dogg" Jesse James or simply Road Dogg...
at the controls, allowing her to drop off and jump to the apron causing Hart to let go of the Sharpshooter hold on Helmsley in order to push her to the ground. Slaughter appeared with a number of referees to dispatch Chyna and so nobody could make a pin count when Hart executed his opponent's own finisher, The Pedigree, neither did they see when X-Pac
Sean Waltman
Sean Michael Waltman is an American professional wrestler currently signed with WWE in their developmental program. He wrestled there under the ring names 1–2–3 Kid and X-Pac off and on from 1993–2002, World Championship Wrestling under the ring name Syxx, and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling ...
stormed the ring, attacking Hart with a fire extinguisher
Fire extinguisher
A fire extinguisher or extinguisher, flame entinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations...
for Triple H to steal the match again.
An unscheduled NWA
National Wrestling Alliance
The National Wrestling Alliance is a wrestling promotion company and sanctions various NWA championships in the United States. The NWA has been in operation since 1948...
match between The New Midnight Express and The Rock 'n' Roll Express began with Robert Gibson circling Bodacious Bart and after some grapple take downs both teams changed partners. Ricky Morton
Ricky Morton
Richard Wendell "Ricky" Morton is an American professional wrestler who has worked for such wrestling organizations as Jim Crockett Promotions, the American Wrestling Association, Extreme Championship Wrestling, World Championship Wrestling, the World Wrestling Federation and Total Nonstop Action...
ducked under a kick from Bombastic Bob
Bob Holly
Robert "Bob" Howard better known by his ring name Bob "Hardcore" Holly, is a American professional wrestler. He is best known for his 15-year stint with World Wrestling Entertainment ....
, with Bob accidentally striking Bart. The same thing would happen again with Morton hung on the ropes, Gibson was pulled into the ring and Bob Irish whipped him into Morton, only for it to be reversed and Morton to step away, allowing Bob to run into Bart and push him off the ring apron. Despite some in-fighting, the match soon continued with an abdominal stretch on Morton being aided with Bart holding onto Bob's hand. As the referee saw it, Jim Cornette
Jim Cornette
James Mark "Jim" Cornette is an American professional wrestling manager, commentator, promoter, and booker. As a manager, he has worked for Jim Crockett Promotions, World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation and from 1991 to 1995, was the owner of Smoky Mountain Wrestling...
came into the ring to complain to referee Tim White at which point a fight almost broke out between the two, the wrestlers breaking them apart. After both Midnight members dominated Morton, Gibson's tag managed to turn things around with the Rock N Roll Express performing a simultaneous turnbuckle ten-punch and Irish whipping the Midnighters into each other. The pin count was almost broken up by a high flying Jim Cornette, but Gibson released the pin and Cornette bodysplashed Bob. It amounted to little though, when Bart quickly ran into a bulldog on Gibson and pinned him before Morton could break up the fall.
The first ever WWF evening gown match started with both women pulling at each other's clothes and hair, Sable
Rena Mero
Rena Marlette Mero Lesnar , better known as Sable, is an American model, actress, and former professional wrestler. She is primarily known for her stints in World Wrestling Entertainment....
ripping off Luna Vachon's
Gertrude Vachon
Gertrude Vachon was a Canadian-American professional wrestler better known by the ring name Luna Vachon.-Training:...
two gloves before taking a kick to the stomach and a choke in the corner. As the referee tried to drag Vachon away from the corner, she grabbed onto Sable and unwittingly pulled off her skirt. Having been pulled apart, Sable speared Vachon and began to punch her on the ground and into the turnbuckle. Marc Mero
Marc Mero
Marc Mero is an American retired amateur boxer and professional wrestler. He is best known for his appearances with the World Wrestling Federation as Marc Mero and with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling and World Championship Wrestling under the ring name Johnny B. Badd...
, who had refused to stand in Sable's corner out of embarrassment, appeared to talk to his wife, but while she was talking to him Vachon yanked her top away from behind and won the match. Despite the match being over, Sable quickly assaulted Vachon and powerbomb
A powerbomb is a professional wrestling throw in which an opponent is lifted up and then slammed back-first down to the mat. The standard powerbomb sees an opponent first placed in a standing headscissors position...
ed her in the ring, before pulling off her gown as Vachon tried to escape. The pair continued their brawl, going underneath the ring for a short while until Sable reappeared and climbed back into the ring holding Vachon's underwear, leaving Goldust to take her backstage wrapped in his ring coat.
The New Age Outlaws
New Age Outlaws
The New Age Outlaws, later known as the James Gang and the Voodoo Kin Mafia, were a professional wrestling tag team in World Wrestling Federation, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling , Jersey All Pro Wrestling, and Maryland Championship Wrestling consisting of B.G...
came out ostensibly accompanied by Dean Smith
Dean Smith
Dean Edwards Smith is a retired American head coach of men's college basketball. Originally from Emporia, Kansas, Smith has been called a “coaching legend” by the Basketball Hall of Fame. Smith is best known for his successful 36-year coaching tenure at the University of North Carolina at Chapel...
, which turned out to be merely a blow up doll. A large amount of ducking clotheslines prevented either competitor to take early advantage, with Animal
Road Warrior Animal
Joseph Aaron "Joe" Laurinaitis is an American professional wrestler, better known by his ring names, Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior...
also reversing a double-team move from both Outlaws. Animal then tagged in Hawk
Road Warrior Hawk
Michael James Hegstrand was an American professional wrestler. He is best remembered as Road Warrior Hawk, one half of the tag team known as the Road Warriors or The Legion of Doom , with Road Warrior Animal.-Early life:While living in Chicago, Hegstrand met Joe Lauranaitis, who would be later...
who dominated both Road Dogg
Brian Gerard James
Brian Gerard James is an American professional wrestler, currently signed to WWE as an agent and producer. He is best known for his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation as "The Road Dogg" Jesse James or simply Road Dogg...
and then Billy Gunn
Monty Sopp
Monty Kip Sopp is an American professional wrestler, best known as Billy Gunn during his tenure for World Wrestling Entertainment. He is probably best known as one of the members of the New Age Outlaws. He also worked for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling under the ring name Kip James...
through various slams and running strikes. The Outlaws began to control the match after Gunn struck Animal's leg as LOD 2000
Road Warriors
The Road Warriors were a professional wrestling tag team composed of Michael "Hawk" Hegstrand and Joseph "Animal" Laurinaitis. They performed under the name "Road Warriors" in the American Wrestling Association, the National Wrestling Alliance, and World Championship Wrestling, and the name Legion...
tried to finish Road Dogg with the Doomsday Device
Doomsday Device
Doomsday Device, often shortened to Device, is a term used in professional wrestling to reference a tandem move in which one wrestler hoists the opponent on their shoulders so that they are facing in the same direction in what is known as the electric chair position, while another wrestler climbs...
. Animal's knee became a target as both Outlaws frequently tagged, keeping their opponent mostly on the ground and focussing moves on the knee. After a collision that saw both Road Dogg and Animal grounded, both wrestlers tagged in their respective partners and Hawk came in with a flurry of clotheslines but as he pinned Road Dogg from a top rope splash, the referee had to help Animal back to his corner. This allowed Gunn to attack Hawk with the title belt. Hawk kicked out though, and with the referee again distracted, Hawk was held up to be struck again with the belt but ducked, leaving Road Dogg to strike Gunn and as Road Dogg looked on in shock, Hawk used a German suplex pin to win. After the match though, Howard Finkel
Howard Finkel
Howard Finkel is a professional wrestling ring announcer currently working with WWE in a variety of roles. Hired in 1975 by Vincent J. McMahon's World Wide Wrestling Federation, "The Fink" was the first person brought in to Vincent K...
announced the match was rewarded to the Outlaws as the referee was actually counting Hawk, whose shoulders were also on the mat under Road Dogg's legs.
Tennessee Lee
Robert Fuller
Robert Welch is a professional wrestler and manager better known by his ring names Robert Fuller and Col. Robert Parker. Robert and his brother Ron co-owned Continental Championship Wrestling for a time.-Career:...
then appeared to introduce Sawyer Brown
Sawyer Brown
Sawyer Brown is an American country music band founded in 1981 in Apopka, Florida, by five members of country pop singer Don King's road band: Bobby Randall and Jim Scholten , both from Midland, Michigan; Joe Smyth , Gregg "Hobie" Hubbard , and Mark Miller...
who performed 'backing vocals', to their song Some Girls Do with Jeff Jarrett
Jeff Jarrett
Jeffrey Leonard Jarrett is an American professional wrestler and wrestling promoter. He is currently signed to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling , an organization he co-founded along with his father and in which he holds some stock but not total control...
. After the song finished Steve Blackman jumped on the band stage and kicked down Jarret but Lee saved his client with El Kabong and Jarrett kept Blackman down with a figure four leg lock.
The first WWF Inferno Match started with The Undertaker kicking Kane
Kane (wrestler)
Glenn Thomas Jacobs is a Spanish-born American professional wrestler and actor better known by his ring name, Kane. He is signed to WWE, appearing on its SmackDown brand, but is currently inactive due to injury....
into the turnbuckle and dragging his hand to the flames but Kane turned things round and kicked The Undertaker into the turnbuckle. Undertaker quickly grabbed Kane's hand and threw him into the opposing turnbuckle and ran into a diving crossbody before twisting Kane's hand and walked the top rope for Old School as the flames shot high. Kane soon fought The Undertaker to the mat, trying to push his face underneath the ropes into the flames but Undertaker delivered a thumb to his opponent's weak eye. Paul Bearer threw a chair to Kane which helped him knock Undertaker to the ground, but it did little good as he soon fought back when he was dragged by his hair near the flames. The two continued to fight back and forth, with no obvious dominant wrestler despite a chokeslam
A chokeslam refers to a type of body slam in professional wrestling in which the wrestler grasps their opponent's neck, lifts them up, and slams them to the mat. It is common in televised wrestling because it is simple and relatively safe, yet looks powerful on camera...
from both parties. Undertaker almost set himself on fire when Kane side stepped a leaping flying clothesline and landed just short of the flames. Kane replied by going to the top rope but the ropes were shaken underneath him, seeing him fall fowl to a superplex. As the two recovered, Undertaker sidestepped a running attack and threw Kane over the top ropes though he did not catch fire. Kane then began to leave the arena but was prevented from this by the returning Vader, who fought Kane back towards the ring where both men met with an over the top rope suicide dive. All the while, Paul Bearer had grabbed a steel chair and was walking round to hand it to Kane only for Undertaker to grab it and kick Bearer away, knocking Kane out with a shot. Undertaker then chased Bearer away up to the band stage and put his head through a bass drum, making him bleed
Blading (professional wrestling)
In professional wrestling, blading is the practice of intentionally cutting oneself to provoke bleeding. It is also known as juicing, gigging, or drawing color. Similarly, a blade is an object used for blading, and a bladejob is a specific act of blading...
. As Undertaker walked back down to the ring, he delivered a big boot, forcing Kane to fall backwards onto the ring and flames making his right arm catch ablaze and he ran from the arena.
The main event began with Steve Austin
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Steve Austin , better known by his ring name "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, is an American film and television actor and retired professional wrestler...
kicking Dude Love
Mick Foley
Michael Francis "Mick" Foley, Sr. is an American semi-retired professional wrestler, author, comedian, actor, voice actor and former color commentator. He has worked for many wrestling promotions, including WWE, WCW, ECW and TNA. He is often referred to as "The Hardcore Legend", a nickname he...
out of the ring and when he returned, diving on him with a Lou Thesz press. After not managing a single piece of offensive attack on Austin, Dude Love ran up the walkway to leave but Austin caught up behind him with a running clothesline from behind and after Love tried to escape up onto the band stand, Austin threw him off onto the concrete arena floor. After fighting back down to the ringside, Love finally managed to subdue Austin, catching him staggering out of the turnbuckle with a bulldog and following with an elbow drop. As Austin tried to recover he was caught in a rear naked body scissors choke as Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon
Vincent Kennedy "Vince" McMahon is an American professional wrestling promoter, announcer, commentator, film producer, actor and former occasional professional wrestler. McMahon is the current Chairman, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Committee of professional wrestling promotion WWE...
came down to ringside. Eventually Austin managed to escape, elbowing Love in the face but he instantly gestured
Finger (gesture)
In Western culture, the finger , also known as the middle finger, is an obscene hand gesture, often meaning the phrases "fuck off" , "fuck you" or "up yours"...
towards McMahon and Love rolled him up for a pin that only made the two count. Using the ring posts to attack Love's legs, Austin took the fight outside but was soon made to regret it after a reversed piledriver saw him falling onto the concrete ramp. By focussing again on McMahon, Love attacked Austin from behind and when a suplex from the apron failed, he instead pulled him down into a cutter on the top rope. Inside the ring Love applied an abdominal stretch, with McMahon ordering the time keeper to ring the bell (which he did not do) but Austin reversed into his own abdominal stretch until he fell fowl to a hip toss. Austin continued by dragging Love outside the ring and suplexing him onto the steel steps and briefly fighting through the crowd before returning to the ring. Love then stood in the corner warming up for Sweet Shin Music but Austin caught his leg and span him round. Love tried to clothesline him and caught the referee instead. Austin then tried a stunner
Cutter (professional wrestling)
In professional wrestling, a cutter is a common term that refers to the three-quarter facelock bulldog maneuver. The move is also described as an inverted neckbreaker, though it is not one, it only bears an inverted style to it...
but instead walked into the mandible claw which took him down to the floor. When Love tried to reapply the hold on a recovering Austin he was back tossed outside of the ring and followed by Austin who grabbed a chair but was held back by McMahon. When he escaped McMahon's grip he turned into a punch, through the chair, from Love. Austin quickly recovered though and punched Love twice and as McMahon tried to help him up, Austin swung the chair and hit McMahon before rolling Love into the ring, giving him a stunner and counting his own three count. Austin celebrated his victory, as EMTs came down to attend to McMahon, and left the arena. Gerald Brisco
Gerald Brisco
Floyd Gerald "Jerry" Brisco is a former American professional wrestler, and prior to June, 2009, worked as a road agent for WWE on its Raw brand....
then informed Howard Finkel that Austin had been disqualified and thus Dude Love won the match while the medics tended to McMahon while the event closed.
# | Results | Stipulations | Times |
1 | Faarooq Ron Simmons Ronald "Ron" Simmons is an American semi-retired professional wrestler and retired American football player. He is recognised as being the first Black world heavyweight champion in professional wrestling and the first of only two African Americans to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship,... , Ken Shamrock Ken Shamrock Kenneth Wayne Shamrock is an American mixed martial arts fighter, UFC Hall of Famer and professional wrestler... and Steve Blackman Steve Blackman Steve Blackman is a American professional wrestler who is best known for his career in the World Wrestling Federation under his own name.-Stampede Wrestling and South Africa :... defeated The Nation Nation of Domination The Nation of Domination was a professional wrestling stable in World Wrestling Federation from November 18, 1996 to November 28, 1998. The Rock was a 1 time Intercontinental Champion and D'Lo Brown was a 2 time European Champion while in the group.-United States Wrestling Association :The... (The Rock, D'Lo Brown D'Lo Brown Accie Julius Connor better known by his ring name D'Lo Brown , is an American professional wrestler. Well known for his appearances with World Wrestling Entertainment, he is currently working as an agent for Impact Wrestling.Connor has held forty-eight championships in various promotions during... and Mark Henry Mark Henry Mark Jerrold Henry is an American professional wrestler signed with WWE, where he performs on its SmackDown brand as the reigning World Heavyweight Champion. He is a 1992 Olympian, and winner of the 2002 Arnold Strongman Classic... ) (with Kama Mustafa Charles Wright (wrestler) Charles Wright is an American businessman and former professional wrestler. He is best known for his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation throughout the 1990s and early 2000s under the ring names Papa Shango, Kama, Kama Mustafa, The Godfather, and The Goodfather .After leaving the wrestling... ) |
Six-man tag team match | 13:07 |
2 | Triple H Triple H Paul Michael Levesque is an American professional wrestler, professional wrestling authority figure, WWE Executive Vice President of Talent and actor, better known by his ring name Triple H, an abbreviation of the ring name, Hunter Hearst Helmsley... (c) (with Chyna) defeated Owen Hart Owen Hart Owen James Hart was a Canadian professional and amateur wrestler who worked for several promotions including Stampede Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling , World Championship Wrestling , and most notably, the World Wrestling Federation , where he wrestled under both his own name, and ring name The... |
Singles match for the WWF European Championship WWE European Championship The WWE European Championship was a professional wrestling championship competed for in World Wrestling Entertainment. A coveted singles title of the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was held by superstars such as Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, and was... |
12:38 |
3 | The New Midnight Express (Bodacious Bart Mike Plotcheck Michal Burton "Mike" Polchlopek, Jr. is an American professional wrestler and mixed martial artist, also known by the ring names Bart Gunn and Mike Barton... and Bombastic Bob Bob Holly Robert "Bob" Howard better known by his ring name Bob "Hardcore" Holly, is a American professional wrestler. He is best known for his 15-year stint with World Wrestling Entertainment .... ) (c) (with Jim Cornette Jim Cornette James Mark "Jim" Cornette is an American professional wrestling manager, commentator, promoter, and booker. As a manager, he has worked for Jim Crockett Promotions, World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation and from 1991 to 1995, was the owner of Smoky Mountain Wrestling... ) defeated The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton Ricky Morton Richard Wendell "Ricky" Morton is an American professional wrestler who has worked for such wrestling organizations as Jim Crockett Promotions, the American Wrestling Association, Extreme Championship Wrestling, World Championship Wrestling, the World Wrestling Federation and Total Nonstop Action... and Robert Gibson Reuben Kane Robert Gibson is a professional wrestler. He is famous as half of the tag team known as Rock 'N Roll Express, with Ricky Morton.-Early career:Cain started wrestling as Robert Gibson in 1977... ) |
Tag team match Professional wrestling tag team match types Much like singles matches, tag team professional wrestling matches can and have taken many forms. Just about any singles or melee match type can be adapted to tag teams; for example, hardcore tag team matches are commonplace... for the NWA World Tag Team Championship NWA World Tag Team Championship The National Wrestling Alliance World Tag Team Championship is the professional wrestling world tag team championship within the NWA framework.-History:... |
07:20 |
4 | Luna Vachon (with The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust) defeated Sable Rena Mero Rena Marlette Mero Lesnar , better known as Sable, is an American model, actress, and former professional wrestler. She is primarily known for her stints in World Wrestling Entertainment.... |
Evening Gown Match | 02:35 |
5 | The New Age Outlaws New Age Outlaws The New Age Outlaws, later known as the James Gang and the Voodoo Kin Mafia, were a professional wrestling tag team in World Wrestling Federation, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling , Jersey All Pro Wrestling, and Maryland Championship Wrestling consisting of B.G... (Billy Gunn Monty Sopp Monty Kip Sopp is an American professional wrestler, best known as Billy Gunn during his tenure for World Wrestling Entertainment. He is probably best known as one of the members of the New Age Outlaws. He also worked for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling under the ring name Kip James... and Road Dogg Brian Gerard James Brian Gerard James is an American professional wrestler, currently signed to WWE as an agent and producer. He is best known for his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation as "The Road Dogg" Jesse James or simply Road Dogg... ) (c) defeated LOD 2000 Road Warriors The Road Warriors were a professional wrestling tag team composed of Michael "Hawk" Hegstrand and Joseph "Animal" Laurinaitis. They performed under the name "Road Warriors" in the American Wrestling Association, the National Wrestling Alliance, and World Championship Wrestling, and the name Legion... (Animal Road Warrior Animal Joseph Aaron "Joe" Laurinaitis is an American professional wrestler, better known by his ring names, Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior... and Hawk Road Warrior Hawk Michael James Hegstrand was an American professional wrestler. He is best remembered as Road Warrior Hawk, one half of the tag team known as the Road Warriors or The Legion of Doom , with Road Warrior Animal.-Early life:While living in Chicago, Hegstrand met Joe Lauranaitis, who would be later... ) (with Sunny Tammy Lynn Sytch Tamara "Tammy" Lynn Sytch is an American professional wrestling manager, personality,and occasional wrestler. She achieved her greatest success under the ring name Sunny within the World Wrestling Federation during the 1990s, and is widely considered as one of the first Divas... ) |
Tag team match for the WWF Tag Team Championship | 12:13 |
6 | The Undertaker defeated Kane Kane (wrestler) Glenn Thomas Jacobs is a Spanish-born American professional wrestler and actor better known by his ring name, Kane. He is signed to WWE, appearing on its SmackDown brand, but is currently inactive due to injury.... (with Paul Bearer) |
Inferno match | 15:57 |
7 | Dude Love Mick Foley Michael Francis "Mick" Foley, Sr. is an American semi-retired professional wrestler, author, comedian, actor, voice actor and former color commentator. He has worked for many wrestling promotions, including WWE, WCW, ECW and TNA. He is often referred to as "The Hardcore Legend", a nickname he... defeated Steve Austin Stone Cold Steve Austin Steve Austin , better known by his ring name "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, is an American film and television actor and retired professional wrestler... (c) by disqualification |
Singles match for the WWF Championship WWE Championship The WWE Championship is a professional wrestling world heavyweight championship in WWE. It is the world title of the Raw brand and one of two in WWE, complementing the World Heavyweight Championship of the SmackDown brand. It was established under the then WWWF in 1963... |
18:52 |