- User Account ControlUser Account ControlUser Account Control is a technology and security infrastructure introduced with Microsoft's Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems, with a more relaxed version also present in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2...
, a Windows security feature - User Agent Client, part of the Session Initiation ProtocolSession Initiation ProtocolThe Session Initiation Protocol is an IETF-defined signaling protocol widely used for controlling communication sessions such as voice and video calls over Internet Protocol . The protocol can be used for creating, modifying and terminating two-party or multiparty sessions...
user agent that is behaving like a client-server client (as opposed to UAS, User Agent Server) - Unit Attention Condition, an error condition on a SCSISCSISmall Computer System Interface is a set of standards for physically connecting and transferring data between computers and peripheral devices. The SCSI standards define commands, protocols, and electrical and optical interfaces. SCSI is most commonly used for hard disks and tape drives, but it...
- Ulster Army CouncilUlster Army CouncilThe Ulster Army Council was set up in 1973 as an umbrella group by the Ulster Defence Association and the Ulster Volunteer Force to co-ordinate joint paramilitary operations during the Loyalist strike...
, set up in 1973 as an umbrella group by the Ulster Defence Association and the Ulster Volunteer Force to co-ordinate joint paramilitary operations during the Loyalist strike - Undeb Amaethwyr Cymru, the Farmer's Union of Wales
- Unemployment Action CenterUnemployment Action CenterThe Unemployment Action Center, sometimes abbreviated as UAC, is a non-profit organization run by students of nine law schools in the New York City area...
, a non-profit organization in New York City - Union Aerospace CorporationUnion Aerospace CorporationThe Union Aerospace Corporation is a fictional conglomerate focused on military-industrial research in id Software's science fiction video game series Doom. The corporation is depicted to be involved in advanced weapons development, biological research, space exploration and teleportation. The...
, a fictional conglomerate from the Doom universe - Union of Catholic ApostolateUnion of Catholic ApostolateUnion of Catholic Apostolate is a Catholic association established by a Roman priest St. Vincent Pallotti in 1835. Its main task is to revive faith, rekindle love and unite efforts of all the faithful for the salvation of souls. A characteristic feature of the Union is the equality of rights and...
, a Catholic association - United Aircraft and Transport CorporationUnited Aircraft and Transport CorporationThe United Aircraft and Transport Corporation was formed in 1929, when William Boeing of the Boeing firms teamed up with Frederick Rentschler of Pratt & Whitney to form a large, amalgamated firm, uniting business interests in all aspects of aviation—a combination of aircraft engine and airframe...
, formed in 1929, when William E. Boeing teamed up with Frederick B. Rentschler of Pratt & Whitney - United Aircraft CorporationUnited Aircraft CorporationUnited Aircraft Corporation may refer to one of the following:* United Aircraft Corporation, formerly United Aircraft and Transport Corporation; now known as United Technologies Corporation....
, - in Russian: Объединённая Авиастроительная Корпорация, Obyedinyonnaya Aviasroitelnaya Korporatsiya (OAK) - is a Russian open joint stock corporation with a majority stake belonging to the Russian Government that consolidates Russian private and state-owned aircraft construction companies and assets engaged in the manufacture, design and sale of military, civilian, transport, and unmanned aircraft - United American CommitteeUnited American CommitteeThe United American Committee is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501c organization dedicated to educating the nation about the current threats that they believe are confronting the U.S., with the primarily focus on confronting Islamic extremism...
, a non-partisan, non-profit, 501c(3) organization dedicated to educating the nation about the current threats that they believe are confronting the U.S., with the primarily focus on confronting Islamic extremism - Université d’Abomey-Calavi, part of the National University of BeninNational University of BeninThe National University of Benin is the principal university in the country of Benin. The university was founded in 1970 as the Université du Dahomey. In 1975 the name was changed to Université Nationale du Bénin. Its name is abbreviated UNB....
- United Africa CompanyUnited Africa CompanyThe United Africa Company was a British company which principally traded in West Africa during the 20th century.The United Africa Company was formed in 1929 as a result of the merger of the Royal Niger Company, which had been effectively owned by Lever Brothers since 1920, and the African &...
, a British company which principally traded in West Africa during the 20th century - United Arab CommandUnited Arab CommandThe United Arab Command was a unified Arab military command established by unanimous resolution of the thirteen member states of the Arab League at the summit held in Cairo, Egypt, on 13 - 16 January 1964.-Predecessors:The UAC was the culmination of a history of pan-Arabist collective security...
, a unified military command structure of the member states of the Arab League
- Universities Admissions CentreUniversities Admissions CentreThe Universities Admissions Centre Pty Ltd is the organisation that processes centralised applications for admission to tertiary education courses at participating institutions, mainly in NSW and the ACT...
the organization that processes applications for admission to tertiary education courses at participating institutions in Australia, mainly in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
- Unaltered Augsburg ConfessionAugsburg ConfessionThe Augsburg Confession, also known as the "Augustana" from its Latin name, Confessio Augustana, is the primary confession of faith of the Lutheran Church and one of the most important documents of the Lutheran reformation...
of the Lutheran Church, as distinguished from a later version known as the VariataAugsburg Confession VariataThe Altered Augsburg Confession is a later version of the Lutheran Augsburg Confession that includes substantial changes in the teaching of holy communion and the presence of Christ in bread and wine.... - Upper Arm Circumference, in reference to choosing the correct size blood pressure cuff
- Urban adult contemporaryUrban Adult ContemporaryUrban adult contemporary is the name for a format of radio music, similar to an urban contemporary format. Radio stations using this format usually would not have rap music on their playlists. The format was designed by Barry Mayo when he, Lee S. Simonson and Bill Pearson organized Broadcast...
, a music radio format