Tripuri cuisine
The Tripuri  people are the original inhabitants of the state of Tripura
Tripura is a state in North-East India, with an area of . It is the third smallest state of India, according to area. Tripura is surrounded by Bangladesh on the north, south, and west. The Indian states of Assam and Mizoram lie to the east. The capital is Agartala and the main languages spoken are...

 in North East India. The indigenous Tripuri people comprises the communities of Tipra, Reang
Reang or Riang, as it may be spelt, is one of the 21 scheduled tribes of Tripura state of India.Reang is mistakenly recorded by the government actually it's Bru. They are mainly dwelling in the North Tripura, Dalai and the South Tripura districts of Tripura state in India, but are also found in...

, Jamatia
Jamatia is one of the 21 scheduled tribes of Tripura state of India. They are mainly dwelling in the West Tripura and the South Tripura districts. They speak the language Kokborok which is of Tibeto-Burmese origin...

, Noatia
Noatia is one of the 21 scheduled tribes of the Tripura state of India. The tribe mainly lives in the hills of Dhalai and the North Tripura districts of the Tripura state of India. They speak the Noatia dialect of Kokborok which is of Tibeto-Burmese origin. Their appearance is mongoloid.-See...

, Uchoi
Uchoi is one of the 21 scheduled tribes of Tripura state of India. They are mainly dwelling in the Dhalai and the South Tripura districts of Tripura state of India. They speak the language Reang dialect of Kokborok which is of Tibeto-Burmese origin. Their appearance is mongoloid...

 and others. The Tripuri people have their own culture and cuisine.

Traditional food items

The Tripuris are non-vegetarian, though there is a minority modern vaishnavite vegetarian following.

The following are the major food items among Tripuris:
  • Chakhwi
  • Mwkhwi
  • Muitru

Tripuri rice

Rice is called Mai in Kokborok. The different varieties of rice used are
  • Maisa
  • Mami
  • Guriya


  • Chakhwi
  • Chakhwtwi kwthwng
  • Chakhwtwi kumun
  • Chatang
    Chatang or seasoned flour mush is a traditional gruel common to both Beijing cuisine and Tianjin cuisine, and often sold as a snack on the street. It is made from sorghum flour and/or broomcorn millet and/or proso millet flour and glutinous millet flour...

  • Champrai


  • Auandru
  • Bwtwi
  • Hontali
  • Gudok
    The gudok or hudok is an ancient Eastern Slavic string musical instrument, played with a bow.A gudok usually had three strings, two of them tuned in unison and played as a drone, the third tuned a fifth higher. All three strings were in the same plane at the bridge, so that a bow could make them...

  • Khalok
  • Uhmai
  • Pehng
  • Napehng
  • Ik
  • Yokhpra
  • Sokrang
  • Maipolok
  • Yohk
  • Mur
  • Sok
  • Hang
  • Ser
  • Irimbak
  • Mosodeng
    Mosdeng is a very popular Tripuri food made of chillies.Moso means Chille and deng is to mix by pressing. Mosodeng is prepared by mixing raw chillies with a dried fish called Berama and meats and vegetables....

  • Kelua
  • Mohsotok
  • Akhata
  • Aloni
  • Ruk
    Ruk may refer to:*Chuuk, an island group in the Federated States of Micronesia*Reserve Officer School , in Finland*Rük, a village in Azerbaijan*An android that appeared in the Star Trek episode What Are Little Girls Made Of?...

  • Neransi


  • Thentrwi mwkhwi
  • Thaiplo mwkhwi
  • Belphui mwkhwi
  • Dorompai mwkhwi
  • Thaihchumu mwkhwi
  • Thaihtwi mwkhwi
  • Jambi mwkhwi
  • Thaihchuk mwkhwtwi
  • Thaihstem mwkhwtwi
  • Daskuiya mwkhwtwi
  • Yasrem mwkhwi

Food items

The major food items of Tripuris are:
  • pork
    Pork is the culinary name for meat from the domestic pig , which is eaten in many countries. It is one of the most commonly consumed meats worldwide, with evidence of pig husbandry dating back to 5000 BC....

  • chicken
    The chicken is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the Red Junglefowl. As one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, and with a population of more than 24 billion in 2003, there are more chickens in the world than any other species of bird...

  • mutton
  • beef
    Beef is the culinary name for meat from bovines, especially domestic cattle. Beef can be harvested from cows, bulls, heifers or steers. It is one of the principal meats used in the cuisine of the Middle East , Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Europe and the United States, and is also important in...

  • turtle
    Turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines , characterised by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs that acts as a shield...

  • fish
    Fish are a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic vertebrate animals that lack limbs with digits. Included in this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish, as well as various extinct related groups...

  • prawns
  • crabs
  • frogs

Tripuri vegetables

Vegetables grown in the Tripuri households are
  • Thaihchumu
  • Dorompai
  • Momphol
  • Khaklu
  • Chakumura , pumpkin
  • Siping
    Siping is a process of cutting thin slits across a rubber surface to improve traction in wet or icy conditions.Siping was invented and patented in 1923 under the name of John F. Sipe The story told on various websites is that, in the 1920s, Sipe worked in a slaughterhouse and grew tired of...

  • Moso , chillies
  • Phantok , brinjal
  • Belso
  • Lubiya
  • Sobai
  • Orai
  • Khokleng
  • Khama
    Khama may refer to:*Seretse Khama*Ian Khama*Sir Seretse Khama International Airport in Botswana*Khama III*Ruth Williams KhamaSee also Karma...

  • Thah
  • Mogwdam , corn
  • Maising
  • Banta
    Banta is a lemon or orange-flavoured drink popular in India.It is available in a Codd-neck bottle, a heavy glass bottle in which a round marble seals the mouth of the bottle by the pressure of the contents, instead of a cap...

  • Khundrupui
  • Milokbanta
  • Muiching
  • Haiching
  • Swtwih
  • Wswndwi
  • Gunthu
  • Khumchak
  • Khumjar
  • Khumdaga
  • Khumpui
  • Khumtwisa , etc, etc

External links

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