Tomomi Mochizuki
, sometimes incorrectly romanized as Tomomichi Mochizuki, is an anime
and producer
. He is married to animator Masako Gotō and sometimes uses the alias
when writing screenplays or working on storyboards. Known from the early 1990s as director of Ranma ½
, Kimagure Orange Road
and the Studio Ghibli
film Umi ga Kikoeru, he is also known for having directed Twin Spica
, Zettai Shounen, the acclaimed World Masterpiece Theater
series Porphy no Nagai Tabi, and most recently as director of the 2010 noitaminA
series House of Five Leaves
While attending Waseda University
, he joined the Waseda University Animation Association. In 1981, he began working for Ajia-do Animation Works
. Mochizuki made his debut one year later when he acted as production director of the 1982 series Tokimeki Tonight
. He went on to direct several of the magical girl
series, including Magical Angel Creamy Mami
. In 1986, he moved up to chief director with Hikari no Densetsu
. He currently divides his time between directing, writing scripts and acting as a series coordinator for various shows.
is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly refers to Japanese animated cartoons....
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...
and producer
Film producer
A film producer oversees and delivers a film project to all relevant parties while preserving the integrity, voice and vision of the film. They will also often take on some financial risk by using their own money, especially during the pre-production period, before a film is fully financed.The...
. He is married to animator Masako Gotō and sometimes uses the alias
A pseudonym is a name that a person assumes for a particular purpose and that differs from his or her original orthonym...
when writing screenplays or working on storyboards. Known from the early 1990s as director of Ranma ½
Ranma ½
is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi with an anime adaptation. The story revolves around a 16-year old boy named Ranma Saotome who was trained from early childhood in martial arts...
, Kimagure Orange Road
Kimagure Orange Road
, usually abbreviated as KOR, is a popular shōnen romantic comedy manga and anime series from the 1980s.Written by Izumi Matsumoto and serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump, it was later adapted into an anime series broadcast on Nippon Television, animated by Studio Pierrot and directed by...
and the Studio Ghibli
Studio Ghibli
is a Japanese animation and film studio founded in June 1985. The company's logo features the character Totoro from Hayao Miyazaki's film My Neighbor Totoro...
film Umi ga Kikoeru, he is also known for having directed Twin Spica
Twin Spica
is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kou Yaginuma. The "realistic, slice-of-life science fiction series" tells the story of a group of Japanese high school students training to become astronauts in the early 21st century after the country's first human spaceflight launch...
, Zettai Shounen, the acclaimed World Masterpiece Theater
World Masterpiece Theater
is a Japanese TV anime staple that showcased an animated version of a different classical book or story each year on 7:30p.m. on Sunday. It originally aired from 1969 to 1997 then resumed in 2007....
series Porphy no Nagai Tabi, and most recently as director of the 2010 noitaminA
– "Animation" written backwards – is a Fuji Television programming block, devoted to anime, originally broadcast each Thursday night from 24:45 to 25:15 . It was launched with the intention of expanding the target audience beyond the typical young male demographic...
series House of Five Leaves
House of Five Leaves
is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Natsume Ono and serialized in Shogakukan's seinen magazine Ikki. The series began in 2006, and has been collected into 8 volumes by publisher Shogakukan. The manga was licensed for distribution in North America by Viz Media.The manga series was adapted...
While attending Waseda University
Waseda University
, abbreviated as , is one of the most prestigious private universities in Japan and Asia. Its main campuses are located in the northern part of Shinjuku, Tokyo. Founded in 1882 as Tokyo Senmon Gakko, the institution was renamed "Waseda University" in 1902. It is known for its liberal climate...
, he joined the Waseda University Animation Association. In 1981, he began working for Ajia-do Animation Works
Ajia-do Animation Works
is a Japanese animation studio and production enterprise, noted for several anime series, including Spirit of Wonder, Zettai Shōnen, and several others...
. Mochizuki made his debut one year later when he acted as production director of the 1982 series Tokimeki Tonight
Tokimeki Tonight
is a manga series by Koi Ikeno, which ran in the Japanese manga magazine, Ribon, from July 1982 to October 1994. A TV anime series was adapted from the manga and was broadcasted on NTV from October 7, 1982 to September 22, 1983.-Plot:Ranze Eto lives in an isolated castle in Japan with her werewolf...
. He went on to direct several of the magical girl
Magical girl
belong to a sub-genre of Japanese fantasy anime and manga. Magical girl stories feature young girls with superhuman abilities, forced to fight evil and to protect the Earth. They often possess a secret identity, although the name can just refer to young girls who follow a plotline involving magic...
series, including Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
is a magical girl anime series by Studio Pierrot from 1983. It went on to have five OVA adaptions and featured in other Studio Pierrot special presentations. A three volume manga was released during the original TV run, with the story written by Kazunori Itō and art by Yuuko Kitagawa...
. In 1986, he moved up to chief director with Hikari no Densetsu
Hikari no Densetsu
is originally a manga series by Izumi Aso about a girl named Hikari Kamijou who dreams of becoming a national rhythmic gymnastics champion. The manga series title translates into English as "Legend of Light"...
. He currently divides his time between directing, writing scripts and acting as a series coordinator for various shows.
- Ballad of a Shinigami (director, storyboards, production director, sound effects director)
- Brave Command DagwonBrave Command Dagwonis a Japanese anime series begun in 1996, created by Sunrise under the direction of Akira Oguro and Tetsuya Yanagisawa, and was the seventh Yūsha or "Brave" metaseries funded by Takara and produced by Sunrise....
(director, screenplay (as "Gō Sakamoto")) - Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (storyboards (as "Gō Sakamoto"))
- Chinpii (storyboards, production director)
- DoraemonDoraemonis a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko F. Fujio which later became an anime series and an Asian franchise...
(various storyboards during the Ōyama period)) - Dirty Pair Flash IIDirty Pair Flashis a humorous science fiction anime and manga franchise based on the light novel series by Haruka Takachiho.Although it is often said that these are younger versions of the original Lovely Angels Kei and Yuri, in truth this series is an alternate universe telling of Dirty Pair, set in the years...
(director) - Dirty Pair Flash IIIDirty Pair Flashis a humorous science fiction anime and manga franchise based on the light novel series by Haruka Takachiho.Although it is often said that these are younger versions of the original Lovely Angels Kei and Yuri, in truth this series is an alternate universe telling of Dirty Pair, set in the years...
(director, screenplay (as "Gō Sakamoto")) - Esper MamiEsper Mamiis a manga created by Fujiko Fujio in 1977 and serialized in Shōnen Big Comic. It was later adapted into an anime series.-Plot:Mami Sakura used to be a normal junior high school student, but she happened to acquire supernatural powers. Using her powers and with the help of her best friend, Mr....
(storyboards, production director) - Here is GreenwoodHere is Greenwoodis a 9-volume Japanese manga written and illustrated by Yukie Nasu and six-episode anime OVA revolving around the activities of four boys in Greenwood Dormitory at a fictional prestigious Japanese all-boys' private school named Ryokuto Academy. The manga was serialized in Hana to Yume and published...
(director, screenplay) - Hikari no DensetsuHikari no Densetsuis originally a manga series by Izumi Aso about a girl named Hikari Kamijou who dreams of becoming a national rhythmic gymnastics champion. The manga series title translates into English as "Legend of Light"...
(director) - Umi ga Kikoeru (director)
- I My Me! Strawberry EggsI My Me! Strawberry Eggs, occasionally shortened to Strawberry Eggs, is a 2001 Japanese anime television series animated by TNK with co-production by Pioneer, LDC. The series aired from July 4 to September 26, 2001 by WOWOW and in August 2002 was licensed by Geneon Entertainment....
(storyboards (as "Gō Sakamoto")) - Kage Kara Mamoru (OP and ED production director (as "Gō Sakamoto"))
- Kimagure Orange RoadKimagure Orange Road, usually abbreviated as KOR, is a popular shōnen romantic comedy manga and anime series from the 1980s.Written by Izumi Matsumoto and serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump, it was later adapted into an anime series broadcast on Nippon Television, animated by Studio Pierrot and directed by...
series (director) - Magical Angel Creamy MamiMagical Angel Creamy Mamiis a magical girl anime series by Studio Pierrot from 1983. It went on to have five OVA adaptions and featured in other Studio Pierrot special presentations. A three volume manga was released during the original TV run, with the story written by Kazunori Itō and art by Yuuko Kitagawa...
(production director) - My Dear MarieMy Dear Marieis a series of manga comic books by Sakura Takeuchi and later a short-lived anime series.When the anime was originally released in English language, the English dubbed version was titled separately as Metal Angel Marie, but this name was discontinued for later releases.- Manga :My Dear Marie was...
(director) - Nintama RantarōNintama Rantarois a Japanese anime series based on Sōbē Amako's manga Rakudai Ninja Rantarō. It was produced by Ajia-do Animation Works and originally broadcast on NHK. It is aimed at young children, featuring the adventures of Rantarō and his friends and teachers at Ninja school. The fact that glasses are worn...
(screenplay, storyboards, production director) - Princess NinePrincess NinePrincess Nine, or , is a 26-episode Japanese anime broadcast in Japan in 1998. The television series was produced by Phoenix Entertainment in Japan, released by ADV Films in North America, aired from April 8 to October 14, 1998 on NHK, ran for 26 episodes, and six volumes of the series were...
(director) - Ranma ½Ranma ½is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi with an anime adaptation. The story revolves around a 16-year old boy named Ranma Saotome who was trained from early childhood in martial arts...
(storyboards, production director) - Seraphim CallSeraphim Callis a Japanese anime series by Sunrise from 1999. Seraphim Call may be considered avant-garde in several respects. For example: it is an anthology of individual stories while most other anime is serialized...
(director, screenplay (as "Gō Sakamoto")) - Twin SpicaTwin Spicais a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kou Yaginuma. The "realistic, slice-of-life science fiction series" tells the story of a group of Japanese high school students training to become astronauts in the early 21st century after the country's first human spaceflight launch...
(director, series coordinator, screenplay, storyboards) - Yakumo Tatsu (director, screenplay (as "Gō Sakamoto"))
- Yami to Bōshi to Hon no TabibitoYami to Boshi to Hon no Tabibito, also known as Yamibō/Yamibou for short, is a Japanese adult visual novel published in December 2002 by Root. A 13-episode anime series produced Studio Deen aired between October and December 2003...
(series coordinator) - Zettai Shōnen (director, storyboards)
- House of Five LeavesHouse of Five Leavesis a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Natsume Ono and serialized in Shogakukan's seinen magazine Ikki. The series began in 2006, and has been collected into 8 volumes by publisher Shogakukan. The manga was licensed for distribution in North America by Viz Media.The manga series was adapted...
(Saraiya Goyō) (series direction, composition, screenplay and sound direction; title sequenceTitle sequenceA Title Sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, or both, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound...
s and episode 1 and 12 direction and storyboards)