Toivo Harjunpää
Kalle Toivo Immanuel Harjunpää (ˈtoiʋo ˈhɑrjunpæː; 02 June 1910 - 21 September 1995) was Finnish-American Lutheran priest and professor.


Harjunpää was born in Rauma, Finland
Rauma, Finland
Rauma is a town and municipality of ca. inhabitants on the west coast of Finland, north of Turku, and south of Pori. Granted town privileges on May 17, 1442 , Rauma is known of its high quality lace , and of the old wooden architecture of its centre , which is a Unesco world heritage...

. Harjunpää was ordained to priesthood February 18, 1936 in Turku Cathedral. His background was in the Finnish "Evangelical Revivalist Movement", originating from the activity of neo-Lutheran priest Fredrik Gabriel Hedberg
Fredrik Gabriel Hedberg
Fredrik Gabriel Hedberg was Finnish Lutheran priest, Neo-Lutheran writer and father of confessional Lutheranism in Finland....

. As a young priest while learning the New testament
New Testament
The New Testament is the second major division of the Christian biblical canon, the first such division being the much longer Old Testament....

, he was convinced of the importance of Christian ecumenism which was unpopular at that time in Finland. Soon after that Yngve Brilioth
Yngve Brilioth
Yngve Brilioth was professor for church history, later for Practical theology in Uppsala, Turku and Lund, Lutheran Bishop of Växjö from 1938 to 1950 and Archbishop of Uppsala from 1950 until 1958. He was the author of a history of the Oxford Movement, written to coincide with its centenary in 1933...

's book Eucharistic Faith and Practise. Evangelical and Catholic and Hans Liezmann's Messe und Herrenmal gave him more direction towards the Ecumenical Movement and Liturgical Movement
Liturgical Movement
The Liturgical Movement began as a movement of scholarship for the reform of worship within the Roman Catholic Church. It has grown over the last century and a half and has affected many other Christian Churches, including the Church of England and other Churches of the Anglican Communion, and some...



After short curacy in Vehmaa
Vehmaa is a municipality of Finland.It is located in the province of Western Finland and is part of the Finland Proper region. The municipality has a population of and covers an area of of which is water...

 and a job in the student union of his revivalist movement, Harjunpää became pastor of Finnish Seamen's Mission
Finnish Seamen's Mission
The Finnish Seamen's Mission was established in 1875. In Finland's two official languages it is known as Suomen Merimieskirkko ry in Finnish and Finlands Sjömanskyrka rf in Swedish. It was established to help Finns travelling abroad, particularly seafarers and migrant workers...

 in London 1938-45, and the secretary of archbishop Aleksi Lehtonen
Aleksi Lehtonen
Aleksi Emanuel Lehtonen was archbishop of Turku 1945–1951.Lehtonen was ordained to priesthood in 10th of June 1911...

 from 1945 - 1948. Together with Martti Parvio he founded a High Church
High Church Lutheranism
"High Church Lutheranism" is the name given in Europe for the 20th century Lutheran movement that emphasizes worship practices and doctrines that are similar to those found within both Roman Catholicism and the Anglo-Catholic wing of Anglicanism...

 circle which was informally referred to as "Liturgical Brethren".

In May 1948, Harjunpää immigrated to the United States. He became a teacher in Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California is a seminary affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is a member school of the Graduate Theological Union...

 in 1953 and was professor of church history of the Graduate Theological Union
Graduate Theological Union
The Graduate Theological Union ' is a consortium of nine independent theological schools, and eleven centers and affiliates. Eight of the theological schools are located in Berkeley, California. The GTU was founded in 1962. It maintains the Graduate Theological Union Library, one of the most...

 from 1963 until 1977 until his retirement. He was member in many Lutheran commissions on Hymnology
Hymnology is the scholarly study of religious song, or the hymn, in its many aspects, with particular focus on choral and congregational song. It may be more or less clearly distinguished from hymnody, the creation and practice of such song...

 and liturgy
Liturgy is either the customary public worship done by a specific religious group, according to its particular traditions or a more precise term that distinguishes between those religious groups who believe their ritual requires the "people" to do the "work" of responding to the priest, and those...

. He was also member of Societas Sanctae Birgittae
Societas Sanctae Birgittae
Societas Sanctæ Birgittæ is a High Church Lutheran religious society with character of third order for priests and laity, men and women in the Church of Sweden....


External links

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