Toa (Bionicle)
In the fictional Bionicle
universe certain Matoran (workers and villagers) are destined to become Toa: heroic warriors of great strength and power. The Toa's duty is to protect the Matoran and maintain peace in the universe. They usually work together in teams, with each member representing an element. Each Toa has near-complete control over their element, and can access the powers of the more powerful Great Kanohi Masks. As the Bionicle universe is based around a line of action figures, most Toa have appeared in their action figure.
There were once as many as 3,000 Toa in existence, but after many wars, assassinations and murders, their numbers went down.
"company traditionalists" because it went against Lego's values of "high-quality products, an emphasis on free play and encouraging the imagination, and no modern warfare or violence."
Tahu's team has been known as the Mistika, in the Matoran language translating to "spirits of the swamp", with their armor adapting to a swamp environment with aerial capabilities armed with Nynrah Ghost Blasters. Kopaka's team also received a Matoran term, "spirits of the skies", or Phantoka, armed with Midak Skyblasters.
The Toa of Fire and the leader of the Toa Nuva, Tahu initially demanded fierce loyalty to his command, discarding others' own opinions and ignoring them altogether, plunging them into dangerous tasks. As such, his team merely acknowledged him as a leader, but did not respect them. His aggression after arriving on Mata Nui was easily brought to surface, causing him to almost drive himself to madness with the burdens of his amnesia.
Toa Mata Tahu's weapons included a Kanohi Hau (the Mask of Shielding), and a Fire Sword to channel his Fire element. Like his fellow Toa Mata, he collected five other Kanohi and went to Kini-Nui for a Golden Kanohi, containing the powers of the Kanohi Hau, Akaku (X-Ray Vision), Kaukau (Underwater Breathing), Miru (Levitation), Kakama (Speed), and Pakari (Strength). Tahu's appearance in this form is dominantly red with orange legs and arms.
Toa Nuva Tahu's weapons included a Kanohi Hau Nuva, the Nuva Mask of Shielding. His Fire Sword transformed into two Magma Swords, which served to channel his Fire element or serve as a lava or surfboard. He collected five Kanohi Nuva to store at Ta-Suva, but were lost when Ta-Koro sank after a Rahkshi attack. Tahu Nuva's appearance slightly unchanged from his Toa Mata form, but bared silver shoulder and chest armor.
Once he gained Adaptive Armor, his armor shifted in the Swamp of Secrets, gaining a Nynrah Ghost Blaster, and Rotating Blades which could also serve as a shield.
After arriving on Bara Magna, he was devolved into a crude version of his Toa Mata self by the Ignika in order to wield the Golden Armor. As such, his adaptive weapon has taken the form of his old Fire Sword. Soon after, he was clad in Golden Armor and destroyed all the Kraata controlling the Rahkshi, which interrupted Makuta Teridax's concentration and gave Mata Nui his only chance to defeat the tyrant. After Mata Nui's victory, he helped lead the inhabitants of the reformed Spherus Magna, the original "paradise".
The Toa Nuva of Air, Lewa is at peace with the skies and jungle of Le-Koro, flying upon its thick flora. Passive, Lewa is often eager to face his Toa responsibilities with carelessness, considering the entire ordeal of a fight as an "adventure". Cheery and light-hearted, he has no bounds. After briefly being controlled by both Makuta Teridax (after his Mask was infected by an infected Rahi, then rescued by Onua) and a Bohrok krana, he learned to take his urgent role not lightly, his will renewed to never again underestimate threats. After Teridax took over the universe, Lewa was transported to Tren Krom's island, who switched bodies in order to save their universe. Though their spirits were switched back by Arthaka, he was recently expelled into space along with everyone else in the Core Processor. He is currently on Bota Magna thanks to a dimension-hopping Vezon.
Lewa Nuva is armed with the Kanohi Miru, Mask of Levitation. As a Toa Mata, he was armed with an Axe, later transformed to Air Katanas. As a Phantoka, he is armed with an Air Saber, and a Midak Skyblaster. Later on the journey of Karda Nui, he discovers the Axalara T9, and pilots it against Antroz in the Jetrax T6.
The Toa Nuva of Water, Gali is as cool as the waters of Ga-Koro's bays. Seeking to contain Tahu's aggression and protect the unity of the Toa Nuva, she takes her role as a Toa with the utmost importance, and is willing to protect any sentient being threatened by the evils of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Considering her peaceful lifestyle, she is an accomplished warrior against those who threaten her allies, like the amphibious rahi that dwell near Ga-Koro. Gali Nuva is armed with the Kanohi Kaukau, Mask of Underwater Breathing. As a Toa Mata, she was armed with hooks, which later transformed to Aqua Axes. She also has propeller
s for swimming underwater. As a Mistika, she is armed with a Nynrah Ghost Blaster with laser sighting. She is completely blue in the film.
The Toa Nuva of Ice, Kopaka prefers the isolation and silence of Mount Ihu in Ko-Koro. Deputy of the Nuva, his modus operandi is to work alone, often despising the Matoran's virtue of unity, but his analytical side persuaded him to go against his will after realizing it was the only way to fight Teridax. He also once saved Matoro from a Muaka. Kopaka is armed with the Kanohi Akaku, Mask of X-Ray Vision. As a Toa Mata, he was armed with an Ice Sword, later transformed to dual Ice Blades, and an Ice Shield. As a Phantoka, he is armed with a Midak Skyblaster equipped with a Protosteel Blizzard Blade attached with an aiming laser.
The Toa Nuva of Stone, Pohatu is regarded as one of the friendliest Toa. With Gali, he continues to hold the peace between the Toa, but unlike her, is ready to do so in a friendlier way that benefits all of his friends. He also once rescued Takua from a Nui-Jaga that was spreading the Makuta's infection to the Po-Matorans' Kolhii balls. Pohatu is armed with the Kanohi Kakama, Mask of Speed. As a Toa Mata, he is armed with Feet Additions, durable enough to smash through a boulder, later transformed into an even stronger form, and he gained dual Climbing Claws. As a Phantoka, he is armed with a Midak Skyblaster along with Twin Propellers which double as drills. During his journeys in Karda Nui, he discovers the Rockoh T3, and pilots it against Antroz in the Jetrax T6.
The Toa Nuva of Earth, Onua is very quiet, speaking only when he has something important to add. He is intelligent, wise, and strong. A running gag has Onua saving people at the last moment, including catching Tahu as he was dropped from the sky, Lewa when his mask was infected (Infected masks make the wearer serve whichever Makuta infected it), and when Lewa was controlled by a krana. As a Toa Mata, his weapons were his hands, which sported large claws. When he became a Toa Nuva, he received dual Quake Breakers, and as a Mistika, he is armed with a Nynrah ghost blaster and a Multi-Resistant shield.
The Toa Hagah served Teridax on Destral, deceived and manipulated to destroy the rampant artificial Bohrok the Brotherhood created, which were initially considered by the Brotherhood as a potential weapon, unknown to the elitist faction. Eventually, this deception did not last long, and they rebelled against Teridax and the Brotherhood when they discovered that they had committed theft and stolen the Kanohi Avohkii. When four of their number were captured by the Brotherhood, Norik, and Iruini, whom for different reasons were not, attempted a rescue but were mutated by Roodaka into Toa Hagah-Rahkshi mutants named Rahaga. Escaping with their lives, they were given a fate worse than death, and could never be accepted into Matoran society as true heroes.
The "Rahaga", accepting their fate, turned to enemies of their nemesis Roodaka, saving threatened Rahi from the threat of the Visorak, who were commanded by the Vortixx and her King, Sidorak. Educating themselves about Rahi, they also searched for the mythical Keetongu (which possessed the ability to cure those infected with Hordika venom) to aid in their quest. Fate would have it as the Visorak invaded Metru Nui, the Rahaga in tow. Arriving to rescue the Toa Metru, sent to their deaths, they informed them of their mutation by Hordika venom into Toa Hordika, educating them in their new forms and the possibility of a cure in Keetongu.
There, they helped the Toa Hordika when the Visorak took over Metru Nui. They were later transformed back into the Toa Hagah by Roodaka. On behalf of the Order of Mata Nui, They searched for Teridax under the Coliseum who altered their minds to see happiness and peace. They have since been snapped out of the illusion by Tren Krom in Lewa's body, and fought in the resistance against Teridax. They are now working together to find and rescue the Toa Mahri from the control of the Skakdi Fusion.
Norik is the Toa Hagah of Fire, and the leader of the Toa Hagah, and was previously the Rahaga of Fire. In the discovery of the Brotherhood's rebellion, he allowed his team to become overconfident against their foes, paving the way for their capture. He, along with Iruini, was the only to escape the fate of his teammates, and teamed up with him to rescue them. Now changed to a Turaga-esque wise persona, he became cautious, but still preferred to lead psychically instead of verbally. He was also very concerned about Vakama's rapid primal transformation, and was the only one to escape capture once more when Vakama turned to the dark side with Roodaka.
As a Rahaga, Norik was armed with a Rhotuka spinner with the Snare power, which tangled the limbs of a target. His Rahaga Staff could also be manipulated to distract his reptile Rahi prey (Norik specialized in the capture and study of these Rahi such as Furnace Salamanders) as he prepared to strike.
As a Toa Hagah, he is armed with the Hagah's standard weapons: a Lava Spear which contained the power of Lava and could sap or increase the heat of its target, and a Rhotuka-Launching Shield with Rhotuka containing slow opponent power which weakened and slowed its target. He wears the Kanohi Pehkui, Great Mask of Diminishment, although it was in the shape of a standard Noble Kiril and not of a standard Great Pehkui. It was presented to him by enslaved Matoran working under threats from the Brotherhood of Makuta and is shaped like a Noble Kiril to honor a past hero. (not Turaga Dume)
Gaaki is the Toa Hagah, and formerly Rahagah, of Water. As a Toa of Water, Gaaki can create, control, and absorb water. This also gives her the ability to control water, create storms, and cause floods. These abilities were lost when she was turned into a Rahaga, but she has since regained her powers. Her Rhotuka spinner as a Rahaga was used to capture Rahi by flowing through the depths of water, attaching itself to the target, and floating them up towards the surface. As a Rahaga, she was feisty and always wanted to prove herself as good a Rahagah as the rest. She was also a translator, and her area of expertise was the capture of water Rahi. She always wanted to show the other Rahaga that she's a great expert in the capture of Rahi.
Bomonga is the Toa Hagah of Earth. As a Rahaga, Bomonga was known to hunt in absolute silence and preferred to work alone. His prey were the Rahi "hiders," insect and nocturnal species. Bomonga searched for Rahi under cover of darkness and was known to burrow into the earth to wait for the creatures to come near. From a place of concealment, he would launch silent spinners to incapacitate his targets. Extremely patient and skilled, he would wait for hours to catch one Rahi. As a Toa of Earth, Bomonga can create, control, and absorb earth. This also gives him the ability to control earth, and create earthquakes. These abilities were lost when he was turned into a Rahaga, but he has since regained his powers.
Kualus is the Toa Hagah of Ice. He can create, control, and absorb ice, giving him the ability to create snowstorms, to travel via ice bridges and more. As a Rahaga, he learns how to speak bird and passes this knowledge on to Nuju. he could also play his staff like a flute.
The Toa Hagah of Stone. He is known to be loud and boisterous and believes in plain speaking and taking direct action rather than sneaking around. He truly loves massive beasts and can teach others how to befriend them. As a Rahaga, he used a lasso spinner to capture the beasts and used his staff to leave an invisible mark so he could track them.
The Toa Hagah of Air. As a Toa, he believed that the team needed to spend more time on smaller dangers, such as Rahi invasions; the rest of the team did not share this view, and the differences of opinion lead to him quitting the team. His concern for his allies caused him to join forces with Norik again to save them. Upon becoming a Rahaga, Iruini quickly resigned himself to the mutation, and did not accept that Keetongu had the power to cure him. However, he was overjoyed to become a Toa again, adopting an adventurous attitude.
As Toa Inika, they battled the evil Piraka for control over the Mask of Life, while also searching for the Toa Nuva, who had gone missing here. They teamed up with the Voya Nui Resistance Team, lead by Garan, and consisting of Balta, Dalu, Kazi, Piruk, and Velika. They were also aided by Axonn, who was a member of the Order of Mata Nui. They eventually battled against Vezon and Fenrakk/Kardas, and Kongu used his Mask of Telepathy to read the Mask's mind, learning that the Mask wanted Matoro as its new guardian. After Jaller froze Vezon and Kardas, Matoro took the Mask off of Vezon. To his own surprise, it came off right when he touched it. After the Mask of Life flew into the sea, Axonn opened a secret tunnel so they could go down into the Pit and find the mask. The Voya Nui Resistance Team also rescued the Toa Nuva.
As Toa Mahri, they were branded as allies of the Barraki by the Mahri Nui Matoran, and most of the Mahri were captured by the Barraki and Matoro was imprisioned by Hydraxon, but later freed by Teridax, who had taken control over a Maxilos robot. The Toa Mahri later escaped with the help of a Krahna Crab and stole some Cordak Blasters from the Barraki. They were named the protectors of Mahri Nui by Defilak, the city's leader. They battled the Barraki and Hydraxon (who was working against both sides), and eventually, they battled the Piraka, who were now mutated into fish-like beings. They later destroyed the Cord connecting Voya Nui to Mahri, but not before putting the Matoran in the caves of Voya Nui for protection. Mahri Nui was destroyed in the process. After Mata Nui died, Matoro continued on to the Karda Nui, the core of the Matoran Universe while the others held off the Barraki. Matoro gave his life to don the Ignika and save Mata Nui's life, sending the Toa Mahri back to Metru Nui just as Jaller was preparing to do a Nova Blast. After Jaller powered down his energy, they learned of Matoro's fate from Turaga Vakama. The became the protectors of Metru Nui in the Toa Nuva's absence (they were in Karda Nui).
During Teridax's reign the Toa Mahri were chosen to do an espionage mission on the island Zakaz, home of the Skakdi, who created a powerful gold-skinned fusion. The Mahri were hypnotized by the creature and relished in following the fusion's command. On Spherus Magna, Kopaka learned of this, and Gaaki gathered her team to rescue the Mahri.
Jaller has a strong sense of justice and responsibility, and is known for his immense courage. He is willing to do whatever it takes to do what must be done.
As leader of a Toa team, Jaller tries to be a more cautious leader of Toa compared to other Toa of Fire, such as Tahu or Vakama. He tries hard to heed the opinions of his teammates as well, but nevertheless experienced annoyance when Matoro began taking charge of the team in the Pit, though the two eventually resolved their differences.
As a Matoran, Jaller was captain of the Ta-Koro Guard (later Ta-Metru Guard), and played defense for the Ta-Koro Kolhii Team. He was best friends with Takua, who later became Toa Takanuva. Their friendship continues, even as Toa.
As a Matoran on Mata Nui, Hahli spent most of her time tending to her many village chores like fish-catching and net-mending, without ambition to travel or go on adventures. Her shyness kept her from speaking up, despite being full of ideas, and her fellow Ga-Matoran would often forget or overlook her. Nevertheless, Nokama could see true potential in her, selecting her to play for Ga-Koro in the Kolhii Tournament.
When she became a Toa, Hahli was initially nervous about her new role, and the power she possessed. She eventually warmed up to it, however, and became more confident to the point of choosing to go on solo missions without fear.
Hewkii is known for his athletic ability on both Metru Nui and Mata Nui, winning many Copper Masks as a Matoran. These talents helped develop his combat skills and reflexes. He also possessed keen senses, allowing him to pinpoint weak spots.
When he became a Toa Inika, Hewkii gained Stone powers, enabling him to create and manipulate stone, entertwined with Lightning, though the two powers could not be separated. He was initially uncomfortable with his new role, desiring to find the Ignika quickly so that he could return to his old friends and his old life. However, he eventually grew accustomed to being a Toa. An athlete by nature, he also disliked the advantage afforded to him by his Mask of Power, and did not use it in combat unless necessary.
As a Toa Mahri, he lost his lightning powers, although he could shock things with his Electrified Chains, and was made a water-breather. When Matoro teleported his team back to Metru Nui, Hewkii regained the ability to breathe air.
Nuparu is a master engineer, and feels at ease when surrounded by machinery he can tinker with, continuing this passion even as a Toa. He also has a great passion for learning, enjoying being a Toa, as it meant the ability and opportunity to explore new places and study new things, like Rahi. While in Mahri Nui, he continued his duties, but was upset that he was in the middle of a crisis, meaning he couldn't take the time to learn all there is to learn.
While a Matoran, Kongu was known to be very serious during times of danger, being the military leader of the Gukko Force. Over time, however, Lewa was known to influence Kongu, teaching him to be more laid back and gain enjoyment out of his missions. Once becoming a Toa, Kongu began following that advice, and is now generally fun-loving and full of wit, having a joke or comment ready at the right time. Kongu gets along well with his fellow Toa, especially with Nuparu. The Toa of Air at first complained that Nuparu, being a Toa of Earth, shouldn’t have received the Kadin, Mask of Flight. But he later cheerfully offered to help his friend learn to fly, saying that Nuparu might break the Mask of Flight as an excuse to help him.
As a Toa Inika of Air, Kongu's Air power was intertwined with Lightning. Like the other Toa Inika, his unnatural origin allowed immunity to the Piraka's Antidermis virus, and his face gave off a blinding glow when his Kanohi Suletu was removed.
As a Toa Mahri, he lost his Lightning powers and could only breathe water. When Matoro teleported his team back to Metru Nui, he gave Kongu and the other Toa Mahri the ability to breathe air again.
While a Matoran, Matoro had served as Turaga Nuju's translator and trusted aide, and he could understand Nuju's strange bird calls. When translating for Nuju, he would strike a narrator's pose, with his legs apart, head back and use a deep and booming voice to relay Nuju's wisdom. Unlike most other Ko-Matoran, Matoro was not antisocial, but instead was very friendly towards others. When he became a Toa, Matoro felt that his job as a translator had not prepared him for being a Toa nearly as much as the other Toa Inika, most of whom had backgrounds as athletes or warriors. Despite his fear, he did his best to fulfill his new duties.
Constantly burdened with the amount of secrets he was intended to keep, Matoro struggled with being unable to tell his friends, though he ultimately knew that revealing anything would endanger them, something he was not willing to do. His secrecy led some of the other Toa, such as Hahli and Jaller, to think that Matoro refused to share secrets with them on purpose, even though they were friends.
During his time as a Toa, and the experiences in searching for the mask, Matoro slowly began taking charge, filling the role of the leader. Jaller, who naturally emerged as the leader, felt conflicted about Matoro's attitude, though the two amicably resolved their differences.
As a Toa Inika, Matoro could control Elemental Ice powers that were combined with non-elemental Lightning. Due to this, he could not create ice without it being laced with electricity, but he could control existing ice without this problem. Matoro's lightning abilities disappeared when he became a Toa Mahri.
Because he was a destined bearer and user of the Kanohi Ignika, Matoro was not cursed by the mask, and was also one of the only ones that could access its power. He ended up sacrificing his life so that Mata Nui could be resurrected and that his teammates could breathe air again (he teleported them back to Metru Nui).
Takanuva was originally a Matoran named Takua. He was later hidden on Metru Nui during the Time Slip, and brought to Mata Nui. After being transformed into a Toa of Light by the Kanohi Avohkii, he renamed himself Takanuva (meaning Takua Nuva, as he considered himself a Toa Nuva, although he was not.) and fought and temporarily defeated Makuta Teridax. He later guarded Metru Nui in the Toa Nuva's absence, and fought Frostelus. He later intercepted a dark presence in his mind and went after the culprit, the Dark Hunter codenamed "Dweller". As he did, Makuta Icarax dropped a Shadow Leech upon him, (meant to bite Ahkmou and become a Shadow Toa) but was able to incinerate the leech with concentrated light, and fell unconscious from the light drain. His gold colored armor turned to a shining iron gray color, to symbolize the powers of light and shadow now surging through his right and left hands. He was then told by Helryx, Krakua, and Brutaka to go to Karda Nui. Brutaka opened a portal, but due to the damaged state of his Kanohi Olmak, led to several dimensional journeys, one resulting in him receiving a powdered Makuta virus from a good Krika, giving him the power of flight, before arriving in Karda Nui. There, he found the Toa Nuva in the swamps. Karda Nui is a light-based location, and any being with a light affiliation is supersized. Takanuva grew to a height of ten feet. Takanuva saw the Makuta Krika near Toa Gali Nuva, not knowing that Krika was trying to help her. He provided the Toa Nuva with vital information and fought against the Makuta. He witnessed Krika's death, having his density completely eradicated into microscopic particles, because he tried to warn them all of Teridax's betrayal. Enraged by this, he fought ferociously against the remaining Makuta. Vican, a mutated Le-Matoran, (a Shadow Matoran just minutes before) sought out Takanuva, and told him of the Klakk. The Klakk had the power to screech and shatter the barrier that prevented light from returning to Shadow beings. He then restored all Shadow Matoran to Av-Matoran, and lastly himself, turning him gold again. Takanuva then took the Matoran (Still mutated into bat-like creatures) to another location. He assisted the Toa Nuva in awaking Mata Nui, and left for Mata Nui. He, along with the other Toa have formed a revolt against Teridax when he took over the universe. When the Makuta landed on Bara Magna, Takanuva exited the giant robot onto the new planet, altering his colors in the process to not draw attention to himself. He assisted Tahu in retrieving the Golden Armor, killing two Heat Vision Rahkshi in the process. He has since returned his armor to Gold and White.
Krakua is a Toa of Sonics working for the Order of Mata Nui.
Like all De-Matoran, Krakua had very acute hearing. However, despite this, he had a habit of humming to himself, which caused many of his fellow De-Matoran to avoid him.
As a Toa of Sonics, Krakua is able to create, control and absorb sound. This allows him to create sound waves or concentrated beams of sound, use sonic waves to disrupt a structure's integrity, and absorb all of the sound in an area to create a field of silence. As with other Order operatives, his mind is shielded from mental assaults.
Helryx was the first Toa ever to be created and is the leader of the Order of Mata Nui.
Despite being a Toa of Water, Helryx is extremely fierce, somewhat impatient, and quick to anger. She always strives to achieve her vision of the greater good, no matter the decisions and choices she has to make to get it.
As a Toa of Water, Helryx can control, create, or absorb water. She is extremely adept at using her abilities, as demonstrated when she summoned a large tidal wave and kept it suspended directly in front of a fleet of Dark Hunter ships. Her mind is also shielded from outside mental presences, as is mandatory with Order training.
Due to the nature of her role in the Order, Helryx excluded herself from the Toa Code, which stipulates that Toa cannot kill their opponents.
Lesovikk is a guilt-ridden Toa of Air and the leader of the first Toa Team.
Due to his hesitation, which led to his team's death, Lesovikk blames himself for causing their deaths, and considers himself unworthy to be a Toa. His self-perceived failure to live up to the standards of the Toa exempts him from the code, and he is willing to kill his opponents.
As a Toa of Air, Lesovikk can create, control, and absorb air. This allows him to create windstorms and cyclones, and manipulate air pressure. After entering the Pit, he became a water breather.
He was granted the ability to breathe air by Mata Nui with the use of the Ignika, and has become amphibious.
He was later suspected with killing Karzahni, as his sword was found near his body, but Kopaka later suspected otherwise.
for trademarking Māori words used in naming the Bionicle product range for use in the Matoran language, including the names of some Toa, and even the word "Toa" itself. Despite this, many of the names of the Toa from Māori language, were still kept, though Lego was careful in naming characters from then on.
Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"...
universe certain Matoran (workers and villagers) are destined to become Toa: heroic warriors of great strength and power. The Toa's duty is to protect the Matoran and maintain peace in the universe. They usually work together in teams, with each member representing an element. Each Toa has near-complete control over their element, and can access the powers of the more powerful Great Kanohi Masks. As the Bionicle universe is based around a line of action figures, most Toa have appeared in their action figure.
There were once as many as 3,000 Toa in existence, but after many wars, assassinations and murders, their numbers went down.
The first Bionicle sets created and released were Toa characters, known as the 'Toa Mata'. The war-like appearance of the toys were believed by some LegoLego
Lego is a line of construction toys manufactured by the Lego Group, a privately held company based in Billund, Denmark. The company's flagship product, Lego, consists of colorful interlocking plastic bricks and an accompanying array of gears, minifigures and various other parts...
"company traditionalists" because it went against Lego's values of "high-quality products, an emphasis on free play and encouraging the imagination, and no modern warfare or violence."
Fictional history
Toa have been around for most of the Bionicle universe's existence. The first Toa to come into existence was Helryx, a Toa of Water. Though she exhibited most of the traits of a Toa of Water, she had a temper and could be stubborn. Though most Toa were once Matoran, it is known that the Toa Mata and Helryx came into being as Toa. Although Toa are, as a rule, heroes, there are some traitors to the code. Toa Nidhiki betrayed Metru Nui to the Dark Hunters. He was later mutated into an insectoid being who served the Dark Hunters. Another traitorous Toa was Tuyet, a Toa of Water from Lhikan's team. She was corrupted by an artifact from her homeland, the Nui Stone, and wished to use its power to rule the universe. She came close to succeeding, and was narrowly stopped by Toa Nidhiki and Lhikan. She was thought to be banished to the Pit. However, it was recently revealed in the official web serial, Reign of Shadows that she was sent to a pocket dimension, which she eventually escaped. Despite the recent takeover by Makuta Teridax, the main antagonist of the Bionicle saga, the Toa continued to operate, albeit in hiding. After Teridax's defeat at the hands of Mata Nui, the Toa migrated to the newly reformed Spherus Magna along with all the other Matoran Universe residents, who could now speak the Agori language.Toa Mata/Toa Nuva
The chosen guardians of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, destined to awaken him if he would ever fall. They were known as the Toa Mata, six Toa warriors. In Matoran, "Toa Mata" literally means "Spirit heroes" or "Heroes of the Spirit." After their transformation in Energized Protodermis, they became the Toa Nuva, with improved armor, weaponry, and masks. They then added the suffix "Nuva" to their name, (meaning "New") and masks. After donning Artakha's Adaptive Armor, they were able to master any environment with its ability to adapt to the current situation. Tahu, Gali, and Onua dispatched themselves to the Karda Nui Swamp of Secrets, while Lewa, Kopaka and Pohatu left for the skies and stalactite villages to rescue the Av-Matoran. After using legendary Keystones to power the Codrex dome, Energy Storms raged throughout Karda Nui, killing every Makuta there (minus Krika and Icarax, who were killed earlier by Gorast for speaking against Teridax's plan). The storms confirmed that they succeeded in their ultimate quest to awaken Mata Nui, unaware that Makuta Teridax had taken over his body. They led a resistance movement against that same being. Because of Spherus Magna's reformation, Tahu's transformation, and Mata Nui's last wish (to find the Great Beings), the team has currently apart on different missions.Tahu's team has been known as the Mistika, in the Matoran language translating to "spirits of the swamp", with their armor adapting to a swamp environment with aerial capabilities armed with Nynrah Ghost Blasters. Kopaka's team also received a Matoran term, "spirits of the skies", or Phantoka, armed with Midak Skyblasters.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Tahu | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Red |
Weapons | Rotating Blades, Nynrah Ghost Blaster (both formerly), Fire Sword |
Kanohi | Hau, Great Mask of Shielding |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui, Mata Nui, Glatorian, Agori |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi, Skakdi, Skrall |
Voiced By | Scott McNeil Scott McNeil Scott McNeil is a Canadian actor and voice actor. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada... |
The Toa of Fire and the leader of the Toa Nuva, Tahu initially demanded fierce loyalty to his command, discarding others' own opinions and ignoring them altogether, plunging them into dangerous tasks. As such, his team merely acknowledged him as a leader, but did not respect them. His aggression after arriving on Mata Nui was easily brought to surface, causing him to almost drive himself to madness with the burdens of his amnesia.
Toa Mata Tahu's weapons included a Kanohi Hau (the Mask of Shielding), and a Fire Sword to channel his Fire element. Like his fellow Toa Mata, he collected five other Kanohi and went to Kini-Nui for a Golden Kanohi, containing the powers of the Kanohi Hau, Akaku (X-Ray Vision), Kaukau (Underwater Breathing), Miru (Levitation), Kakama (Speed), and Pakari (Strength). Tahu's appearance in this form is dominantly red with orange legs and arms.
Toa Nuva Tahu's weapons included a Kanohi Hau Nuva, the Nuva Mask of Shielding. His Fire Sword transformed into two Magma Swords, which served to channel his Fire element or serve as a lava or surfboard. He collected five Kanohi Nuva to store at Ta-Suva, but were lost when Ta-Koro sank after a Rahkshi attack. Tahu Nuva's appearance slightly unchanged from his Toa Mata form, but bared silver shoulder and chest armor.
Once he gained Adaptive Armor, his armor shifted in the Swamp of Secrets, gaining a Nynrah Ghost Blaster, and Rotating Blades which could also serve as a shield.
After arriving on Bara Magna, he was devolved into a crude version of his Toa Mata self by the Ignika in order to wield the Golden Armor. As such, his adaptive weapon has taken the form of his old Fire Sword. Soon after, he was clad in Golden Armor and destroyed all the Kraata controlling the Rahkshi, which interrupted Makuta Teridax's concentration and gave Mata Nui his only chance to defeat the tyrant. After Mata Nui's victory, he helped lead the inhabitants of the reformed Spherus Magna, the original "paradise".
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Lewa | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Green |
Weapons | Axe, Air Katanas (both formerly), Air Saber and Midak Skyblaster |
Kanohi | Miru Nuva, Great Mask of Levitation |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi, Piraka |
Voiced By | Dale Wilson |
The Toa Nuva of Air, Lewa is at peace with the skies and jungle of Le-Koro, flying upon its thick flora. Passive, Lewa is often eager to face his Toa responsibilities with carelessness, considering the entire ordeal of a fight as an "adventure". Cheery and light-hearted, he has no bounds. After briefly being controlled by both Makuta Teridax (after his Mask was infected by an infected Rahi, then rescued by Onua) and a Bohrok krana, he learned to take his urgent role not lightly, his will renewed to never again underestimate threats. After Teridax took over the universe, Lewa was transported to Tren Krom's island, who switched bodies in order to save their universe. Though their spirits were switched back by Arthaka, he was recently expelled into space along with everyone else in the Core Processor. He is currently on Bota Magna thanks to a dimension-hopping Vezon.
Lewa Nuva is armed with the Kanohi Miru, Mask of Levitation. As a Toa Mata, he was armed with an Axe, later transformed to Air Katanas. As a Phantoka, he is armed with an Air Saber, and a Midak Skyblaster. Later on the journey of Karda Nui, he discovers the Axalara T9, and pilots it against Antroz in the Jetrax T6.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Gali | |
Gender | Female |
Color | Blue |
Weapons | Hooks, Aqua Axes (both formerly), Nynrah Ghost Blaster (with sniper scope) |
Kanohi | Kaukau Nuva, Great Mask of Water Breathing |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi, Piraka |
Voiced By | Kathleen Barr Kathleen Barr Kathleen Barr is a Canadian voice actress. She is also the sister of Professor Mark Lyle Barr at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.-Filmography:... |
The Toa Nuva of Water, Gali is as cool as the waters of Ga-Koro's bays. Seeking to contain Tahu's aggression and protect the unity of the Toa Nuva, she takes her role as a Toa with the utmost importance, and is willing to protect any sentient being threatened by the evils of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Considering her peaceful lifestyle, she is an accomplished warrior against those who threaten her allies, like the amphibious rahi that dwell near Ga-Koro. Gali Nuva is armed with the Kanohi Kaukau, Mask of Underwater Breathing. As a Toa Mata, she was armed with hooks, which later transformed to Aqua Axes. She also has propeller
A propeller is a type of fan that transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust. A pressure difference is produced between the forward and rear surfaces of the airfoil-shaped blade, and a fluid is accelerated behind the blade. Propeller dynamics can be modeled by both Bernoulli's...
s for swimming underwater. As a Mistika, she is armed with a Nynrah Ghost Blaster with laser sighting. She is completely blue in the film.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Kopaka | |
Gender | Male |
Color | White |
Weapons | Ice Sword, Ice Shield (both formerly), Midak Skyblaster and Blizzard Blade (with laser sight) |
Kanohi | Akaku Nuva, Great Mask of X-Ray Vision |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi,Bohrok-Kal, Piraka |
Voiced By | Michael Dobson |
The Toa Nuva of Ice, Kopaka prefers the isolation and silence of Mount Ihu in Ko-Koro. Deputy of the Nuva, his modus operandi is to work alone, often despising the Matoran's virtue of unity, but his analytical side persuaded him to go against his will after realizing it was the only way to fight Teridax. He also once saved Matoro from a Muaka. Kopaka is armed with the Kanohi Akaku, Mask of X-Ray Vision. As a Toa Mata, he was armed with an Ice Sword, later transformed to dual Ice Blades, and an Ice Shield. As a Phantoka, he is armed with a Midak Skyblaster equipped with a Protosteel Blizzard Blade attached with an aiming laser.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Pohatu | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Brown (formerly), Orange |
Weapons | Climbing Claws, Feet Additions (both formerly), Twin Propellers, Midak Skyblaster |
Kanohi | Kakama Nuva, Great Mask of Speed |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi, Piraka |
Voiced By | Trevor Devall Trevor Devall Trevor Devall is one of the various voice actors who works for Ocean Group, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.Trevor has performed various anime roles, most notably Mu La Flaga of Gundam SEED. Other anime roles include Mukotsu of InuYashas Shichinin-tai, as well as the multiple faces of... |
The Toa Nuva of Stone, Pohatu is regarded as one of the friendliest Toa. With Gali, he continues to hold the peace between the Toa, but unlike her, is ready to do so in a friendlier way that benefits all of his friends. He also once rescued Takua from a Nui-Jaga that was spreading the Makuta's infection to the Po-Matorans' Kolhii balls. Pohatu is armed with the Kanohi Kakama, Mask of Speed. As a Toa Mata, he is armed with Feet Additions, durable enough to smash through a boulder, later transformed into an even stronger form, and he gained dual Climbing Claws. As a Phantoka, he is armed with a Midak Skyblaster along with Twin Propellers which double as drills. During his journeys in Karda Nui, he discovers the Rockoh T3, and pilots it against Antroz in the Jetrax T6.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Onua | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Black |
Weapons | Claws, Quake Breakers (both formerly), Multi-Resistance Shield & Ghost Blaster (with laser sight) |
Kanohi | Pakari Nuva, the Mask of Strength |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi, Piraka |
Voiced By | Scott McNeil Scott McNeil Scott McNeil is a Canadian actor and voice actor. He currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada... |
The Toa Nuva of Earth, Onua is very quiet, speaking only when he has something important to add. He is intelligent, wise, and strong. A running gag has Onua saving people at the last moment, including catching Tahu as he was dropped from the sky, Lewa when his mask was infected (Infected masks make the wearer serve whichever Makuta infected it), and when Lewa was controlled by a krana. As a Toa Mata, his weapons were his hands, which sported large claws. When he became a Toa Nuva, he received dual Quake Breakers, and as a Mistika, he is armed with a Nynrah ghost blaster and a Multi-Resistant shield.
Toa Hagah/Rahaga
The history of the Toa Hagah dates back to prior the coming of the Toa Mata during the early stages of Makuta Teridax's plan. The guardians of Makuta Teridax, the Toa Team was made of six Toa chosen specifically in reward of their previous deeds. Given an elite status and unique armor that identified them as Hagah, or Guardians in the Matoran language, and thus were named the Toa Hagah.The Toa Hagah served Teridax on Destral, deceived and manipulated to destroy the rampant artificial Bohrok the Brotherhood created, which were initially considered by the Brotherhood as a potential weapon, unknown to the elitist faction. Eventually, this deception did not last long, and they rebelled against Teridax and the Brotherhood when they discovered that they had committed theft and stolen the Kanohi Avohkii. When four of their number were captured by the Brotherhood, Norik, and Iruini, whom for different reasons were not, attempted a rescue but were mutated by Roodaka into Toa Hagah-Rahkshi mutants named Rahaga. Escaping with their lives, they were given a fate worse than death, and could never be accepted into Matoran society as true heroes.
The "Rahaga", accepting their fate, turned to enemies of their nemesis Roodaka, saving threatened Rahi from the threat of the Visorak, who were commanded by the Vortixx and her King, Sidorak. Educating themselves about Rahi, they also searched for the mythical Keetongu (which possessed the ability to cure those infected with Hordika venom) to aid in their quest. Fate would have it as the Visorak invaded Metru Nui, the Rahaga in tow. Arriving to rescue the Toa Metru, sent to their deaths, they informed them of their mutation by Hordika venom into Toa Hordika, educating them in their new forms and the possibility of a cure in Keetongu.
There, they helped the Toa Hordika when the Visorak took over Metru Nui. They were later transformed back into the Toa Hagah by Roodaka. On behalf of the Order of Mata Nui, They searched for Teridax under the Coliseum who altered their minds to see happiness and peace. They have since been snapped out of the illusion by Tren Krom in Lewa's body, and fought in the resistance against Teridax. They are now working together to find and rescue the Toa Mahri from the control of the Skakdi Fusion.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Norik | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Red |
Weapons | Lava staff and Rhotuka Launching Shield |
Kanohi | Pehkui, Great Mask of Diminishment |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Keetongu |
Enemies | Visorak, Roodaka, Sidorak, Teridax |
Voiced By | French Tickner (as a Rahaga) |
Norik is the Toa Hagah of Fire, and the leader of the Toa Hagah, and was previously the Rahaga of Fire. In the discovery of the Brotherhood's rebellion, he allowed his team to become overconfident against their foes, paving the way for their capture. He, along with Iruini, was the only to escape the fate of his teammates, and teamed up with him to rescue them. Now changed to a Turaga-esque wise persona, he became cautious, but still preferred to lead psychically instead of verbally. He was also very concerned about Vakama's rapid primal transformation, and was the only one to escape capture once more when Vakama turned to the dark side with Roodaka.
As a Rahaga, Norik was armed with a Rhotuka spinner with the Snare power, which tangled the limbs of a target. His Rahaga Staff could also be manipulated to distract his reptile Rahi prey (Norik specialized in the capture and study of these Rahi such as Furnace Salamanders) as he prepared to strike.
As a Toa Hagah, he is armed with the Hagah's standard weapons: a Lava Spear which contained the power of Lava and could sap or increase the heat of its target, and a Rhotuka-Launching Shield with Rhotuka containing slow opponent power which weakened and slowed its target. He wears the Kanohi Pehkui, Great Mask of Diminishment, although it was in the shape of a standard Noble Kiril and not of a standard Great Pehkui. It was presented to him by enslaved Matoran working under threats from the Brotherhood of Makuta and is shaped like a Noble Kiril to honor a past hero. (not Turaga Dume)
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Gaaki | |
Gender | Female |
Color | Blue |
Weapons | Tidal Spear and Rhotuka Launching Shield |
Kanohi | Great Mask of Clairvoyance |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Keetongu |
Enemies | Visorak, Roodaka, Sidorak, Teridax |
Voiced By | Kathleen Barr (as a Rahaga) |
Gaaki is the Toa Hagah, and formerly Rahagah, of Water. As a Toa of Water, Gaaki can create, control, and absorb water. This also gives her the ability to control water, create storms, and cause floods. These abilities were lost when she was turned into a Rahaga, but she has since regained her powers. Her Rhotuka spinner as a Rahaga was used to capture Rahi by flowing through the depths of water, attaching itself to the target, and floating them up towards the surface. As a Rahaga, she was feisty and always wanted to prove herself as good a Rahagah as the rest. She was also a translator, and her area of expertise was the capture of water Rahi. She always wanted to show the other Rahaga that she's a great expert in the capture of Rahi.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Bomonga | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Black |
Weapons | Seismic Spear and Rhotuka Launching Shield |
Kanohi | Great Mask of Growth |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Keetongu |
Enemies | Visorak, Roodaka, Sidorak, Teridax |
Voiced By | Scott McNeil (as a Rahaga) |
Bomonga is the Toa Hagah of Earth. As a Rahaga, Bomonga was known to hunt in absolute silence and preferred to work alone. His prey were the Rahi "hiders," insect and nocturnal species. Bomonga searched for Rahi under cover of darkness and was known to burrow into the earth to wait for the creatures to come near. From a place of concealment, he would launch silent spinners to incapacitate his targets. Extremely patient and skilled, he would wait for hours to catch one Rahi. As a Toa of Earth, Bomonga can create, control, and absorb earth. This also gives him the ability to control earth, and create earthquakes. These abilities were lost when he was turned into a Rahaga, but he has since regained his powers.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Kualus | |
Gender | Male |
Color | White |
Weapons | Sub-Zero Spear and Rhotuka Launching Shield |
Kanohi | Great Mask of Rahi-Control |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Keetongu |
Enemies | Visorak, Roodaka, Sidorak, Teridax |
Kualus is the Toa Hagah of Ice. He can create, control, and absorb ice, giving him the ability to create snowstorms, to travel via ice bridges and more. As a Rahaga, he learns how to speak bird and passes this knowledge on to Nuju. he could also play his staff like a flute.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Pouks | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Brown |
Weapons | Avalanche Spear and Rhotuka Launching Shield |
Kanohi | Great Mask of Emulation |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Keetongu |
Enemies | Visorak, Roodaka, Sidorak, Teridax |
The Toa Hagah of Stone. He is known to be loud and boisterous and believes in plain speaking and taking direct action rather than sneaking around. He truly loves massive beasts and can teach others how to befriend them. As a Rahaga, he used a lasso spinner to capture the beasts and used his staff to leave an invisible mark so he could track them.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Iruini | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Green |
Weapons | Cyclone Spear and Rhotuka Launching Shield |
Kanohi | Kualsi, the Great Mask of Quick Travel |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Keetongu |
Enemies | Visorak, Roodaka, Sidorak, Teridax |
The Toa Hagah of Air. As a Toa, he believed that the team needed to spend more time on smaller dangers, such as Rahi invasions; the rest of the team did not share this view, and the differences of opinion lead to him quitting the team. His concern for his allies caused him to join forces with Norik again to save them. Upon becoming a Rahaga, Iruini quickly resigned himself to the mutation, and did not accept that Keetongu had the power to cure him. However, he was overjoyed to become a Toa again, adopting an adventurous attitude.
Toa Inika/Toa Mahri
The Toa Inika/Toa Mahri were the original six Matoran who appeared in the Mata Nui Online Game turned into Toa through energy from the Red Star when the Toa Nuva were enslaved by the Piraka. These Matoran were Jaller, Hahli, Kongu, Matoro, Hewkii, and Nuparu. All six had electricity powers interlaced with their elemental powers, but were mutated by the Kanohi Ignika to adapt to water.As Toa Inika, they battled the evil Piraka for control over the Mask of Life, while also searching for the Toa Nuva, who had gone missing here. They teamed up with the Voya Nui Resistance Team, lead by Garan, and consisting of Balta, Dalu, Kazi, Piruk, and Velika. They were also aided by Axonn, who was a member of the Order of Mata Nui. They eventually battled against Vezon and Fenrakk/Kardas, and Kongu used his Mask of Telepathy to read the Mask's mind, learning that the Mask wanted Matoro as its new guardian. After Jaller froze Vezon and Kardas, Matoro took the Mask off of Vezon. To his own surprise, it came off right when he touched it. After the Mask of Life flew into the sea, Axonn opened a secret tunnel so they could go down into the Pit and find the mask. The Voya Nui Resistance Team also rescued the Toa Nuva.
As Toa Mahri, they were branded as allies of the Barraki by the Mahri Nui Matoran, and most of the Mahri were captured by the Barraki and Matoro was imprisioned by Hydraxon, but later freed by Teridax, who had taken control over a Maxilos robot. The Toa Mahri later escaped with the help of a Krahna Crab and stole some Cordak Blasters from the Barraki. They were named the protectors of Mahri Nui by Defilak, the city's leader. They battled the Barraki and Hydraxon (who was working against both sides), and eventually, they battled the Piraka, who were now mutated into fish-like beings. They later destroyed the Cord connecting Voya Nui to Mahri, but not before putting the Matoran in the caves of Voya Nui for protection. Mahri Nui was destroyed in the process. After Mata Nui died, Matoro continued on to the Karda Nui, the core of the Matoran Universe while the others held off the Barraki. Matoro gave his life to don the Ignika and save Mata Nui's life, sending the Toa Mahri back to Metru Nui just as Jaller was preparing to do a Nova Blast. After Jaller powered down his energy, they learned of Matoro's fate from Turaga Vakama. The became the protectors of Metru Nui in the Toa Nuva's absence (they were in Karda Nui).
During Teridax's reign the Toa Mahri were chosen to do an espionage mission on the island Zakaz, home of the Skakdi, who created a powerful gold-skinned fusion. The Mahri were hypnotized by the creature and relished in following the fusion's command. On Spherus Magna, Kopaka learned of this, and Gaaki gathered her team to rescue the Mahri.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Jaller | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Red |
Weapons | Dual Energized Fire Swords, Multi-Shot Zamor Sphere Launcer (all of the above formerly), Power Sword, Cordak Blaster |
Kanohi | Arthron, Great Mask of Sonar (current), Calix, Great Mask of Fate , Hau, Noble Mask of Shielding (as a Matoran on Mata Nui), Komau, Mask of Mind Controll (original mask as a Matoran before it broke inside a Matoran sphere) |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui, Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Barraki, Piraka |
Voiced By | Andrew Francis Andrew Francis Andrew Francis is an actor and voice artist from Vancouver, British Columbia. He has appeared in many television shows including Poltergeist, Dark Angel, Twilight Zone, The L Word, Smallville and Kyle XY... (as a Matoran) |
Jaller has a strong sense of justice and responsibility, and is known for his immense courage. He is willing to do whatever it takes to do what must be done.
As leader of a Toa team, Jaller tries to be a more cautious leader of Toa compared to other Toa of Fire, such as Tahu or Vakama. He tries hard to heed the opinions of his teammates as well, but nevertheless experienced annoyance when Matoro began taking charge of the team in the Pit, though the two eventually resolved their differences.
As a Matoran, Jaller was captain of the Ta-Koro Guard (later Ta-Metru Guard), and played defense for the Ta-Koro Kolhii Team. He was best friends with Takua, who later became Toa Takanuva. Their friendship continues, even as Toa.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Hahli | |
Gender | Female |
Color | Blue |
Weapons | Hydro Harpoon, Multi-Shot Zamor Sphere Launcher(both formerly), Protosteel Talons, Cordak Blaster |
Kanohi | Faxon, Great Mask of Kindred (current), Elda, Great Mask of Detection (as a Toa Inika), Kaukau, Mask of Underwater-Breathing (as a Matoran) |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi, Piraka |
Voiced By | Chiara Zanni Chiara Zanni Chiara Zanni is a Canadian actress & voice actress, performing in movies such as BIONICLE: Mask of Light as Hahli, playing the role of Hamtaro in the TV anime cartoon series. Young Joe in Cyborg 009, Hamtaro, Jubilee in X-Men: Evolution, Bon Bon in My Little Pony Tales and Nori, the mermaid in... (as a Matoran) |
As a Matoran on Mata Nui, Hahli spent most of her time tending to her many village chores like fish-catching and net-mending, without ambition to travel or go on adventures. Her shyness kept her from speaking up, despite being full of ideas, and her fellow Ga-Matoran would often forget or overlook her. Nevertheless, Nokama could see true potential in her, selecting her to play for Ga-Koro in the Kolhii Tournament.
When she became a Toa, Hahli was initially nervous about her new role, and the power she possessed. She eventually warmed up to it, however, and became more confident to the point of choosing to go on solo missions without fear.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Hewkii | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Brown (formerly), Yellow |
Weapons | Climbing Chain, Laser Axe, Multi-Shot Zamor Sphere Launcher (all of the above formerly), Aqua Warblade, Electrifying Chains, Cordak Blaster |
Kanohi | Garai, Great Mask of Gravity (current), Sanok, Great Mask of Accuracy (as a Toa Inika), Kakama, Mask of Speed (as a Matoran) |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Piraka, Barraki |
Voiced By | Michael Dobson Michael Dobson Michael Richard Dobson is one of the three Dobson brothers , all of whom have made themselves known prominently in the voice acting community... (as a Matoran) |
Hewkii is known for his athletic ability on both Metru Nui and Mata Nui, winning many Copper Masks as a Matoran. These talents helped develop his combat skills and reflexes. He also possessed keen senses, allowing him to pinpoint weak spots.
When he became a Toa Inika, Hewkii gained Stone powers, enabling him to create and manipulate stone, entertwined with Lightning, though the two powers could not be separated. He was initially uncomfortable with his new role, desiring to find the Ignika quickly so that he could return to his old friends and his old life. However, he eventually grew accustomed to being a Toa. An athlete by nature, he also disliked the advantage afforded to him by his Mask of Power, and did not use it in combat unless necessary.
As a Toa Mahri, he lost his lightning powers, although he could shock things with his Electrified Chains, and was made a water-breather. When Matoro teleported his team back to Metru Nui, Hewkii regained the ability to breathe air.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Nuparu | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Black |
Weapons | Claws, Laser Drill, Shoulder-Mounted Multi-Shot Zamor Sphere Launcher (all of the above formerly), Aqua Blaster Blade, Razor-Edge Protosteel Shield, Cordak Blaster |
Kanohi | Volitak, Great Mask of Stealth (current), Kadin, Great Mask of Flight (as a Toa Inika), Paraki, Mask of Great Strength (as a Matoran) |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Barraki, Piraka |
Nuparu is a master engineer, and feels at ease when surrounded by machinery he can tinker with, continuing this passion even as a Toa. He also has a great passion for learning, enjoying being a Toa, as it meant the ability and opportunity to explore new places and study new things, like Rahi. While in Mahri Nui, he continued his duties, but was upset that he was in the middle of a crisis, meaning he couldn't take the time to learn all there is to learn.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Kongu | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Green |
Weapons | Laser Crossbow, Multi-Shot Zamor Sphere Launcher(both formerly), Dual Cordak Blasters |
Kanohi | Zatth, Great Mask of Summoning (current), Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy (as a Toa Inika), Miru, Mask of Levitation (as a Matoran, Ruru, Mask of Night Vision (original mask as a Matoran before it broke in a Matoran sphere) |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Barraki, Piraka |
Voiced By | Lee Tockar (as a Matoran) |
While a Matoran, Kongu was known to be very serious during times of danger, being the military leader of the Gukko Force. Over time, however, Lewa was known to influence Kongu, teaching him to be more laid back and gain enjoyment out of his missions. Once becoming a Toa, Kongu began following that advice, and is now generally fun-loving and full of wit, having a joke or comment ready at the right time. Kongu gets along well with his fellow Toa, especially with Nuparu. The Toa of Air at first complained that Nuparu, being a Toa of Earth, shouldn’t have received the Kadin, Mask of Flight. But he later cheerfully offered to help his friend learn to fly, saying that Nuparu might break the Mask of Flight as an excuse to help him.
As a Toa Inika of Air, Kongu's Air power was intertwined with Lightning. Like the other Toa Inika, his unnatural origin allowed immunity to the Piraka's Antidermis virus, and his face gave off a blinding glow when his Kanohi Suletu was removed.
As a Toa Mahri, he lost his Lightning powers and could only breathe water. When Matoro teleported his team back to Metru Nui, he gave Kongu and the other Toa Mahri the ability to breathe air again.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Matoro | |
Gender | Male |
Color | White |
Weapons | Energized Ice Sword, Multi-Shot Zamor Sphere Launcher (as a Toa Inika), Twin Cutters, Cordak Blaster(as a Toa Mahri) |
Kanohi | Tryna, Great Mask of Reanimation (as a Toa Mahri), Iden, Great Mask of Spirit (as a Toa Inika), Akaku, Mask of X-Ray Vision (as a Matoran) |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Barraki, Piraka |
While a Matoran, Matoro had served as Turaga Nuju's translator and trusted aide, and he could understand Nuju's strange bird calls. When translating for Nuju, he would strike a narrator's pose, with his legs apart, head back and use a deep and booming voice to relay Nuju's wisdom. Unlike most other Ko-Matoran, Matoro was not antisocial, but instead was very friendly towards others. When he became a Toa, Matoro felt that his job as a translator had not prepared him for being a Toa nearly as much as the other Toa Inika, most of whom had backgrounds as athletes or warriors. Despite his fear, he did his best to fulfill his new duties.
Constantly burdened with the amount of secrets he was intended to keep, Matoro struggled with being unable to tell his friends, though he ultimately knew that revealing anything would endanger them, something he was not willing to do. His secrecy led some of the other Toa, such as Hahli and Jaller, to think that Matoro refused to share secrets with them on purpose, even though they were friends.
During his time as a Toa, and the experiences in searching for the mask, Matoro slowly began taking charge, filling the role of the leader. Jaller, who naturally emerged as the leader, felt conflicted about Matoro's attitude, though the two amicably resolved their differences.
As a Toa Inika, Matoro could control Elemental Ice powers that were combined with non-elemental Lightning. Due to this, he could not create ice without it being laced with electricity, but he could control existing ice without this problem. Matoro's lightning abilities disappeared when he became a Toa Mahri.
Because he was a destined bearer and user of the Kanohi Ignika, Matoro was not cursed by the mask, and was also one of the only ones that could access its power. He ended up sacrificing his life so that Mata Nui could be resurrected and that his teammates could breathe air again (he teleported them back to Metru Nui).
Other Toa teams
- First Toa Team: The first ever Toa team led by Toa Lesovikk, including Toa Nikila and several other Toa. All members of the team, save for Lesovikk, were killed in a battle against a tribe of Zyglak, due to a fatal hesitation on Lesovikk's part. He is now fully commited to find a way to make it up to his teammates.
- Toa Mangai: Toa Lhikan's team of 11. Known members include Nidhiki (voiced by Paul Dobson), Tuyet, Naho, and several Toa of Ice. All members were killed, except Nidihki, who became an arthropodArthropodAn arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton , a segmented body, and jointed appendages. Arthropods are members of the phylum Arthropoda , and include the insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and others...
-like Dark Hunter, and Lhikan (voiced by Michael Dobson), who became a Turaga after summoning the Toa Metru. All are deceased with the exception of Tuyet, who was recently revealed to be alive in the official web serial, Reign of Shadows. - Jovan's Team: Known Members included a Toa who died using The Ignika, another who wore an Elda to help track the Ignika, and one who wore a Kanohi Olmak to help his team escape the Energy Storms (all later killed by the Makuta). Jovan later became the Turaga of Voya Nui, but died when part of the island that later became Mahri Nui broke off.
- Toa Metru/Hordika: Vakama's team of 6. It included Nokama (voiced by Tabitha St. GermainTabitha St. GermainTabitha St. Germain is a Canadian stage actress. She has made the transition from stage work to voice work, and has since become one of the core female voice actresses working with Ocean Productions in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.- Anime :* .hack//Roots - Asta, Nazo Grunty* Black Lagoon -...
), Vakama (voiced by Alessandro JulianiAlessandro JulianiAlessandro Juliani is a Canadian actor, singer, and voice actor. He is notable for playing Tactical Officer Lieutenant Felix Gaeta on the Sci Fi Channel television program Battlestar Galactica, and Emil Hamilton in Smallville...
), Matau (voiced by Brian DrummondBrian DrummondBrian Drummond is a Canadian actor. He also serves on the board of directors for the New Westminster-based Urban Academy along with his wife, Laura Drummond, also a voice artist. He and his wife serve as vice-president and president, respectively.- Career :Drummond was born in Salmon Arm, British...
), Whenua (voiced by Paul Dobson), Nuju (voiced by Trevor DevallTrevor DevallTrevor Devall is one of the various voice actors who works for Ocean Group, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.Trevor has performed various anime roles, most notably Mu La Flaga of Gundam SEED. Other anime roles include Mukotsu of InuYashas Shichinin-tai, as well as the multiple faces of...
) and Onewa (voiced by Brian DrummondBrian DrummondBrian Drummond is a Canadian actor. He also serves on the board of directors for the New Westminster-based Urban Academy along with his wife, Laura Drummond, also a voice artist. He and his wife serve as vice-president and president, respectively.- Career :Drummond was born in Salmon Arm, British...
). All are currently the Turaga of Metru Nui along with Turaga Dume.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Takanuva | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Gold and white, Silver and white (formerly) |
Weapons | Staff Of Light, Power Lance, Midak Skyblaster (all formerly), Twin Light Staffs |
Kanohi | Avokhii, Mask of Light |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Agori, Glatorian |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Rahkshi |
Voiced By | Jason Michas Jason Michas Jason Michas is a Canadian-born voice actor, who played in animated television shows such as Sabrina, the Animated Series as Harvey Kinkle, and in Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars as the protagonist in the first four episodes... |
Takanuva was originally a Matoran named Takua. He was later hidden on Metru Nui during the Time Slip, and brought to Mata Nui. After being transformed into a Toa of Light by the Kanohi Avohkii, he renamed himself Takanuva (meaning Takua Nuva, as he considered himself a Toa Nuva, although he was not.) and fought and temporarily defeated Makuta Teridax. He later guarded Metru Nui in the Toa Nuva's absence, and fought Frostelus. He later intercepted a dark presence in his mind and went after the culprit, the Dark Hunter codenamed "Dweller". As he did, Makuta Icarax dropped a Shadow Leech upon him, (meant to bite Ahkmou and become a Shadow Toa) but was able to incinerate the leech with concentrated light, and fell unconscious from the light drain. His gold colored armor turned to a shining iron gray color, to symbolize the powers of light and shadow now surging through his right and left hands. He was then told by Helryx, Krakua, and Brutaka to go to Karda Nui. Brutaka opened a portal, but due to the damaged state of his Kanohi Olmak, led to several dimensional journeys, one resulting in him receiving a powdered Makuta virus from a good Krika, giving him the power of flight, before arriving in Karda Nui. There, he found the Toa Nuva in the swamps. Karda Nui is a light-based location, and any being with a light affiliation is supersized. Takanuva grew to a height of ten feet. Takanuva saw the Makuta Krika near Toa Gali Nuva, not knowing that Krika was trying to help her. He provided the Toa Nuva with vital information and fought against the Makuta. He witnessed Krika's death, having his density completely eradicated into microscopic particles, because he tried to warn them all of Teridax's betrayal. Enraged by this, he fought ferociously against the remaining Makuta. Vican, a mutated Le-Matoran, (a Shadow Matoran just minutes before) sought out Takanuva, and told him of the Klakk. The Klakk had the power to screech and shatter the barrier that prevented light from returning to Shadow beings. He then restored all Shadow Matoran to Av-Matoran, and lastly himself, turning him gold again. Takanuva then took the Matoran (Still mutated into bat-like creatures) to another location. He assisted the Toa Nuva in awaking Mata Nui, and left for Mata Nui. He, along with the other Toa have formed a revolt against Teridax when he took over the universe. When the Makuta landed on Bara Magna, Takanuva exited the giant robot onto the new planet, altering his colors in the process to not draw attention to himself. He assisted Tahu in retrieving the Golden Armor, killing two Heat Vision Rahkshi in the process. He has since returned his armor to Gold and White.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Krakua | |
Gender | Male |
Color | White |
Weapon | Sonic Vibration Sword |
Kanohi | Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy (shaped like a Mask of Shielding) |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax |
Krakua is a Toa of Sonics working for the Order of Mata Nui.
Like all De-Matoran, Krakua had very acute hearing. However, despite this, he had a habit of humming to himself, which caused many of his fellow De-Matoran to avoid him.
As a Toa of Sonics, Krakua is able to create, control and absorb sound. This allows him to create sound waves or concentrated beams of sound, use sonic waves to disrupt a structure's integrity, and absorb all of the sound in an area to create a field of silence. As with other Order operatives, his mind is shielded from mental assaults.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Helryx | |
Gender | Female |
Color | Blue |
Weapons | Spiked mace, shield |
Kanohi | Great Mask of Psychometry |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax |
Helryx was the first Toa ever to be created and is the leader of the Order of Mata Nui.
Despite being a Toa of Water, Helryx is extremely fierce, somewhat impatient, and quick to anger. She always strives to achieve her vision of the greater good, no matter the decisions and choices she has to make to get it.
As a Toa of Water, Helryx can control, create, or absorb water. She is extremely adept at using her abilities, as demonstrated when she summoned a large tidal wave and kept it suspended directly in front of a fleet of Dark Hunter ships. Her mind is also shielded from outside mental presences, as is mandatory with Order training.
Due to the nature of her role in the Order, Helryx excluded herself from the Toa Code, which stipulates that Toa cannot kill their opponents.
Bionicle Bionicle Bionicle is a line of toys by the LEGO Group marketed primarily for 5- to 16-year-olds. The line was launched on December 30, 2000 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. "Bionicle" is a portmanteau constructed from the words "biological" and "chronicle"... character |
Lesovikk | |
Gender | Male |
Color | Green |
Weapons | Air Sword, Cordak Blaster |
Kanohi | Faxon, Great Mask of Kindred |
Allies | Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Order of Mata Nui |
Enemies | The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax, Karzahni |
Lesovikk is a guilt-ridden Toa of Air and the leader of the first Toa Team.
Due to his hesitation, which led to his team's death, Lesovikk blames himself for causing their deaths, and considers himself unworthy to be a Toa. His self-perceived failure to live up to the standards of the Toa exempts him from the code, and he is willing to kill his opponents.
As a Toa of Air, Lesovikk can create, control, and absorb air. This allows him to create windstorms and cyclones, and manipulate air pressure. After entering the Pit, he became a water breather.
He was granted the ability to breathe air by Mata Nui with the use of the Ignika, and has become amphibious.
He was later suspected with killing Karzahni, as his sword was found near his body, but Kopaka later suspected otherwise.
Powers and abilities
All Toa have elemental powers, are able to perform Nova Blasts (which is basically releasing all of the Toa's elemental energies at once, which weakens him/her greatly), and 6 Toa can combine their elemental powers to create a Protodermis Seal. Any six Toa can do this as long as two of the Toa are not Light and Shadow, as the two are cancelled out. This ability has only been seen being done by teams consisting of a Fire, Ice, Water, Air, Stone, and Earth. Toa are also able to use their Toa Power to heal certain things and create Toa Stones, which contain some of their own Toa Power. When a Toa has united with others, completed his or her duty, and achieved his or her destiny, he or she can sacrifice all of his or her Toa Power, and he or she becomes a Turaga.Controversy
In 2001, Lego faced legal action by Māori activists from New ZealandNew Zealand
New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses and numerous smaller islands. The country is situated some east of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and roughly south of the Pacific island nations of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga...
for trademarking Māori words used in naming the Bionicle product range for use in the Matoran language, including the names of some Toa, and even the word "Toa" itself. Despite this, many of the names of the Toa from Māori language, were still kept, though Lego was careful in naming characters from then on.