Timeline of sociology
This is a timeline of sociology
, listing especially important publications.
Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science—a term with which it is sometimes synonymous—which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity...
, listing especially important publications.
- 1810s in sociology1810s in sociologyThe following events related to sociology occurred in the 1810s.-1816:Events*Philosopher G. W. F. Hegel's Science of Logic is published.Births*Maurice Block *John Woolley...
- 1820s in sociology
- 1830s in sociology1830s in sociologyThe following events related to sociology occurred in the 1830s.-1831:Events*Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet's The Propensity to Crime is published.-1834:Events* Harriet Martineau's Illustrations of Taxation is published.Deaths...
- 1840s in sociology1840s in sociologyThe following events related to sociology occurred in the 1840s.-1840:*John Stuart Mill's A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive is published.*Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's What is Property? is published.-1842:...
- 1850s in sociology1850s in sociology-1852:Events*Karl Marx's The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte is published.Births*August 23: Arnold Toynbee-1855:Events*Søren Kierkegaard's Attack Upon Christendom is published....
- 1860s in sociology1860s in sociology-1862:Events*Lewis Morgan's The Indian Journals is published.*Herbert Spencer's First Principles is published.-1864:Events*Lewis Morgan's Ancient Society is published.*Herbert Spencer's Laws In General is published.Births...
- 1870s in sociology1870s in sociology-1871:*Pierre Guillaume Frédéric le Play's Le Organisation de Famille is published.*Carl Menger's Principles of Economics is published.*Lewis Henry Morgan's Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family is published....
- 1880s in sociology1880s in sociology-1881:Pierre Guillaume Frédéric le Play creates the sociological magazine La Reforme Sociale.-1882:*Friedrich Nietzsche's The Gay Science is published.*Leslie Stephen's The Science of Ethics is published.-1883:...
- 1890s in sociology1890s in sociology-1890:*Sir James George Frazer's The Golden Bough is published.*Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics is published.*Jose Rizal's La Indolencia de los Filipinos is published in Madrid...
- 1900s in sociology1900s in sociology-1900:*Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams is published.*Georg Simmel's The Philosophy of Money is published.-Births:*February 13: Paul Lazarsfeld*April 13: Jacques Lacan*June 16: Henri Lefebvre*December 16: Margaret Mead-1902:...
- 1910s in sociology1910s in sociology-1910:*Emily Greene Bloch's Our Slavic Fellow Citizens is published.*Lucien Lévy-Bruhl's How Natives Think is published.*Albion Small's The Meaning of the Social Sciences is published.*Franklin H...
- 1920s in sociology1920s in sociology-1920:*Morris Ginsberg's The Psychology of Society is published.*Robert Lowie's Primitive Society is published.*György Lukács' The Theory of the Novel is published.*Walter Benjamin's Theological-Political Fragment is written.-1921:...
- 1930s in sociology1930s in sociology-1930:*Sigmund Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents is published.*Maurice Halbwachs' The Causes of Suicide is published.*Robert Redfield's Tepozltan: Life in a Mexican Village is published....
- 1940s in sociology1940s in sociology-1940:*Marc Bloch's Feudal Society is published.*Marc Bloch's Strange Defeat; a Statement of Evidence is published.*Franz Boas's Race, Language and Culture is published.*Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard's The Nuer is published....
- 1950s in sociology1950s in sociology-1950:*Theodor Adorno's The Authoritarian Personality is published.*George Homans's The Human Group is published.*Thomas Humphrey Marshall's Citizenship and Social Class.*Richard Titmuss' The Problems of Social Policy is published....
- 1960s in sociology1960s in sociology-1960:*Raymond Aron's Main Currents in Sociological Thought is published.*Simone De Beauvoir's The Prime of Life is published.*Daniel Bell's The End of Ideology is published.*Friedrich Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty is published....
- 1970s in sociology1970s in sociology-1970:*Robert Adrey's Social Contract is published.*Jean Baudrillard's The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures is published.*Thomas R. Dye's and L...
- 1980s in sociology1980s in sociology-1980:*Raymond Boudon's Crisis in sociology : problems of sociological epistemology is published.*William Catton's Overshoot is published.*Michel Foucault's Power/Knowledge is published.*Richard Sennett's Authority is published.-1981:...
- 1990s in sociology1990s in sociology-1990:*Aung San Suu Kyi's Burma and India: Some aspects of intellectual life under colonialism is published.*Zygmunt Bauman's Thinking Sociologically is published.*James Coleman's Foundations of Social Theory is published....
- 2000s in sociology2000s in sociology-2000:*Zygmunt Bauman's Liquid Modernity is published.*Harriet Bradley's Social Inequalities: coming to terms with complexity is published.*Anthony Giddens' Runaway World is published.*Anthony Giddens' The Third Way and Its Critics is published....
- 2010s in sociology2010s in sociology-2010:*Evelyn Nakano Glenn serves as president of the ASA.-2011:*Erik Olin Wright serves as the 103rd president of the ASA....